// demonstrate creation of zombie processes: children that outlive // their parent #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(int argc, char* argv){ // char *child_argv[] = {"zombie",NULL}; // char *child_cmd = "zombie"; pid_t child_pid = fork(); // CHILD CODE if(child_pid == 0){ printf("ZOMBIE %d: Brains...\n", getpid()); sleep(1); exit(0); // execvp(child_cmd, child_argv); } // PARENT CODE printf("NECROMANCER: Go forth my servant #%d...\n",child_pid); printf("NECROMANCER: Now for a nap...\n"); sleep(10); wait(NULL); // printf("NECROMANCER: I'm not waiting around to see what happens\n"); return 0; }