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2018-01-29 17:28:37 -06:00
#include "commando.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
cmdctl_t commands;
const char *HELP_CONTENTS =
"help : show this message\n"
"exit : exit the program\n"
"list : list all jobs that have been started giving "
"information on each\n"
"pause nanos secs : pause for the given number of nanseconds and "
"output-for int : print the output for given job number\n"
"output-all : print output for all jobs\n"
"wait-for int : wait until the given job number finishes\n"
"wait-all : wait for all jobs to finish\n"
"command arg1 ... : non-built-in is run as a job";
void cleanup() { cmdctl_freeall(&commands); }
// define command handlers
void exit_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) {
void help_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) { printf("%s\n", HELP_CONTENTS); }
void list_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) { cmdctl_print(&commands); }
void pause_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) {
if (ntok < 3) return;
long nsec = atol(tokens[1]);
int sec = atoi(tokens[2]);
pause_for(nsec, sec);
void output_cmd(cmd_t *command) {
printf("@<<< Output for %s[#%d] (%d bytes):\n", command->name, command->pid,
void output_for_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) {
if (ntok < 2) return;
int id = atoi(tokens[1]);
if (id > commands.size) return;
void output_all_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) {
for (int i = 0, l = commands.size; i < l; ++i) {
void wait_for_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) {
if (ntok < 2) return;
int id = atoi(tokens[1]);
if (id > commands.size) return;
cmd_update_state(commands.cmd[id], DOBLOCK);
void wait_all_handler(char **tokens, int ntok) {
for (int i = 0, l = commands.size; i < l; ++i) {
cmd_update_state(commands.cmd[i], DOBLOCK);
const char *COMMANDS[8] = {"help", "exit", "list", "pause",
"output-for", "output-all", "wait-for", "wait-all"};
void (*HANDLERS[8])(char **, int);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
char input[MAX_LINE + 1];
char *tokens[ARG_MAX];
char cmd_flag;
int ntok = 0;
commands.size = 0;
HANDLERS[0] = (void *)help_handler;
HANDLERS[1] = (void *)exit_handler;
HANDLERS[2] = (void *)list_handler;
HANDLERS[3] = (void *)pause_handler;
HANDLERS[4] = (void *)output_for_handler;
HANDLERS[5] = (void *)output_all_handler;
HANDLERS[6] = (void *)wait_for_handler;
HANDLERS[7] = (void *)wait_all_handler;
// echoing option
char echoing = 0;
if ((argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[1], "--echo", 6)) || getenv("COMMANDO_ECHO"))
echoing = 1;
while (1) {
// Print the prompt @>
printf("@> ");
// Use a call to fgets() to read a whole line of text from the user. The
// #define MAX_LINE limits the length of what will be read. If no input
// remains, print End of input and break out of the loop.
char *result = fgets(input, MAX_LINE, stdin);
if (!result) {
printf("\nEnd of input\n");
// Echo (print) given input if echoing is enabled.
if (echoing) {
printf("%s", input);
// Use a call to parse_into_tokens() from util.c to break the line up by
// spaces. If there are no tokens, jump to the end of the loop (the use
// just
// hit enter).
parse_into_tokens(input, tokens, &ntok);
if (!ntok) {
// Examine the 0th token for built-ins like help, list, and so forth.
// Use strncmp() to determine if any match and make appropriate calls.
// This will be a long if/else chain of statements. (why?)
cmd_flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (!strncmp(tokens[0], COMMANDS[i], strlen(COMMANDS[i]))) {
cmd_flag = 1;
HANDLERS[i](tokens, ntok);
// If no built-ins match, create a new cmd_t instance where the tokens
// are the argv[] for it and start it running.
if (!cmd_flag) {
cmd_t *cmd = cmd_new(tokens);
cmdctl_add(&commands, cmd);
// At the end of each loop, update the state of all child processes via
// a call to cmdctl_update_state().
cmdctl_update_state(&commands, NOBLOCK);