int main() { // const int myConst1; const int myConst1 = 100; const int myConst2 = 200; const int* pMyConst; // init integer myConst1 = 100; // init pointer pMyConst = &myConst2; // change pointer pMyConst = &myConst2; // change integer myConst2 = myConst2 + 5; // change integer using pointer *pMyConst = myConst1 + 1; int myInt_3; int myInt_4 = 400; int* const cpMyInt_3 = &myInt_3; // initialize the pointer int* const cpMyInt_4; int* const cpMyInt_4 = &myInt_4; // initialize integer myInt_3 = 300; // change the integer myInt_4 = myInt_4 + 5; // change integer using pointer *cpMyInt_3 = myInt_4; // change the pointer cpMyInt_3 = &myInt_4; }