71 lines
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71 lines
1.6 KiB
(* A doubly-linked list.
This imperative data type supports the following operations:
dl_nil : unit -> 'a dllist
dl_cons : 'a -> 'a dllist -> unit
dl_snoc : 'a -> 'a dllist -> unit
type 'a cell
= Nil
| Cell of 'a * 'a cell ref * 'a cell ref
type 'a dllist = 'a cell ref * 'a cell ref
let dl_nil () = (ref Nil, ref Nil)
let dl_cons elem dll =
match dll with
| rhead, rlast when !rhead = Nil && !rlast = Nil ->
let c = Cell (elem, ref Nil, ref Nil) in
let () = rhead := c in
let () = rlast := c in
| rhead, rlast ->
let next = ref (!rhead) in
let c = Cell (elem, ref Nil, next) in
let () = rhead := c in
match !next with
| Cell (_, prev, _) ->
let () = prev := c in ()
let dl_snoc elem dll =
match dll with
| rhead, rlast when !rhead = Nil && !rlast = Nil ->
let c = Cell (elem, ref Nil, ref Nil) in
let () = rhead := c in
let () = rlast := c in
| rhead, rlast ->
let prev = ref (!rlast) in
let c = Cell (elem, prev, ref Nil) in
let () = rlast := c in
match !prev with
| Cell (_, _, next) ->
let () = next := c in ()
let rec to_list_from_front dll =
match dll with
| rhead, rlast ->
match !rhead with
| Nil -> []
| Cell (elem, _, next) -> elem :: to_list_from_front (next, ref Nil)
let rec to_list_from_back dll =
match dll with
| rhead, rlast ->
match !rlast with
| Nil -> []
| Cell (elem, prev, _) -> elem :: to_list_from_back (ref Nil, prev)
let i0 = dl_nil ()
let () = dl_cons 3 i0
let () = dl_cons 2 i0
let () = dl_cons 1 i0
let () = dl_snoc 4 i0
let () = dl_snoc 5 i0