174 lines
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174 lines
4.9 KiB
(* Person, Wolf, Goat, Cabbage
Consider the problem of a person needing to move his wolf, goat,
and cabbage across a river in his canoe, under the following
- The canoe holds only the person and one of the wolf, goat, or
- The goat and cabbage cannot be left unattended or the goat will
eat the cabbage.
- The wolf and the goat cannot be left unattended or the wolf will
eat the goat.
- Only the person can operate the canoe.
Is there a sequence of moves in which the person can safely transport
all across the river with nothing being eaten?
let rec explode = function
| "" -> []
| s -> String.get s 0 :: explode (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
let rec is_not_elem set v =
match set with
| [] -> true
| s::ss -> if s = v then false else is_not_elem ss v
let run e = (fun x -> ()) e
let is_elem v l =
List.fold_right (fun x in_rest -> if x = v then true else in_rest) l false
(* Types and functions for the crossing challenge. *)
(* Location: things are on the left (L) or right (R) side of the river. *)
type loc = L | R
(* A state in our search space is a configuration describing on which
side of the river the person, wolf, goat, and cabbage are. *)
type state = loc * loc * loc * loc
(* A state is safe, or OK, when the goat and cabbage are together only
when the person is also on the same side of the river and when the
wolf and the goat are together only when person is on the same side of
the river.
let ok_state ( (p,w,g,c) :state) : bool
= ( w<>g || p=w ) && ( g<>c || p=g )
(* The final state, or gaol state, is when everything is on the right (R)
side of the river.
let final s = s = (R,R,R,R)
let other_side = function
| L -> R
| R -> L
(* From a state s, what are the possible states to which we can move? *)
let moves (s:state) : state list =
let move_person (p,w,g,c) = [ ( other_side p, w, g, c ) ]
let move_wolf (p,w,g,c) = if p = w
then [ (other_side p, other_side w, g, c) ]
else [ ]
let move_goat (p,w,g,c) = if p = g
then [ (other_side p, w, other_side g, c) ]
else [ ]
let move_cabbage (p,w,g,c) = if p = c
then [ (other_side p, w, g, other_side c) ]
else [ ]
List.filter ok_state (move_person s @ move_wolf s @ move_goat s @ move_cabbage s)
let crossing_v1 () =
let rec go_from state path =
if final state
then Some path
match List.filter (is_not_elem path) (moves state) with
| [] -> None
| [a] -> (go_from a (path @ [a]) )
| [a;b] ->
(match go_from a (path @ [a]) with
| Some path' -> Some path'
| None -> go_from b (path @ [b])
| _ -> raise (Failure ("No way to move 3 things!"))
in go_from (L,L,L,L) [ (L,L,L,L) ]
(* Here is a solution that raises an exception when we've found a safe
sequence of moves. It then stops.
exception FoundPath of (loc * loc * loc * loc) list
let crossing_v2 () =
let rec go_from state path =
if final state
then raise (FoundPath path)
match List.filter (is_not_elem path) (moves state) with
| [] -> None
| [a] -> (go_from a (path @ [a]) )
| [a;b] ->
run (go_from a (path @ [a]) ) ;
go_from b (path @ [b])
| _ -> raise (Failure ("No way to move 3 things!"))
in try go_from (L,L,L,L) [ (L,L,L,L) ]
with FoundPath path -> Some path
(* A solution that allows use to keep looking for additional safe
sequences of moves.
exception KeepLooking
(* This is the same process_solution_exn function from search.ml *)
let rec process_solution_exn show s =
print_endline ( "Here is a solution:\n" ^ show s) ;
print_endline ("Do you like it?") ;
match is_elem 'Y' (explode (String.capitalize (read_line ()))) with
| true -> print_endline "Thanks for playing..." ; Some s
| false -> raise KeepLooking
(* Some function for printint a sequence of moves. *)
let show_list show l =
let rec sl l =
match l with
| [] -> ""
| [x] -> show x
| x::xs -> show x ^ "; " ^ sl xs
in "[ " ^ sl l ^ " ]"
let show_loc = function
| L -> "L"
| R -> "R"
let show_state (p,w,g,c) =
"(" ^ show_loc p ^ ", " ^ show_loc w ^ ", " ^
show_loc g ^ ", " ^ show_loc c ^ ")"
let show_path = show_list show_state
(* The solution that lets a user selected from all (2) safe paths. *)
let crossing_v3 () =
let rec go_from state path =
if final state
then process_solution_exn show_path path
match List.filter (is_not_elem path) (moves state) with
| [] -> raise KeepLooking
| [a] -> go_from a (path @ [a])
| [a;b] ->
(try go_from a (path @ [a]) with
| KeepLooking -> go_from b (path @ [b])
| _ -> raise (Failure ("No way to move 3 things!"))
in try go_from (L,L,L,L) [ (L,L,L,L) ] with
| KeepLooking -> None