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use std::prelude::rust_2021::*;
extern crate std;
extern crate contracts;
extern crate tracing;
extern crate trace;
use lalrpop_util::lalrpop_mod;
pub mod abstract_data {
pub trait Data {
fn synthesize() {}
pub mod bidir {
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use crate::data::{Context, ContextEntry, FreeVar, Monotype, Term, Type};
use crate::gensym::gensym_existential;
pub fn app_ctx(ctx: &Context, ty: &Type) -> Result<Type> {
match ty {
Type::Unit => Ok(Type::Unit),
Type::Var(s) => Ok(Type::Var(s.clone())),
Type::Existential(a) =>
match ctx.lookup_existential(a) {
Some((_, Some(m))) => Ok(m.into_poly()),
Some((_, None)) => Ok(Type::Existential(a.clone())),
None =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("existential variable {0} doesn\'t exist in context",
Type::Polytype(a, t) => {
Ok(Type::Polytype(a.clone(), Box::new(app_ctx(ctx, t)?)))
Type::Arrow(a, b) =>
Ok(Type::Arrow(Box::new(app_ctx(ctx, a)?),
Box::new(app_ctx(ctx, b)?))),
/// Under input context Γ , type A is a subtype of B, with output context ∆
pub fn subtype(ctx: &Context, left: &Type, right: &Type)
-> Result<Context> {
match (left, right) {
(Type::Unit, Type::Unit) => Ok(ctx.clone()),
(Type::Var(x), Type::Var(y)) if
x == y && ctx.lookup_type(x).is_some() => Ok(ctx.clone()),
(Type::Existential(x), Type::Existential(y)) if
x == y && ctx.lookup_existential(x).is_some() => {
(Type::Existential(a), ty_a) if
&& ctx.lookup_existential(a).is_some() => {
let ctx_delta = instantiate_left(ctx, a, ty_a)?;
(ty_a, Type::Existential(a)) if
&& ctx.lookup_existential(a).is_some() => {
let ctx_delta = instantiate_right(ctx, ty_a, a)?;
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Polytype(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Existential(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Polytype(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Existential(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Polytype(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
_ =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("subtyping relation failed between {0:?} and {1:?} (ctx = {2:?})",
left, right, ctx));
pub fn instantiate_left(ctx: &Context, a: &str, ty_a: &Type)
-> Result<Context> {
match ty_a {
Type::Existential(b) if
ctx.has_existential(a) && ctx.has_existential(b) => {
let mut new_ctx = ctx.clone();
let b_entry =
match entry {
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar(x) if x == b => true,
_ => false,
}).expect("should exist");
*b_entry =
Type::Existential(_b) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Unit => ::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Var(_) => ::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Polytype(_, _) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Arrow(_, _) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
pub fn instantiate_right(ctx: &Context, ty_a: &Type, a: &str)
-> Result<Context> {
match ty_a {
Type::Arrow(ty_a1, ty_a2) if ctx.has_existential(a) => {
::std::io::_print(format_args!("original ctx: {0:?}\n",
let (ex_a1_s, ex_a2_s, ctx_gamma_aug) =
let ctx_theta =
instantiate_left(&ctx_gamma_aug, &ex_a1_s, &ty_a1)?;
let ty_a2_aug = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, &ty_a2)?;
let ctx_delta =
instantiate_right(&ctx_theta, &ty_a2_aug, &ex_a2_s)?;
Type::Polytype(beta, ty_b) if ctx.has_existential(a) => {
let ex_b = gensym_existential();
let aug_ctx =
ctx.add(<[_]>::into_vec(#[rustc_box] ::alloc::boxed::Box::new([ContextEntry::Marker(ex_b.to_owned()),
let aug_b =
ty_b.subst(beta, &Type::Existential(ex_b.to_owned()));
let out_ctx = instantiate_right(&aug_ctx, &aug_b, a)?;
let (before, _after) =
match entry {
ContextEntry::Marker(m) if *m == ex_b => true,
_ => false,
ty_a if ty_a.is_mono() && ctx.has_existential(a) => {
let (before, after) =
match entry {
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar(n) if n == a => true,
_ => false,
let ty_a_mono = ty_a.into_mono().unwrap();
ContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(a.to_owned(), ty_a_mono),
Type::Unit => ::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Var(_) => ::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Existential(_) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
_ => ::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
pub fn typecheck(ctx: &Context, term: &Term, ty: &Type)
-> Result<Context> {
match (term, ty) {
(Term::Unit, Type::Unit) => Ok(ctx.clone()),
(_e, Type::Polytype(_x, _tyA)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Term::Lam(_x, _e), Type::Arrow(_ty_a, _ty_b)) => {
let _aug_ctx = ctx.clone();
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented")
(term, ty) => {
let (ty_a, ctx_theta) = synthesize(ctx, term)?;
let a = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, &ty_a)?;
let b = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, ty)?;
let ctx_delta = subtype(&ctx_theta, &a, &b)?;
pub fn synthesize(ctx: &Context, term: &Term) -> Result<(Type, Context)> {
match term {
Term::Var(name) if ctx.has_type(name) => {
let (_, ty) = ctx.lookup_type(name).unwrap();
Ok((ty, ctx.clone()))
Term::Var(name) =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("could not find name {0}",
Term::Unit => Ok((Type::Unit, ctx.clone())),
Term::Annot(e, ty_a) => {
let ctx_delta = typecheck(ctx, &e, ty_a)?;
Ok((ty_a.clone(), ctx_delta))
Term::Lam(x, e) => {
let ex_a_s = gensym_existential();
let ex_b_s = gensym_existential();
let ex_gen =
let res =
::alloc::fmt::format(format_args!("{0}*", ex_a_s));
let ex_a = Type::Existential(ex_a_s.clone());
let ex_b = Type::Existential(ex_b_s.clone());
let aug_ctx =
ctx.add(<[_]>::into_vec(#[rustc_box] ::alloc::boxed::Box::new([ContextEntry::Marker(ex_a_s.clone()),
ContextEntry::TermAnnot(x.clone(), ex_a.clone())])));
let wtf_ctx = typecheck(&aug_ctx, &e, &ex_b)?;
use ::tracing::__macro_support::Callsite as _;
static __CALLSITE: ::tracing::callsite::DefaultCallsite =
static META: ::tracing::Metadata<'static> =
::tracing_core::metadata::Metadata::new("event bidir/src/",
"bidir::bidir", ::tracing::Level::INFO,
let enabled =
::tracing::Level::INFO <=
::tracing::level_filters::STATIC_MAX_LEVEL &&
::tracing::Level::INFO <=
::tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter::current() &&
let interest = __CALLSITE.interest();
!interest.is_never() &&
if enabled {
(|value_set: ::tracing::field::ValueSet|
let meta = __CALLSITE.metadata();
::tracing::Event::dispatch(meta, &value_set);
use ::tracing::field::{debug, display, Value};
let mut iter = __CALLSITE.metadata().fields().iter();
__CALLSITE.metadata().fields().value_set(&[(&::core::iter::Iterator::next(&mut iter).expect("FieldSet corrupted (this is a bug)"),
::core::option::Option::Some(&format_args!("WTF CTX {0:?}",
wtf_ctx) as &dyn Value))])
} else { ; }
let (before_marker, after_marker) =
match entry {
ContextEntry::Marker(m) if *m == ex_a_s => true,
_ => false,
use ::tracing::__macro_support::Callsite as _;
static __CALLSITE: ::tracing::callsite::DefaultCallsite =
static META: ::tracing::Metadata<'static> =
::tracing_core::metadata::Metadata::new("event bidir/src/",
"bidir::bidir", ::tracing::Level::INFO,
let enabled =
