__________________ LAB 01 QUESTIONS __________________ - Name: Michael Zhang - NetID: zhan4854 Answer the questions below according to the lab specification. Write your answers directly in this text file and submit it to complete Lab01. PROBLEM 1 ========= Show output of the collatz sequence program starting at 17. Enter the starting integer: 17 The next value in the Collatz sequence is 52 Show output of steps (0:NO, any other int: yes): 1 Step 0: 17 Step 1: 52 Step 2: 26 Step 3: 13 Step 4: 40 Step 5: 20 Step 6: 10 Step 7: 5 Step 8: 16 Step 9: 8 Step 10: 4 Step 11: 2 Step 12: 1 The starting value 17 converged to 1 in 12 steps PROBLEM 2 ========= Paste the Makefile you created for the lcd-clock project below. CFLAGS = -Wall -g CC = gcc $(CFLAGS) clock_sim: lcd_clock.o lcd_clock_main.o lcd_clock.h lcd_update.o $(CC) -o clock_sim $^ @echo "clock_sim ready for duty" lcd_clock.o: lcd_clock.c lcd_clock.h $(CC) -c $< lcd_clock_main.o: lcd_clock_main.c lcd_clock.h $(CC) -c $< lcd_update.o: lcd_update.c lcd_clock.h $(CC) -c $< test: clock_tests @echo "Running clock_tests" ./clock_tests @echo "Tests Complete" clock_tests: lcd_tests.c lcd_clock.o lcd_update.o lcd_clock.h $(CC) -o $@ $^ clean: rm -f *.o