--- geometry: margin=2cm output: pdf_document --- \renewcommand{\c}[1]{\textcolor{gray}{#1}} 1. **(20 points)** \c{Derive the VC dimension of the following classifiers.} 2. 3. **(20 points)** \c{Let $P (x|C)$ denote a Bernoulli density function for a class $C \in {C_1, C_2}$ and $P (C)$ denote the prior} a. \c{Given the priors $P (C_1)$ and $P (C_2)$, and the Bernoulli densities specified by $p_1 \equiv p(x = 0|C_1)$ and $p_2 \equiv p(x = 0|C_2)$, derive the classification rules for classifying a sample $x$ into $C_1$ and $C_2$ based on the posteriors $P (C_1|x)$ and $P (C_2|x)$. (Hint: give rules for classifying $x = 0$ and $x = 1$.)} For $x=0$, the posteriors $P(C_i | x)$ are given by $P(C_i | x = 0) = \frac{p(x = 0 | C_i) p(C_i)}{p(x = 0)}$. - $p(x = 0 | C_i)$ is given to us as $p_1$