::tracing::Level::INFO <=
::tracing::level_filters::STATIC_MAX_LEVEL &&
::tracing::Level::INFO <=
::tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter::current() &&
let interest = __CALLSITE.interest();
!interest.is_never() &&
if enabled {
(|value_set: ::tracing::field::ValueSet|
let meta = __CALLSITE.metadata();
::tracing::Event::dispatch(meta, &value_set);
use ::tracing::field::{debug, display, Value};
let mut iter = __CALLSITE.metadata().fields().iter();
__CALLSITE.metadata().fields().value_set(&[(&::core::iter::Iterator::next(&mut iter).expect("FieldSet corrupted (this is a bug)"),
::core::option::Option::Some(&format_args!("Unsolved: {0:?}",
after_marker.unsolved_existentials()) as &dyn Value))])
} else { ; }
let mut tau =
&Type::Arrow(Box::new(ex_a), Box::new(ex_b)))?;
for name in after_marker.unsolved_existentials() {
use ::tracing::__macro_support::Callsite as _;
static __CALLSITE: ::tracing::callsite::DefaultCallsite =
static META: ::tracing::Metadata<'static> =
::tracing_core::metadata::Metadata::new("event bidir/src/",
"bidir::bidir", ::tracing::Level::WARN,
let enabled =
::tracing::Level::WARN <=
::tracing::level_filters::STATIC_MAX_LEVEL &&
::tracing::Level::WARN <=
::tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter::current() &&
let interest = __CALLSITE.interest();
!interest.is_never() &&
if enabled {
(|value_set: ::tracing::field::ValueSet|
let meta = __CALLSITE.metadata();
::tracing::Event::dispatch(meta, &value_set);
use ::tracing::field::{debug, display, Value};
let mut iter = __CALLSITE.metadata().fields().iter();
__CALLSITE.metadata().fields().value_set(&[(&::core::iter::Iterator::next(&mut iter).expect("FieldSet corrupted (this is a bug)"),
::core::option::Option::Some(&format_args!("substituting {0:?} looking for {1}",
tau, name) as &dyn Value))])
} else { ; }
tau = tau.subst(&name, &Type::Var(ex_gen.clone()));
Ok((Type::Polytype(ex_gen, Box::new(tau)), before_marker))
Term::App(e1, e2) => {
let (ty_a, ctx_theta) = synthesize(ctx, e1)?;
let app_a = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, &ty_a)?;
let (ty_c, ctx_delta) =
app_synthesize(&ctx_theta, &app_a, &e2)?;
Ok((ty_c, ctx_delta))
pub fn app_synthesize(ctx: &Context, fun_ty: &Type, term: &Term)
-> Result<(Type, Context)> {
match (fun_ty, term) {
(Type::Arrow(ty_a, ty_c), e) => {
let out_ctx = typecheck(ctx, e, ty_a)?;
Ok((*ty_c.clone(), out_ctx))
(Type::Polytype(a, ty_a), e) => {
let ex_s = gensym_existential();
let ex = ContextEntry::ExistentialVar(ex_s.clone());
let aug_ctx =
ctx.add(<[_]>::into_vec(#[rustc_box] ::alloc::boxed::Box::new([ex.clone()])));
let aug_ty = ty_a.subst(&a, &Type::Existential(ex_s));
let (ty, ctx_delta) = app_synthesize(&aug_ctx, &aug_ty, e)?;
Ok((ty, ctx_delta))
(Type::Existential(a), e) if ctx.has_existential(a) => {
let (ex_a1_s, ex_a2_s, ctx_gamma_aug) =
let ex_a1 = Type::Existential(ex_a1_s.clone());
let ctx_delta = typecheck(&ctx_gamma_aug, e, &ex_a1)?;
let ex_a2 = Type::Existential(ex_a2_s.clone());
Ok((ex_a2, ctx_delta))
_ =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("trying to appSynthesize with a non-function type"));
pub mod data {
use std::{fmt, hash::Hash};
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use im::{HashSet, Vector};
use crate::gensym::gensym_existential;
pub enum Term {
Lam(String, Box<Term>),
App(Box<Term>, Box<Term>),
Annot(Box<Term>, Type),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Term {
fn clone(&self) -> Term {
match self {
Term::Unit => Term::Unit,
Term::Var(__self_0) =>
Term::Lam(__self_0, __self_1) =>
Term::App(__self_0, __self_1) =>
Term::Annot(__self_0, __self_1) =>
impl fmt::Debug for Term {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Unit => f.write_fmt(format_args!("unit")),
Self::Var(arg0) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
Self::Lam(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}.{1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
Self::App(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} · {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
Self::Annot(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} : {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
pub enum Type {
Polytype(String, Box<Type>),
Arrow(Box<Type>, Box<Type>),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Type {
fn clone(&self) -> Type {
match self {
Type::Unit => Type::Unit,
Type::Var(__self_0) =>
Type::Existential(__self_0) =>
Type::Polytype(__self_0, __self_1) =>
Type::Arrow(__self_0, __self_1) =>
impl fmt::Debug for Type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Unit => f.write_fmt(format_args!("𝟙")),
Self::Var(arg0) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
Self::Existential(arg0) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
Self::Polytype(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("(∀ {0} . {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
Self::Arrow(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} -> {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
impl Type {
pub fn into_mono(&self) -> Option<Monotype> {
match self {
Type::Unit => Some(Monotype::Unit),
Type::Var(x) => Some(Monotype::Var(x.clone())),
Type::Existential(x) =>
Type::Polytype(_, _) => None,
Type::Arrow(a, b) =>
pub fn is_mono(&self) -> bool { self.into_mono().is_some() }
pub enum FreeVar { Var(String), Existential(String), }
impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FreeVar {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
match self {
FreeVar::Var(__self_0) =>
::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_tuple_field1_finish(f, "Var",
FreeVar::Existential(__self_0) =>
"Existential", &__self_0),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for FreeVar {
fn clone(&self) -> FreeVar {
match self {
FreeVar::Var(__self_0) =>
FreeVar::Existential(__self_0) =>
impl ::core::marker::StructuralPartialEq for FreeVar { }
impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq for FreeVar {
fn eq(&self, other: &FreeVar) -> bool {
let __self_tag = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(self);
let __arg1_tag = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(other);
__self_tag == __arg1_tag &&
match (self, other) {
(FreeVar::Var(__self_0), FreeVar::Var(__arg1_0)) =>
*__self_0 == *__arg1_0,
FreeVar::Existential(__arg1_0)) => *__self_0 == *__arg1_0,
_ => unsafe { ::core::intrinsics::unreachable() }
impl ::core::marker::StructuralEq for FreeVar { }
impl ::core::cmp::Eq for FreeVar {
fn assert_receiver_is_total_eq(&self) -> () {
let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<String>;
impl ::core::hash::Hash for FreeVar {
fn hash<__H: ::core::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut __H) -> () {
let __self_tag = ::core::intrinsics::discriminant_value(self);
::core::hash::Hash::hash(&__self_tag, state);
match self {
FreeVar::Var(__self_0) =>
::core::hash::Hash::hash(__self_0, state),
FreeVar::Existential(__self_0) =>
::core::hash::Hash::hash(__self_0, state),
impl Type {
pub fn free_vars(&self) -> HashSet<FreeVar> {
fn free_vars_with_context(ctx: &Context, ty: &Type)
-> HashSet<FreeVar> {
match ty {
Type::Unit => HashSet::default(),
Type::Var(x) if ctx.lookup_type(x).is_some() =>
Type::Var(x) =>
