% CSCI 5521 Introduction to Machine Learning % Rui Kuang % Demonstration of Classification by 1-D Gaussians %mean and standard deviation of class blue mu1 = -2;sd1 = 2; %mean and standard deviation of class red mu2 = 2;sd2 = 4; %generate x-axis sd = max(sd1,sd2); ix = -6*sd-1:1e-1:6*sd+1; %covers more than 99% of the curve iy1 = pdf('normal', ix, mu1, sd1); iy2 = pdf('normal', ix, mu2, sd2); subplot(1,2,1); plot(ix,iy1,'b'); hold on; plot(ix,iy2,'r'); title('PDF P(X)'); %prior p1=0.8; p2=1-p1; %calculate the posteriors iy1_n = p1*iy1 ./ (p1*iy1+p2*iy2); iy2_n = p2*iy2 ./ (p1*iy1+p2*iy2); subplot(1,2,2); plot(ix,iy1_n,'b'); hold on; plot(ix,iy2_n,'r'); title('Posteriors P(C | x)');