This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 26 additions and 11 deletions
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
#pragma region Iteration
int it = 0;
while (*dirtyBit) {
for (int it=0;it < 20 && *dirtyBit; ++it) {
printf("Iteration %d (dirty=%d)\n", it, *dirtyBit);
// Update each centroid to be the average coordinate of all contained data
@ -219,8 +219,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
assignClosestCentroid<<<N, 1>>>(N, num_clusters, dirtyBit,
centroidDistances, clusterMap);
#pragma endregion
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Michael Zhang \<zhan4854\@umn.edu\>
1. A short description of how you went about parallelizing the k-means algorithm. You should include how you decomposed the problem and why, i.e., what were the tasks being parallelized.
1. *A short description of how you went about parallelizing the k-means algorithm. You should include how you decomposed the problem and why, i.e., what were the tasks being parallelized.*
My parallelized program included the following procedures:
@ -16,12 +16,22 @@ Michael Zhang \<zhan4854\@umn.edu\>
I tried to make sure every thread is computing approximately one single for-loop's worth of data, most of the time over the $d$ axis
2. Give details about how many elements and how the computations in your kernels are handled by a thread.
2. *Give details about how many elements and how the computations in your kernels are handled by a thread.*
Threads are dynamically allocated
I used the dynamic thread allocation method based on the size of the data.
3. Ensure you include details about the thread hierarchy, i.e., whether the threads are organized in a 1D, 2D, or, 3D fashion in a thread-block, and whether the thread-blocks are arranged 1D, 2D, or, 3D grid. NOTE: If you choose to write CUDA kernels where the number of thread blocks is determined dynamically by the program during runtime, then send -1 as the input argument for the number of thread blocks to the invocation. In your program, use -1 as a flag to indicate that the number of thread blocks will need to be computed during runtime.
For most of the kernels, the computation is very simple: perform a row-reduction into a different array. Since all the accesses are disjoint, I don't synchronize between threads.
4. You need to perform a parameter study in order to determine how the number of elements processed by a thread and the size of a thread-block, i.e., the \# threads in a block, affect the performance of your algorithm. Your writeup should contain some results showing the runtime that you obtained for different choices.
However, for averaging the datapoints, I unfortunately need to run a $N times K times D$ operation that involves a sum reduction. I tried using a tree-based approach after doing some bitwise math to avoid the conditional of whether it's in the same class, but the plain approach is simpler and I did not get the other one to work.
5. You should include results on the 'large_cpd.txt' dataset with 256, 512, and 1024 clusters.
3. *Ensure you include details about the thread hierarchy, i.e., whether the threads are organized in a 1D, 2D, or, 3D fashion in a thread-block, and whether the thread-blocks are arranged 1D, 2D, or, 3D grid. NOTE: If you choose to write CUDA kernels where the number of thread blocks is determined dynamically by the program during runtime, then send -1 as the input argument for the number of thread blocks to the invocation. In your program, use -1 as a flag to indicate that the number of thread blocks will need to be computed during runtime.*
I used a 1D thread hierarchy. This is because all my accesses are already basically along the "good" axis, so I'm not doing any strides along other dimensions.
4. *You need to perform a parameter study in order to determine how the number of elements processed by a thread and the size of a thread-block, i.e., the \# threads in a block, affect the performance of your algorithm. Your writeup should contain some results showing the runtime that you obtained for different choices.*
5. *You should include results on the 'large_cpd.txt' dataset with 256, 512, and 1024 clusters.*
- 256: 26.8258s
- 512: 62.1212s
- 1024: 163.4022s
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
set -euo pipefail
rsync -azPr --exclude 'large_cpd.txt' . $HOST:~/hwk4
ssh $HOST bash -c 'set -euo pipefail; module load soft/cuda/local; module initadd soft/cuda/local; cd hwk4; make clean; make; ls; ./km_cuda ./dataset/small_gaussian.txt 2 64 128'
rsync -azPr --exclude 'large_cpd.txt' zhan4854@csel-cuda-02.cselabs.umn.edu:~/hwk4/ .
# DATAFILE="small_gaussian.txt"
ssh $HOST bash -c "set -euo pipefail; module load soft/cuda/local; module initadd soft/cuda/local; cd hwk4; make clean; make; ls; ./km_cuda ./dataset/$DATAFILE $CLUSTERS 64 128"
rsync -qazPr --exclude 'large_cpd.txt' zhan4854@csel-cuda-02.cselabs.umn.edu:~/hwk4/ .
Add table
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