130 lines
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130 lines
4.6 KiB
* @file graphics_app.h
* @copyright 2017 3081 Staff, All rights reserved.
* Includes
#include <nanogui/nanogui.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
* Macros
#define __unused __attribute__((unused))
* Namespaces
* Forward Declarations
/// Call this function once before creating an instance of GraphicsApp
void InitGraphics();
/// Call this function after deleting all instances of GraphicsApp
void ShutdownGraphics();
* Class Definitions
/** @brief Base class for several cs3081 class projects that make use of
* graphics.
* The class uses the nanogui and nanovg libraries to support creating simple
* graphical user interfaces and drawing simple 2D graphics inside an OpenGL
* graphics context. nanogui has several additional dependencies including
* GLFW, which helps to open a graphics window and setup the OpenGL rendering
* context.
class GraphicsApp : public nanogui::Screen {
/// cs3081::InitGraphics() must be called before this constructor!
GraphicsApp(int width, int height, const std::string &caption);
virtual ~GraphicsApp();
// Callback methods -- override these and fill in to respond to user
// input events.
virtual void OnMouseMove(__unused int x, __unused int y) {}
virtual void OnLeftMouseDown(__unused int x, __unused int y) {}
virtual void OnLeftMouseUp(__unused int x, __unused int y) {}
virtual void OnRightMouseDown(__unused int x, __unused int y) {}
virtual void OnRightMouseUp(__unused int x, __unused int y) {}
virtual void OnKeyDown(__unused const char *c, __unused int modifiers) {}
virtual void OnKeyUp(__unused const char *c, __unused int modifiers) {}
virtual void OnSpecialKeyDown(__unused int key, __unused int scancode,
__unused int modifiers) {}
virtual void OnSpecialKeyUp(__unused int key, __unused int scancode,
__unused int modifiers) {}
* @brief Called once per frame.
* @param[in] dt The elapsed time since the last call.
* Override *ONE OF THESE* and fill it in to update your simulation code or
* any other updates you need to make to your model that are timed rather than
* in response to user input.
virtual void UpdateSimulation(__unused double dt) {}
virtual void UpdateSimulation(__unused uint dt) {}
* @brief Draw stuff with nanogui.
* @param[in] ctx Context for nanogui.
* Override this to draw graphics using the nanovg vector graphics library,
* which provides an easy way to draw 2D shapes to the screen.
virtual void DrawUsingNanoVG(__unused NVGcontext *ctx) {}
* @brief Draw stuff with OpenGL.
* Override this to draw graphics using raw OpenGL 2D or 3D graphics
* which provides an easy way to draw 2D shapes to the screen.
virtual void DrawUsingOpenGL(void) {}
/// After creating a new GraphicsApp, call this to start the app's
/// mainloop. Each time through the mainloop the app will: 1. respond
/// any user input events by calling the On*() callback methods, 2. call
/// UpdateSimulation(), and 3. call the two Draw*() methods. Note that
/// Run() does not return until the user closes the app and the program
/// is ready to shutdown.
void Run();
bool mouseButtonEvent(const Eigen::Vector2i &p, int button, bool down,
int modifiers);
bool mouseMotionEvent(const Eigen::Vector2i &p, const Eigen::Vector2i &rel,
int button, int modifiers);
bool keyboardEvent(int key, int scancode, int action, int modifiers) override;
void draw(NVGcontext *ctx) override;
void DrawContents();
double last_draw_time_;