Michael Zhang 399845160c
2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00

41 lines
1.1 KiB

(* A module for intervals over integers.
Here, the type is abstract and hidden from users of the code because
the corresponding .mli file does not mention the type 'intInterval'.
Thus it is not visible since it is not in the interface for this
This code is based on the Interval examples in Chapter 9 of Real
World OCaml by Jason Hickey, Anil Madhavapeddy and Yaron Minsky.
type intInterval = Interval of int * int
| Empty
type t = intInterval
let create (low: int) (high:int) : t =
Interval (low, high)
let is_empty (i:intInterval) : bool =
match i with
| Empty -> true
| Interval _ -> false
let contains (i:intInterval) (x:int) : bool =
match i with
| Empty -> false
| Interval (l,h) -> l <= x && x <= h
let intersect (i1:intInterval) (i2:intInterval) : intInterval =
match i1, i2 with
| Empty, _ | _, Empty -> Empty
| Interval (l1, h1), Interval (l2, h2) ->
Interval (max l1 l2, min h1 h2)
let to_string (i:intInterval) : string =
match i with
| Empty -> "Empty"
| Interval (l,h) -> "(" ^ string_of_int l ^ ", " ^ string_of_int h ^ ")"