Type::Existential(x) if ctx.lookup_existential(x).is_some()
=> {
Type::Existential(x) => {
Type::Polytype(x, ty_a) => {
let new_ctx =
ctx.add(<[_]>::into_vec(#[rustc_box] ::alloc::boxed::Box::new([ContextEntry::ExistentialVar(x.to_owned())])));
free_vars_with_context(&new_ctx, &ty_a)
Type::Arrow(ty_a, ty_b) => {
let a_vars = free_vars_with_context(&ctx, &ty_a);
let b_vars = free_vars_with_context(&ctx, &ty_b);
free_vars_with_context(&Context::default(), self)
pub fn subst(&self, var: &str, replacement: &Type) -> Type {
match self {
Type::Unit => Type::Unit,
Type::Var(n) if n == var => replacement.clone(),
Type::Var(n) => Type::Var(n.clone()),
Type::Existential(s) if s == var => replacement.clone(),
Type::Existential(s) => Type::Existential(s.clone()),
Type::Polytype(a, t) => {
Box::new(t.subst(var, replacement)))
Type::Arrow(a, b) =>
Type::Arrow(Box::new(a.subst(var, replacement)),
Box::new(b.subst(var, replacement))),
pub enum Monotype {
Arrow(Box<Monotype>, Box<Monotype>),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Monotype {
fn clone(&self) -> Monotype {
match self {
Monotype::Unit => Monotype::Unit,
Monotype::Var(__self_0) =>
Monotype::Existential(__self_0) =>
Monotype::Arrow(__self_0, __self_1) =>
impl fmt::Debug for Monotype {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Unit => f.write_fmt(format_args!("𝟙")),
Self::Var(arg0) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
Self::Existential(arg0) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
Self::Arrow(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} -> {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
impl Monotype {
pub fn into_poly(&self) -> Type {
match self {
Monotype::Unit => Type::Unit,
Monotype::Var(x) => Type::Var(x.clone()),
Monotype::Existential(x) => Type::Existential(x.clone()),
Monotype::Arrow(a, b) => {
pub enum ContextEntry {
TermAnnot(String, Type),
ExistentialSolved(String, Monotype),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContextEntry {
fn clone(&self) -> ContextEntry {
match self {
ContextEntry::TypeVar(__self_0) =>
ContextEntry::TermAnnot(__self_0, __self_1) =>
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar(__self_0) =>
ContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(__self_0, __self_1) =>
ContextEntry::Marker(__self_0) =>
impl fmt::Debug for ContextEntry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::TypeVar(arg0) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
Self::TermAnnot(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0} : {1:?}", arg0, arg1)),
Self::ExistentialVar(arg0) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
Self::ExistentialSolved(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}{1:?}", arg0, arg1)),
Self::Marker(arg0) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0}", arg0)),
pub enum CompleteContextEntry {
TermAnnot(String, Type),
ExistentialSolved(String, Monotype),
impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CompleteContextEntry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
match self {
CompleteContextEntry::TypeVar(__self_0) =>
"TypeVar", &__self_0),
CompleteContextEntry::TermAnnot(__self_0, __self_1) =>
"TermAnnot", __self_0, &__self_1),
CompleteContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(__self_0, __self_1) =>
"ExistentialSolved", __self_0, &__self_1),
CompleteContextEntry::Marker(__self_0) =>
"Marker", &__self_0),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompleteContextEntry {
fn clone(&self) -> CompleteContextEntry {
match self {
CompleteContextEntry::TypeVar(__self_0) =>
CompleteContextEntry::TermAnnot(__self_0, __self_1) =>
CompleteContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(__self_0, __self_1) =>
CompleteContextEntry::Marker(__self_0) =>
pub struct Context(pub(crate) Vector<ContextEntry>);
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Context {
fn clone(&self) -> Context {
impl ::core::default::Default for Context {
fn default() -> Context {
impl fmt::Debug for Context {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
for rule in self.0.iter() { f.write_str(", ")?; rule.fmt(f)?; }
impl Context {
pub fn add(&self, entries: Vec<ContextEntry>) -> Context {
let mut new_ctx = self.clone();
for entry in entries { new_ctx.0.push_back(entry); }
/// Looks up a polytype by name, also returning an index
pub fn lookup_type(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>)
-> Option<(usize, Type)> {
self.0.iter().enumerate().find_map(|(i, entry)|
match entry {
ContextEntry::TermAnnot(n, t) if n == name.as_ref() => {
Some((i, t.clone()))
_ => None,
pub fn has_type(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool {
/// Looks up an existential variable by name
/// - Returns Some(Some(t)) if solved
/// - Returns Some(None) if exists but unsolved
/// - Returns None if not found
pub fn lookup_existential(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>)
-> Option<(usize, Option<Monotype>)> {
self.0.iter().enumerate().find_map(|(i, entry)|
match entry {
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar(n) if n == name.as_ref() => {
Some((i, None))
ContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(n, t) if n == name.as_ref()
=> {
Some((i, Some(t.clone())))
_ => None,
pub fn has_existential(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> bool {
/// Returns a list of names of unsolved existentials
pub fn unsolved_existentials(&self) -> HashSet<String> {
let mut unsolved = HashSet::new();
for entry in self.0.iter() {
match entry {
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar(n) => {
_ => {}
/// Returns (before, after)
pub fn split_by<P>(&self, p: P) -> Option<(Context, Context)> where
P: Fn(&ContextEntry) -> bool {
let (before, after) =
let idx = self.0.iter().position(p)?;
Some((Context(before), Context(after)))
pub fn unsplit(left: &Context, center: ContextEntry, right: &Context)
-> Context {
let mut res = left.clone();
pub fn split_existential_function(&self, var: &str)
-> Result<(String, String, Context)> {
let mut ctx = self.clone();
let idx =
match ctx.lookup_existential(var) {
Some((idx, _)) => idx,
None =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
let ex_a1_s = gensym_existential();
let ex_a2_s = gensym_existential();
ctx.0[idx] =
Ok((ex_a1_s, ex_a2_s, ctx))
pub mod convert_data {}
pub mod bidir_debruijn {
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use crate::data_debruijn::{
Context, ContextEntry, ContextIndex, Term, Type,
use crate::DEPTH;
pub fn app_ctx(ctx: &Context, ty: &Type) -> Result<Type> {
::std::io::_print(format_args!("{0:3$}[+] Entering app_ctx(ctx = {1:?}, ty = {2:?})\n",
"", ctx, ty, DEPTH.with(|d| d.get())));
DEPTH.with(|d| d.set(d.get() + 1));
let fn_return_value =
match ty {
Type::Unit => Ok(Type::Unit),
Type::Var(s) => Ok(Type::Var(s.clone())),
Type::Existential(a) =>
match ctx.get_existential(a) {
Some(Some(m)) => Ok(m.into_poly()),
Some(None) => Ok(Type::Existential(a.clone())),
None =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("existential variable {0:?} doesn\'t exist in context",
Type::Polytype(t) => {
let t = app_ctx(ctx, t)?;
Type::Arrow(a, b) =>
Ok(Type::Arrow(Box::new(app_ctx(ctx, a)?),
Box::new(app_ctx(ctx, b)?))),
