% CSCI 5521 Introduction to Machine Learning % Rui Kuang % Perceptron function function [w] = perceptron(X,Y,w_init,rate) w = w_init; N = size(X,2); pos_idx = (Y==1); neg_idx = (Y==-1); mxx = max(X(1,:)); mnx=-0.1*mxx;%for visualization %mnx = min(X(1,:)); mxy = max(X(2,:)); mny=-0.1*mxy; % for visualization %mny = min(X(2,:)); %%% figure; %%% ginput(1); err = 1; round = 0; while err > 0 for ii = 1 : N %cycle through training set if sign(w'*X(:,ii)) ~= Y(ii) %wrong decision? w = w + rate*X(:,ii) * Y(ii); %then add (or subtract) this point to w x1=mnx:0.01:mxx; x2=-(w(1)*x1+w(3))/w(2); %%% figure; %%% clf; %%% hold on %%% plot(X(1,pos_idx),X(2,pos_idx),'b*','MarkerSize',10); %%% plot(X(1,neg_idx),X(2,neg_idx),'r+','MarkerSize',10); %%% plot(X(1,ii),X(2,ii),'ko','MarkerSize',15); %%% plot(x1,x2); %%% xlim([mnx mxx]); %%% ylim([mny mxy]); %ginput(1); % pause(0.5); %change the delay rate = rate * 0.9; end end round = round + 1; err = sum(sign(w'*X)~=Y')/N; %show misclassification rate end round