Michael Zhang 399845160c
2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00

117 lines
2.9 KiB

(* More tail recurive tree functions.
These are from Charlie Harper and over a differnt type of tree.
type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a
| Fork of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
let t1 = Leaf 5
let t2 = Fork (3, Leaf 3, Fork (2,t1,t1))
let t3 = Fork ("Hello", Leaf "World", Leaf "!")
let ident = (fun x -> x)
let t_size t =
let rec t_size_rec t k =
match t with
| Leaf _ -> k 1
| Fork (_,tl,tr) ->
t_size_rec tl (fun l ->
t_size_rec tr (fun r ->
k (1 + l + r) ))
t_size_rec t ident
let t_sum t =
let rec t_sum_rec t k =
match t with
| Leaf v -> k v
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
t_sum_rec tl (fun l ->
t_sum_rec tr (fun r ->
k (v + l + r) ))
t_sum_rec t ident
let t_charcount t =
let rec t_charcount_rec t k =
match t with
| Leaf v -> k (String.length v)
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
t_charcount_rec tl (fun l ->
t_charcount_rec tr (fun r ->
k (l + r + String.length v) ))
t_charcount_rec t ident
let t_concat t =
let rec t_concat_rec t k =
match t with
| Leaf v -> k v
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
t_concat_rec tl (fun l ->
t_concat_rec tr (fun r ->
k (v ^ l ^ r) ))
t_concat_rec t ident
let t_elem_by (eq: 'a -> 'b -> bool) (elem: 'b) (t: 'a tree) : bool =
let rec t_elem_by_rec t k =
match t with
| Leaf v when eq v elem -> true
| Fork (v,_,_) when eq v elem -> true
| Leaf v -> k ()
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
t_elem_by_rec tl (fun u ->
t_elem_by_rec tr k)
t_elem_by_rec t (fun u -> false)
(* The ordering is left then fork value then right *)
(* t_to_list (Fork(1,Leaf 2,Leaf 3)) -> [2;1;3] *)
let t_to_list (t: 'a tree) : 'a list =
let rec t_to_list_rec t r k =
match t with
| Leaf v -> k (v::r)
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
t_to_list_rec tr r (fun r1 ->
t_to_list_rec tl (v::r1) k)
t_to_list_rec t [] ident
let tfold (l:'a -> 'b) (f:'a -> 'b -> 'b -> 'b) (t:'a tree) : 'b =
let rec tfold_rec t k =
match t with
| Leaf v -> k (l v)
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
tfold_rec tl (fun l ->
tfold_rec tr (fun r ->
k (f v l r) ))
tfold_rec t ident
(* A version of t_to_list that places the fork value first... *)
(* t_to_list (Fork(1,Leaf 2,Leaf 3)) -> [1;2;3] *)
let t_to_list_ff (t: 'a tree) : 'a list =
let rec t_to_list_rec t r k =
match t with
| Leaf v -> k (v::r)
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
t_to_list_rec tr r (fun r1 ->
t_to_list_rec tl r1 (fun r2 -> k (v::r2) ))
t_to_list_rec t [] ident
(* And a version that places the fork value last... *)
(* t_to_list (Fork(1,Leaf 2,Leaf 3)) -> [2;3;1] *)
let t_to_list_fl (t: 'a tree) : 'a list =
let rec t_to_list_rec t r k =
match t with
| Leaf v -> k (v::r)
| Fork (v,tl,tr) ->
t_to_list_rec tr (v::r) (fun r1 ->
t_to_list_rec tl r1 k)
t_to_list_rec t [] ident