Michael Zhang 399845160c
2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00

34 lines
769 B

(* A file containing various list processing functions.
This is can be used as a module from other files.
let rec map f l = match l with
| [ ] -> [ ]
| x::xs -> f x :: map f xs
let rec filter f l = match l with
| [ ] -> [ ]
| x::xs -> let rest = filter f xs
in if f x then x :: rest else rest
let rec foldr f v l = match l with
| [] -> v
| x::xs -> f x (foldr f v xs)
let rec foldl f v l = match l with
| [] -> v
| x::xs -> foldl f (f v x) xs
let is_elem v l =
foldr (fun x in_rest -> if x = v then true else in_rest) false l
let rec explode = function
| "" -> []
| s -> String.get s 0 :: explode (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
let rec implode = function
| [] -> ""
| c::cs -> String.make 1 c ^ implode cs