DEPTH.with(|d| d.set(d.get() - 1));
::std::io::_print(format_args!("{0:2$}[-] Exiting app_ctx = {1:?}\n",
"", fn_return_value, DEPTH.with(|d| d.get())));
/// Under input context Γ , type A is a subtype of B, with output context ∆
pub fn subtype(ctx: &Context, left: &Type, right: &Type)
-> Result<Context> {
match (left, right) {
(Type::Unit, Type::Unit) => Ok(ctx.clone()),
(Type::Var(x), Type::Var(y)) if
x == y && ctx.get_type(x).is_some() => {
(Type::Existential(x), Type::Existential(y)) if
x == y && ctx.get_existential(x).is_some() => {
(Type::Existential(a), ty_a) if ctx.get_existential(a).is_some()
=> {
instantiate_left(ctx, a, ty_a)
(Type::Unit, Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Unit, Type::Existential(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Unit, Type::Polytype(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Unit, Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Type::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Type::Existential(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Type::Polytype(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Existential(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Polytype(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Type::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Type::Existential(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Type::Polytype(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Existential(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Polytype(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Arrow(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
_ =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("subtyping relation failed between {0:?} and {1:?} (ctx = {2:?})",
left, right, ctx));
pub fn instantiate_left(ctx: &Context, a: &ContextIndex, ty_a: &Type)
-> Result<Context> {
match ty_a {
Type::Existential(b) if
ctx.get_existential(a).is_some() &&
ctx.get_existential(b).is_some() => {
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented")
Type::Existential(_b) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Unit => ::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Var(_) => ::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Polytype(_) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Arrow(_, _) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
pub fn typecheck(ctx: &Context, term: &Term, ty: &Type)
-> Result<Context> {
::std::io::_print(format_args!("{0:4$}[+] Entering typecheck(ctx = {1:?}, term = {2:?}, ty = {3:?})\n",
"", ctx, term, ty, DEPTH.with(|d| d.get())));
DEPTH.with(|d| d.set(d.get() + 1));
let fn_return_value =
match (term, ty) {
(Term::Unit, Type::Unit) => Ok(ctx.clone()),
(_e, Type::Polytype(_t)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Term::Lam(_e), Type::Arrow(_ty_a, _ty_b)) => {
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented")
(term, ty) => {
::std::io::_print(format_args!("SUB RULE: {0:?} || {1:?} ({2:?})\n",
term, ty, ctx));
let (ty_a, ctx_theta) = synthesize(ctx, term)?;
let a = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, &ty_a)?;
let b = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, ty)?;
let ctx_delta = subtype(&ctx_theta, &a, &b)?;
DEPTH.with(|d| d.set(d.get() - 1));
::std::io::_print(format_args!("{0:2$}[-] Exiting typecheck = {1:?}\n",
"", fn_return_value, DEPTH.with(|d| d.get())));
pub fn synthesize(ctx: &Context, term: &Term) -> Result<(Type, Context)> {
::std::io::_print(format_args!("{0:3$}[+] Entering synthesize(ctx = {1:?}, term = {2:?})\n",
"", ctx, term, DEPTH.with(|d| d.get())));
DEPTH.with(|d| d.set(d.get() + 1));
let fn_return_value =
match term {
Term::Unit => Ok((Type::Unit, ctx.clone())),
Term::Var(index) => {
let ty =
match ctx.get_type(index) {
Some(v) => v,
None =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("invalid index {0:?}, context: {1:?}",
index, ctx));
Ok((ty, ctx.clone()))
Term::App(e1, e2) => {
let (ty_a, ctx_theta) = synthesize(ctx, e1)?;
let app_a = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, &ty_a)?;
let (ty_c, ctx_delta) =
app_synthesize(&ctx_theta, &app_a, &e2)?;
Ok((ty_c, ctx_delta))
Term::Lam(e) => {
let (aug_ctx, marker_idx) = ctx.add(ContextEntry::Marker);
let (aug_ctx, ex_a_idx) =
let (aug_ctx, ex_b_idx) =
let ex_a = Type::Existential(ex_a_idx.clone());
let ex_b = Type::Existential(ex_b_idx.clone());
let (aug_ctx, _annot_idx) =
let wtf_ctx = typecheck(&aug_ctx, &e, &ex_b)?;
let (before_marker, after_marker) =
::std::io::_print(format_args!("Splitting: {0:?}\n",
let mut tau =
&Type::Arrow(Box::new(ex_a), Box::new(ex_b)))?;
let (final_ctx, gen_idx) =
for index in after_marker.unsolved_existentials() {
tau = tau.subst(&index, Type::Var(gen_idx.clone()));
Ok((Type::Polytype(Box::new(tau)), final_ctx))
Term::Annot(_, _) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
DEPTH.with(|d| d.set(d.get() - 1));
::std::io::_print(format_args!("{0:2$}[-] Exiting synthesize = {1:?}\n",
"", fn_return_value, DEPTH.with(|d| d.get())));
pub fn app_synthesize(_ctx: &Context, fun_ty: &Type, term: &Term)
-> Result<(Type, Context)> {
match (fun_ty, term) {
(Type::Unit, Term::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Unit, Term::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Unit, Term::Lam(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Unit, Term::App(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Unit, Term::Annot(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Term::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Term::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Term::Lam(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Term::App(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Var(_), Term::Annot(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Term::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Term::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Term::Lam(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Term::App(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Existential(_), Term::Annot(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Term::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Term::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Term::Lam(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Term::App(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Polytype(_), Term::Annot(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Term::Unit) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Term::Var(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Term::Lam(_)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Term::App(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Term::Annot(_, _)) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
_ =>
return ::anyhow::__private::Err({
let error =
::anyhow::__private::format_err(format_args!("trying to appSynthesize with a non-function type"));
pub mod data_debruijn {
use std::{
cell::RefCell, fmt::self,
use im::Vector;
use crate::{data, gensym::gensym_type};
/// A lambda calculus term.
pub enum Term {
/// Unit type
/// Variable, with a reference into the context.
/// The entry pointed to by this index MUST be a TypeVar.
/// Lambda abstraction.
/// Lambda application.
