some progress on extra exercises
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4 changed files with 39 additions and 135 deletions
@ -3,3 +3,42 @@ module extraexercises where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
J : {A : Set}
→ (C : (x y : A) → x ≡ y → Set)
→ (c : (x : A) → C x x refl)
→ (x y : A) → (p : x ≡ y) → C x y p
J C c x x refl = c x
inv : {A : Set} {a b : A}
→ (d : a ≡ b)
→ sym (sym d) ≡ d
inv {A} {a} {b} d =
J (λ x y p → sym (sym p) ≡ p ) (λ x → refl) a b d
-- Problem 2
assoc : {A : Set} {a b c d : A}
→ (e : a ≡ b)
→ (f : b ≡ c)
→ (g : c ≡ d)
→ trans (trans e f) g ≡ trans e (trans f g)
assoc {a} {b} {c} {d} e f g =
let whatever = J {! !} {! !} {! !} {! !} {! !} in
{! !}
-- Problem 6
-- id : {A : Set} → (a : A) → a ≡ a
-- id a = refl
-- interchange : {A : Set}
-- → (a : A)
-- → (d : id a ≡ id a)
-- → (e : id a ≡ id a)
-- → trans d e ≡ trans e d
-- interchange a d e =
-- let transde = trans d e in
-- let transed = trans e d in
-- let tmpl = J (λ x y p → {! !}) (λ x → {! !}) (id a) (id a) transde in
-- {! !}
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
open Belt
open Data
let _genSymCtr = ref(0)
let genSym = (~prefix="var", ()): string => {
let num = _genSymCtr.contents
_genSymCtr := num + 1
let rec isSubtype = (ctx: context, tyA: typ, tyB: typ): result<context, string> => {
switch (tyA, tyB) {
| (_, _) => failwith("TODO")
and typecheck = (ctx: context, term: term, typ: typ): result<context, string> => {
switch (term, typ) {
// 1I rule
| (Unit, TUnit) => Ok(ctx)
// ∀I rule
| (e, TPolytype(x, tyA)) => failwith("TODO ∀I-rule")
// →I rule
| (Lam(x, e), TArrow(tyA, tyB)) =>
let augmentedCtx = ctx->List.add(TermAnnot(x, tyA))
typecheck(augmentedCtx, e, tyB)-> => ctx)
// Sub rule
| (_, _) =>
let tyA = synthesize(ctx, term)
let tyA' = applyContext(ctx, tyA)
and synthesize = (ctx: context, term: term): result<(typ, context), string> => {
switch term {
// Var rule
| Var(name) => lookupTypeVariable(ctx, name)-> => (ty, ctx))
// 1I⇒ rule
| Unit => Ok(TUnit, ctx)
// Anno rule
| Annot(e, tyA) => typecheck(ctx, e, tyA)-> => (tyA, ctx))
// →I⇒ rule
| Lam(x, e) =>
// TODO: Check x and e
let exA = genSym(~prefix="ex", ())
let exB = genSym(~prefix="ex", ())
let augmentedCtx = list{TermAnnot(x, TVar(exA)), TypeVar(exB), TypeVar(exA), ...ctx}
typecheck(augmentedCtx, e, TVar(exB))-> => (
TArrow(TExistential(exA), TExistential(exB)),
// →E rule
| App(e1, e2) => synthesize(ctx, e1)->Result.flatMap(((tyA, ctx)) => appSynthesize(ctx, tyA, e2))
and appSynthesize = (ctx: context, funTy: typ, term: term): result<(typ, context), string> => {
switch (funTy, term) {
// →App rule
| (TArrow(tyA, tyC), e) => typecheck(ctx, e, tyA)-> => (tyC, ctx))
// ∀App rule
| (TPolytype(a, tyA), e) => failwith("TODO")
// âApp rule
| (TExistential(_), _) => failwith("TODO")
| (TUnit | TVar(_), _) => Error("trying to appSynthesize with a non-function type")
// Figure 8. Applying a context, as a substitution, to a type
and applyContext = (ctx: context, typ: typ): typ => {
switch typ {
| TUnit => TUnit
| TVar(x) => TVar(x)
| TExistential(_) => failwith("TODO")
| TPolytype(_) => failwith("TODO")
| TArrow(a, b) => TArrow(applyContext(ctx, a), applyContext(ctx, b))
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
type rec term =
| Unit // ()
| Var(string) // x
| Lam(string, term) // λx.e
| App(term, term) // e e
| Annot(term, typ) // (e : A)
and typ =
| TUnit // 1
| TVar(string) // α
| TExistential(string) // â
| TPolytype(string, typ) // ∀α.A
| TArrow(typ, typ) // A -> B
and monotyp =
// Unit monotype
| MUnit // 1
| MVar(string) // α
| MExistential(string) // â
| MArrow(monotyp, monotyp) // τ -> σ
type rec contextEntry =
| TypeVar(string) // Γ,α
| TermAnnot(string, typ) // Γ,x:A
| ExistentialVar(string) // Γ,â
| ExistentialSolved(string, monotyp) // Γ,â=τ
| Marker(string) // Γ,🢒â
type rec completeContextEntry =
| CCTypeVar(string) // Ω,α
| CCTermAnnot(string, typ) // Ω,x:A
| CCExistentialSolved(string, monotyp) // Ω,â=τ
| CCMarker(string) // Ω,🢒â
type context = list<contextEntry>
/** Context lookup */
let rec lookupTypeVariable = (ctx: list<contextEntry>, name: string): result<typ, string> => {
switch ctx {
| list{} => Error(`could not find name ${name}`)
| list{TermAnnot(n, t), ..._} if n == name => Ok(t)
| list{_,} => lookupTypeVariable(rest, name)
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
open Js
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