% CSCI 5521 Introduction to Machine Learning % Rui Kuang % Run perceptron on random data points in two classes % n = 200; %set the number of data points % mydata = rand(n,2); % % shiftidx = abs(mydata(:,1)-mydata(:,2))>0.00005; % mydata = mydata(shiftidx,:); % myclasses = mydata(:,1)>mydata(:,2); % labels % n = size(mydata,1); % X = [mydata ones(1,n)']'; Y=myclasses; % Y = Y * 2 -1; % % % init weigth vector % %%% w = [mean(mydata) 0]'; % w = [1 0 0]; for i = 1:1 %%% w=rand(1,3)' w = [0.6842 0.5148 0] w(3,1)=0%go through the origin for visualization % call perceptron wtag=perceptron(X,Y,w,10); end % call perceptron % wtag=perceptron(X,Y,w); % predict ytag=wtag'*X; % plot prediction over origianl data %plot(X(1,ytag<0),X(2,ytag<0),'bo') %plot(X(1,ytag>0),X(2,ytag>0),'ro') %legend('class -1','class +1','pred -1','pred +1')