App(Box<Term>, Box<Term>),
/// Type annotation
Annot(Box<Term>, Type),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Term {
fn clone(&self) -> Term {
match self {
Term::Unit => Term::Unit,
Term::Var(__self_0) =>
Term::Lam(__self_0) =>
Term::App(__self_0, __self_1) =>
Term::Annot(__self_0, __self_1) =>
impl fmt::Debug for Term {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Unit => f.write_fmt(format_args!("unit")),
Self::Var(arg0) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0:?}", arg0)),
Self::Lam(arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("(λ.{0:?})", arg1)),
Self::App(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} · {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
Self::Annot(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} : {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
pub enum Type {
Arrow(Box<Type>, Box<Type>),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Type {
fn clone(&self) -> Type {
match self {
Type::Unit => Type::Unit,
Type::Var(__self_0) =>
Type::Existential(__self_0) =>
Type::Polytype(__self_0) =>
Type::Arrow(__self_0, __self_1) =>
impl fmt::Debug for Type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Unit => f.write_fmt(format_args!("𝟙")),
Self::Var(arg0) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0:?}", arg0)),
Self::Existential(arg0) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0:?}", arg0)),
Self::Polytype(arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("(∀.{0:?})", arg1)),
Self::Arrow(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} -> {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
impl Type {
/// Attempt to turn this polytype into a monotype.
/// This fails if any sub-expression of this type contains a polytype expression.
pub fn try_into_mono(&self) -> Option<Monotype> {
match self {
Type::Unit => Some(Monotype::Unit),
Type::Var(x) => Some(Monotype::Var(x.clone())),
Type::Existential(x) =>
Type::Polytype(_) => None,
Type::Arrow(a, b) =>
pub fn is_mono(&self) -> bool { self.try_into_mono().is_some() }
impl Type {
pub fn subst(&self, _before: &ContextIndex, _after: Type) -> Type {
match self {
Type::Unit => Type::Unit,
Type::Var(_) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Existential(_) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Polytype(_) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
Type::Arrow(_, _) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
pub enum Monotype {
Arrow(Box<Monotype>, Box<Monotype>),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Monotype {
fn clone(&self) -> Monotype {
match self {
Monotype::Unit => Monotype::Unit,
Monotype::Var(__self_0) =>
Monotype::Existential(__self_0) =>
Monotype::Arrow(__self_0, __self_1) =>
impl fmt::Debug for Monotype {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Unit => f.write_fmt(format_args!("𝟙")),
Self::Var(arg0) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0:?}", arg0)),
Self::Existential(arg0) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{0:?}", arg0)),
Self::Arrow(arg0, arg1) =>
f.write_fmt(format_args!("({0:?} -> {1:?})", arg0, arg1)),
impl Monotype {
pub fn into_poly(&self) -> Type {
match self {
Monotype::Unit => Type::Unit,
Monotype::Var(x) => Type::Var(x.clone()),
Monotype::Existential(x) => Type::Existential(x.clone()),
Monotype::Arrow(a, b) => {
pub enum ContextEntry {
impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ContextEntry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
match self {
ContextEntry::TypeVar =>
::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "TypeVar"),
ContextEntry::TermAnnot(__self_0) =>
"TermAnnot", &__self_0),
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar =>
::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "ExistentialVar"),
ContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(__self_0) =>
"ExistentialSolved", &__self_0),
ContextEntry::Marker =>
::core::fmt::Formatter::write_str(f, "Marker"),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContextEntry {
fn clone(&self) -> ContextEntry {
match self {
ContextEntry::TypeVar => ContextEntry::TypeVar,
ContextEntry::TermAnnot(__self_0) =>
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar => ContextEntry::ExistentialVar,
ContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(__self_0) =>
ContextEntry::Marker => ContextEntry::Marker,
pub enum CompleteContextEntry {
TermAnnot(String, Type),
ExistentialSolved(String, Monotype),
impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CompleteContextEntry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
match self {
CompleteContextEntry::TypeVar(__self_0) =>
"TypeVar", &__self_0),
CompleteContextEntry::TermAnnot(__self_0, __self_1) =>
"TermAnnot", __self_0, &__self_1),
CompleteContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(__self_0, __self_1) =>
"ExistentialSolved", __self_0, &__self_1),
CompleteContextEntry::Marker(__self_0) =>
"Marker", &__self_0),
impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompleteContextEntry {
fn clone(&self) -> CompleteContextEntry {
match self {
CompleteContextEntry::TypeVar(__self_0) =>
CompleteContextEntry::TermAnnot(__self_0, __self_1) =>
CompleteContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(__self_0, __self_1) =>
CompleteContextEntry::Marker(__self_0) =>
pub struct Context {
vector: Vector<ContextEntry>,
len: Rc<RefCell<usize>>,
impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Context {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct_field2_finish(f, "Context",
"vector", &self.vector, "len", &&self.len)
impl ::core::clone::Clone for Context {
fn clone(&self) -> Context {
Context {
vector: ::core::clone::Clone::clone(&self.vector),
len: ::core::clone::Clone::clone(&self.len),
impl Default for Context {
fn default() -> Self {
let vector = Vector::default();
let len = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
Context { vector, len }
impl Context {
#[doc = "# Contracts"]
#[doc =
"Invariant: `{ let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }`"]
#[doc = ""]
pub fn add(&self, entry: ContextEntry) -> (Context, ContextIndex) {
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of add violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
let mut run =
|this: &Self, entry: ContextEntry| -> (Context, ContextIndex)
let context_level = this.vector.len();
let mut new_ctx = this.clone();
let context_length = this.len.clone();
{ *context_length.borrow_mut() += 1; }
let idx = ContextIndex { context_level, context_length };
(new_ctx, idx)
let ret = run(self, entry);
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of add violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
#[doc = "# Contracts"]
#[doc =
"Invariant: `{ let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }`"]
#[doc = ""]
#[doc = "Pre-condition: `index.context_length == self.len`"]
#[doc = ""]
pub fn get(&self, index: &ContextIndex) -> Option<&ContextEntry> {
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of get violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
if !(index.context_length == self.len) {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Pre-condition of get violated: index.context_length == self.len");
let mut run =
|this: &Self, index: &ContextIndex| -> Option<&ContextEntry>
{ this.vector.get(index.context_level) };
let ret = run(self, index);
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of get violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
#[doc = "# Contracts"]
#[doc =
"Invariant: `{ let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }`"]
#[doc = ""]
pub fn get_existential(&self, index: &ContextIndex)
-> Option<Option<Monotype>> {
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of get_existential violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
let mut run =
|this: &Self, index: &ContextIndex|
-> Option<Option<Monotype>>
let entry = this.get(index)?;
match entry {
ContextEntry::ExistentialSolved(t) => Some(Some(t.clone())),
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar => Some(None),
_ => None,
let ret = run(self, index);
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of get_existential violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
#[doc = "# Contracts"]
#[doc =
"Invariant: `{ let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }`"]
#[doc = ""]
pub fn get_type(&self, index: &ContextIndex) -> Option<Type> {
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of get_type violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
let mut run =
|this: &Self, index: &ContextIndex| -> Option<Type>
let entry = this.get(index)?;
match entry {
ContextEntry::TermAnnot(t) => Some(t.clone()),
_ => None,
let ret = run(self, index);
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of get_type violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
#[doc = "# Contracts"]
#[doc =
"Invariant: `{ let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }`"]
#[doc = ""]
pub fn unsolved_existentials(&self) -> Vec<ContextIndex> {
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of unsolved_existentials violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
let mut run =
|this: &Self| -> Vec<ContextIndex>
let mut unsolved = Vec::new();
let context_length = this.len.clone();
for (context_level, entry) in this.vector.iter().enumerate()
match entry {
ContextEntry::ExistentialVar => {
let index =
ContextIndex {
context_length: context_length.clone(),
_ => {}
let ret = run(self);
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of unsolved_existentials violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
#[doc = " Splits the context"]
#[doc = "# Contracts"]
#[doc =
"Invariant: `{ let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }`"]
#[doc = ""]
pub fn split_at(&self, index: &ContextIndex) -> (Context, Context) {
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of split_at violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
let mut run =
|this: &Self, index: &ContextIndex| -> (Context, Context)
let (before, after) =
{ this.vector.clone().split_at(index.context_level) };
let before_len = Rc::new(RefCell::new(before.len()));
let after_len = Rc::new(RefCell::new(after.len()));
(Context { vector: before, len: before_len },
Context { vector: after, len: after_len })
let ret = run(self, index);
if !{ let b = self.vector.len() == *self.len.borrow(); b } {
::core::panicking::panic_display(&"Invariant of split_at violated: { let b = self.vector.len() == * self.len.borrow() ; b }");
/// An index into the context.
