Michael Zhang 399845160c
2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00

39 lines
1.2 KiB

foldr f [] v = v
foldr f (x::xs) v = f x (foldr f xs v)
foldl f v [] = v
foldl f v (x::xs) = foldl f (f v x) xs
and b1 b2 = if b1 then b2 else false
andl l = foldl and true l
andr l = foldr and l true
andl (true::false::true::true::[])
Call by Name:
andl (true::false::true::true::[])
= foldl and true (true::false::true::true::[])
= foldl and (and and true true) (false::true::true::[])
= foldl and (and (and true true) false) (true::true::[])
= foldl and (and (and (and true true) false) true) (true::[])
= foldl and (and (and (and (and true true) false) true) true) []
= and (and (and (and true true) false) true) true
= if (and (and (and true true) false) true) then true else false
= if (if (and (and true true) false) then true else false) then true else false
= if (if (if (and true true) then false else false) then true else false) then true else false
= if (if (if (if true then true else false) then false else false) then true else false) then true else false
= if (if (if true then false else false) then true else false) then true else false
= if (if false then true else false) then true else false
= if false then true else false
= false
Call by Value:
andl (true::false::true::true::[])