Michael Zhang 399845160c
2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00

86 lines
2.3 KiB

type formula = And of formula * formula
| Or of formula * formula
| Not of formula
| Prop of string
| True
| False
exception KeepLooking
type subst = (string * bool) list
let show_list show l =
let rec sl l =
match l with
| [] -> ""
| [x] -> show x
| x::xs -> show x ^ "; " ^ sl xs
in "[ " ^ sl l ^ " ]"
let show_string_bool_pair (s,b) =
"(\"" ^ s ^ "\"," ^ (if b then "true" else "false") ^ ")"
let show_subst = show_list show_string_bool_pair
let is_elem v l =
List.fold_right (fun x in_rest -> if x = v then true else in_rest) l false
let rec explode = function
| "" -> []
| s -> String.get s 0 :: explode (String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1))
let dedup lst =
let f elem to_keep =
if is_elem elem to_keep then to_keep else elem::to_keep
in List.fold_right f lst []
let rec lookup (s:string) (a:subst): bool =
match a with
| [] -> raise (Failure ("Prop " ^ s ^ " not found."))
| (a, b)::xs -> if a = s then b else (lookup s xs)
let rec eval (f:formula) (s:subst): bool =
match f with
| And (a, b) -> (eval a s) && (eval b s)
| Or (a, b) -> (eval a s) || (eval b s)
| Not a -> not (eval a s)
| Prop a -> lookup a s
| True -> true
| False -> false
let freevars (f:formula): string list =
let rec freevars' (f:formula) (s:string list): string list =
match f with
| And (a, b) -> (freevars' a s) @ (freevars' b s)
| Or (a, b) -> (freevars' a s) @ (freevars' b s)
| Not a -> (freevars' a s)
| Prop a -> a :: s
| True -> s
| False -> s
in dedup (freevars' f [])
let get_subst (vars:string list) (n:int): subst =
let rec on i lst =
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> (on (i + 1) xs) @ [(x, ((n lsr i) mod 2) = 1)]
in on 0 vars
let is_tautology (f:formula) (h:(subst -> subst option)): subst option =
let vars = freevars f in
let rec tautology (n:int) =
let s = get_subst vars n in
let res = eval f s in
try (if res then raise KeepLooking else h s) with
| KeepLooking -> if n > 0 then tautology (n - 1) else None
in tautology ((1 lsl (List.length vars)) - 1)
let is_tautology_first f = is_tautology f (fun s -> Some s)
let is_tautology_print_all f =
is_tautology f (fun s -> print_endline (show_subst s); raise KeepLooking)