pub struct ContextIndex {
context_length: Rc<RefCell<usize>>,
context_level: usize,
impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContextIndex {
fn clone(&self) -> ContextIndex {
ContextIndex {
context_length: ::core::clone::Clone::clone(&self.context_length),
context_level: ::core::clone::Clone::clone(&self.context_level),
impl ::core::marker::StructuralPartialEq for ContextIndex { }
impl ::core::cmp::PartialEq for ContextIndex {
fn eq(&self, other: &ContextIndex) -> bool {
self.context_length == other.context_length &&
self.context_level == other.context_level
impl ::core::marker::StructuralEq for ContextIndex { }
impl ::core::cmp::Eq for ContextIndex {
fn assert_receiver_is_total_eq(&self) -> () {
let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<Rc<RefCell<usize>>>;
let _: ::core::cmp::AssertParamIsEq<usize>;
impl fmt::Debug for ContextIndex {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("#{0}", self.context_index()))
impl ContextIndex {
pub fn context_index(&self) -> usize {
*self.context_length.borrow() - self.context_level
pub fn convert_term(term: &data::Term) -> Term {
fn convert_term_with_context(ctx: &data::Context, ctx2: &Context,
term: &data::Term) -> Term {
match term {
data::Term::Unit => Term::Unit,
data::Term::Var(name) => {
let (idx, _) = ctx.lookup_type(name).unwrap();
let _len = ctx2.len.clone();
let index =
ContextIndex {
context_length: ctx2.len.clone(),
context_level: idx,
data::Term::Lam(arg, body) => {
let ty = gensym_type();
let aug_ctx =
ctx.add(<[_]>::into_vec(#[rustc_box] ::alloc::boxed::Box::new([data::ContextEntry::TermAnnot(arg.to_owned(),
let body = convert_term_with_context(&aug_ctx, ctx2, body);
data::Term::App(func, arg) => {
let func = convert_term_with_context(ctx, ctx2, &func);
let arg = convert_term_with_context(ctx, ctx2, &arg);
Term::App(Box::new(func), Box::new(arg))
data::Term::Annot(term, ty) => {
let term = convert_term_with_context(ctx, ctx2, &term);
let ty = convert_ty_with_context(ctx, ctx2, &ty);
Term::Annot(Box::new(term), ty)
fn convert_ty_with_context(_ctx: &data::Context, _ctx2: &Context,
ty: &data::Type) -> Type {
match ty {
data::Type::Unit => Type::Unit,
data::Type::Var(_) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
data::Type::Existential(_) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
data::Type::Polytype(_, _) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
data::Type::Arrow(_, _) =>
::core::panicking::panic("not yet implemented"),
&Context::default(), term)
mod gensym {
use dashmap::DashMap;
const CTRMAP: ::std::thread::LocalKey<DashMap<&'static str, usize>> =
fn __init() -> DashMap<&'static str, usize> { DashMap::new() }
unsafe fn __getit(init:
::std::option::Option<&mut ::std::option::Option<DashMap<&'static str,
::std::option::Option<&'static DashMap<&'static str,
usize>> {
static __KEY:
::std::thread::local_impl::Key<DashMap<&'static str, usize>>
::std::thread::local_impl::Key::<DashMap<&'static str,
unsafe {
__KEY.get(move ||
if let ::std::option::Option::Some(init) = init {
if let ::std::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
return value;
} else if true {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("internal error: entered unreachable code: {0}",
format_args!("missing default value")));
unsafe { ::std::thread::LocalKey::new(__getit) }
const EXISTENTIALS: [&'static str; 24] =
["α", "β", "γ", "δ", "ε", "ζ", "η", "θ", "ι", "κ", "λ",
"μ", "ν", "ξ", "ο", "π", "ρ", "σ", "τ", "υ", "φ",
"χ", "ψ", "ω"];
const TYPEVARS: [&'static str; 26] =
["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N",
"O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"];
pub fn gensym_existential() -> String {
let result = idx("existential");
let res =
pub fn gensym_type() -> String {
let result = idx("existential");
let res =
fn idx(ty: &'static str) -> usize {
let mut g = ctrmap.entry(ty).or_insert(0);
let ctr = *g;
*g += 1;
#[allow(clippy :: extra_unused_lifetimes)]
#[allow(clippy :: needless_lifetimes)]
#[allow(clippy :: let_unit_value)]
#[allow(clippy :: just_underscores_and_digits)]
pub mod parser {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, unused_mut,
unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_parens, clippy :: all)]
mod __parse__Ident {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
pub(crate) enum __Symbol<'input> {
Variant0(&'input str),
const __ACTION: &[i8] =
&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
fn __action(state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__ACTION[(state as usize) * 11 + integer]
const __EOF_ACTION: &[i8] = &[0, -22, -2];
fn __goto(state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { match nt { 1 => 1, _ => 0, } }
const __TERMINAL: &[&str] =
&[r###""(""###, r###""()""###, r###"")""###, r###""->""###,
r###"".""###, r###"":""###, r###""\\""###,
r###""forall""###, r###""λ""###, r###"r#"[A-Za-z_]+"#"###,
fn __expected_tokens(__state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
let next_state = __action(__state, index);
if next_state == 0 {
} else {
fn __expected_tokens_from_states<'input>(__states: &[i8],
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
if __accepts(None, __states, Some(index),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
} else { None }
pub(crate) struct __StateMachine<'input> where {
input: &'input str,
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>,
impl<'input> __state_machine::ParserDefinition for
__StateMachine<'input> where {
type Location = usize;
type Error = &'static str;
type Token = Token<'input>;
type TokenIndex = usize;
type Symbol = __Symbol<'input>;
type Success = String;
type StateIndex = i8;
type Action = i8;
type ReduceIndex = i8;
type NonterminalIndex = usize;
fn start_location(&self) -> Self::Location { Default::default() }
fn start_state(&self) -> Self::StateIndex { 0 }
fn token_to_index(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<usize> {
__token_to_integer(token, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn action(&self, state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__action(state, integer)
fn error_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__action(state, 11 - 1)
fn eof_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__EOF_ACTION[state as usize]
fn goto(&self, state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { __goto(state, nt) }
fn token_to_symbol(&self, token_index: usize, token: Self::Token)
-> Self::Symbol {
__token_to_symbol(token_index, token,
fn expected_tokens(&self, state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn expected_tokens_from_states(&self, states: &[i8])
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn uses_error_recovery(&self) -> bool { false }
fn error_recovery_symbol(&self,
recovery: __state_machine::ErrorRecovery<Self>)
-> Self::Symbol {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("error recovery not enabled for this grammar"));
fn reduce(&mut self, action: i8,
start_location: Option<&Self::Location>,
states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<__state_machine::SymbolTriple<Self>>)
-> Option<__state_machine::ParseResult<Self>> {
__reduce(self.input, action, start_location, states, symbols,
fn simulate_reduce(&self, action: i8)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<Self> {
__simulate_reduce(action, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn __token_to_integer<'input>(__token: &Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> Option<usize> {
match *__token {
Token(2, _) if true => Some(0),
Token(3, _) if true => Some(1),
Token(4, _) if true => Some(2),
Token(5, _) if true => Some(3),
Token(6, _) if true => Some(4),
Token(7, _) if true => Some(5),
Token(8, _) if true => Some(6),
Token(9, _) if true => Some(7),
Token(10, _) if true => Some(8),
Token(0, _) if true => Some(9),
Token(1, _) if true => Some(10),
_ => None,
fn __token_to_symbol<'input>(__token_index: usize,
__token: Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> __Symbol<'input> {
match __token_index {
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 =>
match __token {
Token(2, __tok0) | Token(3, __tok0) | Token(4, __tok0) |
Token(5, __tok0) | Token(6, __tok0) | Token(7, __tok0) |
Token(8, __tok0) | Token(9, __tok0) | Token(10, __tok0) |
Token(0, __tok0) | Token(1, __tok0) if true =>
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
fn __simulate_reduce<'input>(__reduce_index: i8,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<__StateMachine<'input>> {
match __reduce_index {
0 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 0,
1 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 1,
2 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 2,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
3 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
4 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
5 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
6 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
7 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
8 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
9 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
10 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
11 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
12 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 6,
13 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
14 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
15 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
16 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
17 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
18 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
19 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
