94 lines
3.3 KiB
94 lines
3.3 KiB
// Server code which contains a name/email pairs and will fulfill
// requests from a client through System V IPC message queues.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
// data the server has and clients want: pairings of name and email
char *data[][2] = {
{"Chris Kauffman" ,"kauffman@umn.edu"},
{"Christopher Jonathan" ,"jonat003@umn.edu"},
{"Amy Larson" ,"larson@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Chris Dovolis" ,"dovolis@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Dan Knights" ,"knights@cs.umn.edu"},
{"George Karypis" ,"karypis@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Steven Jensen" ,"sjensen@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Daniel Keefe" ,"dfk@umn.edu"},
{"Michael W. Whalen" ,"whalen@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Catherine Qi Zhao" ,"qzhao@umn.edu"},
{"Dan Challou" ,"challou@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Steven Wu" ,"zsw@umn.edu"},
{"Michael Steinbach" ,"steinbac@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Jon Weissman" ,"jon@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Victoria Interrante" ,"interran@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Shana Watters" ,"watt0087@umn.edu"},
{"James Parker" ,"jparker@cs.umn.edu"},
{"James Moen" ,"moen0017@cs.umn.edu"},
{"Daniel Giesel" ,"giese138@umn.edu"},
{"Jon Read" ,"readx028@umn.edu"},
{"Sara Stokowski" ,"stoko004@umn.edu"},
// structure to store a lookup. client fills in with name, server
// fills in email if found in
typedef struct {
long mtype; // contains PID of sending process
char name[256]; // name desired
char email[256]; // email associated with name
} lookup_t;
int signalled = 0;
void handle_signals(int sig_num){
signalled = 1;
int main() {
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
struct sigaction my_sa = {}; // portable signal handling setup with sigaction()
my_sa.sa_handler = handle_signals; // run function handle_signals
sigaction(SIGTERM, &my_sa, NULL); // register SIGCONT with given action
sigaction(SIGINT, &my_sa, NULL); // register SIGCONT with given action
printf("starting server\n");
key_t key;
key = ftok("em_server_mq.c", 0);
int to_server_qid = msgget(key, 0644 | IPC_CREAT);
key = ftok("em_client_mq.c", 0);
int to_clients_qid = msgget(key, 0644 | IPC_CREAT);
printf("SERVER: created/attached to message queues\n");
lookup_t request;
msgrcv(to_server_qid, &request, sizeof(lookup_t), 0, 0);
printf("%ld B SERVER: received request {pid=%ld name=\"%s\" }\n",
request.mtype, request.mtype, request.name);
char *name = request.name;
int found = 0;
for(int i=0; data[i][0] != NULL; i++){
if(strcmp(name, data[i][0]) == 0){
strcpy(request.email, data[i][1]);
found = 1;
strcpy(request.email, "NOT FOUND");
printf("%ld C SERVER: filling request {pid=%ld name=\"%s\" email=\"%s\" }\n",
request.mtype,request.mtype, request.name, request.email);
msgsnd(to_clients_qid, &request, sizeof(request), 0);
msgctl(to_server_qid, IPC_RMID, NULL); // clean up the message queues
msgctl(to_clients_qid, IPC_RMID, NULL);