20 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 9,
21 => __state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept,
22 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 11,
23 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 12,
24 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 13,
25 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 14,
26 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 15,
27 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 16,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid reduction index {0}",
pub struct IdentParser {
builder: __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder,
_priv: (),
impl IdentParser {
pub fn new() -> IdentParser {
let __builder = super::__intern_token::new_builder();
IdentParser { builder: __builder, _priv: () }
pub fn parse<'input>(&self, input: &'input str)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
let mut __tokens = self.builder.matcher(input);
__state_machine::Parser::drive(__StateMachine {
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>,
}, __tokens)
fn __accepts<'input>(__error_state: Option<i8>, __states: &[i8],
__opt_integer: Option<usize>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> bool {
let mut __states = __states.to_vec();
loop {
let mut __states_len = __states.len();
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __action =
match __opt_integer {
None => __EOF_ACTION[__top as usize],
Some(__integer) => __action(__top, __integer),
if __action == 0 { return false; }
if __action > 0 { return true; }
let (__to_pop, __nt) =
match __simulate_reduce(-(__action + 1),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced } =>
(states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced),
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept => return true,
__states_len -= __to_pop;
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __next_state = __goto(__top, __nt);
pub(crate) fn __reduce<'input>(input: &'input str, __action: i8,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>>> {
let (__pop_states, __nonterminal) =
match __action {
0 => {
__reduce0(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
1 => {
__reduce1(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
2 => {
__reduce2(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
3 => {
__reduce3(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
4 => {
__reduce4(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
5 => {
__reduce5(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
6 => {
__reduce6(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
7 => {
__reduce7(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
8 => {
__reduce8(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
9 => {
__reduce9(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
10 => {
__reduce10(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
11 => {
__reduce11(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
12 => {
__reduce12(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
13 => {
__reduce13(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
14 => {
__reduce14(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
15 => {
__reduce15(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
16 => {
__reduce16(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
17 => {
__reduce17(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
18 => {
__reduce18(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
19 => {
__reduce19(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
20 => {
__reduce20(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
21 => {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action6::<>(input, __sym0);
return Some(Ok(__nt));
22 => {
__reduce22(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
23 => {
__reduce23(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
24 => {
__reduce24(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
25 => {
__reduce25(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
26 => {
__reduce26(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
27 => {
__reduce27(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid action code {0}",
let __states_len = __states.len();
__states.truncate(__states_len - __pop_states);
let __state = *__states.last().unwrap();
let __next_state = __goto(__state, __nonterminal);
fn __symbol_type_mismatch() -> ! {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("symbol type mismatch"));
fn __pop_Variant1<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, String, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant1(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant2<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Term, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant2(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant3<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Type, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant3(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant0<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, &'input str, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant0(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
pub(crate) fn __reduce0<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action26::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 0)
pub(crate) fn __reduce1<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action27::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 1)
pub(crate) fn __reduce2<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 2) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 2")
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym1.2;
let __nt = super::__action15::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(2, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce3<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action16::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce4<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action7::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce5<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action8::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce6<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action9::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce7<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action10::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce8<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action11::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce9<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action12::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce10<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action13::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce11<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action14::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce12<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action17::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 6)
pub(crate) fn __reduce13<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action23::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce14<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action24::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce15<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action18::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce16<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action19::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce17<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action20::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce18<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action21::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce19<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action22::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(4, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce20<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action25::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 9)
pub(crate) fn __reduce22<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action3::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 11)
pub(crate) fn __reduce23<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action0::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 12)
pub(crate) fn __reduce24<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action1::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 13)
pub(crate) fn __reduce25<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action2::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 14)
pub(crate) fn __reduce26<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action5::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 15)
pub(crate) fn __reduce27<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action4::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 16)
pub use self::__parse__Ident::IdentParser;
#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, unused_mut,
unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_parens, clippy :: all)]
mod __parse__Term {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
pub(crate) enum __Symbol<'input> {
Variant0(&'input str),
const __ACTION: &[i8] =
&[3, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 19, 0, 3, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5,
19, 0, 3, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 8, 28, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 19, 29, 3, 18, -13, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 19,
0, 8, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 19, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 19, 0, 3, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 19, 0, 3, 18, 0, 0,
0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 19, 0, 8, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 19, 29, 8,
28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 19, 29, -7, -7, -7, 0, 0, -7, -7,
0, -7, -7, 0, -10, -10, -10, 0, 0, -10, -10, 0, -10, -10, 0,
-12, -12, -12, 0, 0, -12, -12, 0, -12, -12, 0, -4, -4, -4,
0, 0, 6, -4, 0, -4, -4, 0, -5, -5, -5, 0, 0, -5, -5, 0, -5,
-5, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, -2, -2, 0, -3, -3, -3,
0, 0, 6, -3, 0, -3, -3, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, -19, -19, -19, -19, 0, -19, -19, 0, -19, -19, 0,
-18, -18, -18, -18, 0, -18, -18, 0, -18, -18, 0, -11, -11,
-11, 0, 0, -11, -11, 0, -11, -11, 0, -15, -15, -15, 12, 0,
-15, -15, 0, -15, -15, 0, -16, -16, -16, -16, 0, -16, -16,
0, -16, -16, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -6,
-6, -6, 0, 0, -6, -6, 0, -6, -6, 0, 0, 0, -21, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -9, -9, -9, 0, 0, -9, -9, 0, -9, -9,
0, -8, -8, -8, 0, 0, -8, -8, 0, -8, -8, 0, -14, -14, -14, 0,
0, -14, -14, 0, -14, -14, 0, -17, -17, -17, -17, 0, -17,
-17, 0, -17, -17, 0, -20, -20, -20, -20, 0, -20, -20, 0,
-20, -20, 0];
fn __action(state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__ACTION[(state as usize) * 11 + integer]
const __EOF_ACTION: &[i8] =
&[0, -23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7, -10, -12, -4, -5,
-2, -3, 0, 0, 0, -19, -18, -11, -15, -16, -1, -6, 0, 0, 0,
-9, -8, -14, -17, -20];
fn __goto(state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 {
match nt {
0 => 23,
1 =>
match state {
3 => 21,
4 => 22,
5 | 7 | 11..=12 => 24,
8 => 32,
_ => 13,
2 => match state { 2 => 6, _ => 1, },
3 => 14,
4 => match state { 9 => 33, 10 => 34, _ => 15, },
5 => match state { 1 | 6 => 19, _ => 16, },
6 => 20,
7 => match state { 7 => 30, 11 => 35, _ => 25, },
8 => match state { 12 => 37, _ => 26, },
9 => 31,
_ => 0,
const __TERMINAL: &[&str] =
&[r###""(""###, r###""()""###, r###"")""###, r###""->""###,
r###"".""###, r###"":""###, r###""\\""###,
r###""forall""###, r###""λ""###, r###"r#"[A-Za-z_]+"#"###,
fn __expected_tokens(__state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
let next_state = __action(__state, index);
if next_state == 0 {
} else {
fn __expected_tokens_from_states<'input>(__states: &[i8],
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
if __accepts(None, __states, Some(index),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
} else { None }
pub(crate) struct __StateMachine<'input> where {
input: &'input str,
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>,
impl<'input> __state_machine::ParserDefinition for
__StateMachine<'input> where {
type Location = usize;
type Error = &'static str;
type Token = Token<'input>;
type TokenIndex = usize;
type Symbol = __Symbol<'input>;
type Success = Term;
type StateIndex = i8;
type Action = i8;
type ReduceIndex = i8;
type NonterminalIndex = usize;
fn start_location(&self) -> Self::Location { Default::default() }
fn start_state(&self) -> Self::StateIndex { 0 }
fn token_to_index(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<usize> {
__token_to_integer(token, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn action(&self, state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__action(state, integer)
fn error_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__action(state, 11 - 1)
fn eof_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__EOF_ACTION[state as usize]
fn goto(&self, state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { __goto(state, nt) }
fn token_to_symbol(&self, token_index: usize, token: Self::Token)
-> Self::Symbol {
__token_to_symbol(token_index, token,
fn expected_tokens(&self, state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn expected_tokens_from_states(&self, states: &[i8])
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn uses_error_recovery(&self) -> bool { false }
fn error_recovery_symbol(&self,
recovery: __state_machine::ErrorRecovery<Self>)
-> Self::Symbol {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("error recovery not enabled for this grammar"));
fn reduce(&mut self, action: i8,
start_location: Option<&Self::Location>,
states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<__state_machine::SymbolTriple<Self>>)
-> Option<__state_machine::ParseResult<Self>> {
__reduce(self.input, action, start_location, states, symbols,
fn simulate_reduce(&self, action: i8)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<Self> {
__simulate_reduce(action, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn __token_to_integer<'input>(__token: &Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> Option<usize> {
match *__token {
Token(2, _) if true => Some(0),
Token(3, _) if true => Some(1),
Token(4, _) if true => Some(2),
Token(5, _) if true => Some(3),
Token(6, _) if true => Some(4),
Token(7, _) if true => Some(5),
Token(8, _) if true => Some(6),
Token(9, _) if true => Some(7),
Token(10, _) if true => Some(8),
Token(0, _) if true => Some(9),
Token(1, _) if true => Some(10),
_ => None,
fn __token_to_symbol<'input>(__token_index: usize,
__token: Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> __Symbol<'input> {
match __token_index {
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 =>
match __token {
Token(2, __tok0) | Token(3, __tok0) | Token(4, __tok0) |
Token(5, __tok0) | Token(6, __tok0) | Token(7, __tok0) |
Token(8, __tok0) | Token(9, __tok0) | Token(10, __tok0) |
Token(0, __tok0) | Token(1, __tok0) if true =>
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
fn __simulate_reduce<'input>(__reduce_index: i8,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<__StateMachine<'input>> {
match __reduce_index {
0 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 0,
1 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 1,
2 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 2,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
3 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
4 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
5 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
6 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
7 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
8 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
9 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
10 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
11 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
12 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 6,
13 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
14 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
15 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
16 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
17 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
18 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
19 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
20 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 9,
21 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 10,
22 => __state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept,
23 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 12,
24 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 13,
25 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 14,
26 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 15,
27 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 16,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid reduction index {0}",
pub struct TermParser {
builder: __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder,
_priv: (),
impl TermParser {
pub fn new() -> TermParser {
let __builder = super::__intern_token::new_builder();
TermParser { builder: __builder, _priv: () }
pub fn parse<'input>(&self, input: &'input str)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
let mut __tokens = self.builder.matcher(input);
__state_machine::Parser::drive(__StateMachine {
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>,
}, __tokens)
fn __accepts<'input>(__error_state: Option<i8>, __states: &[i8],
__opt_integer: Option<usize>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> bool {
let mut __states = __states.to_vec();
loop {
let mut __states_len = __states.len();
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __action =
match __opt_integer {
None => __EOF_ACTION[__top as usize],
Some(__integer) => __action(__top, __integer),
if __action == 0 { return false; }
if __action > 0 { return true; }
let (__to_pop, __nt) =
match __simulate_reduce(-(__action + 1),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced } =>
(states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced),
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept => return true,
__states_len -= __to_pop;
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __next_state = __goto(__top, __nt);
pub(crate) fn __reduce<'input>(input: &'input str, __action: i8,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>>> {
let (__pop_states, __nonterminal) =
match __action {
0 => {
__reduce0(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
1 => {
__reduce1(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
2 => {
__reduce2(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
3 => {
__reduce3(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
4 => {
__reduce4(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
5 => {
__reduce5(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
6 => {
__reduce6(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
7 => {
__reduce7(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
8 => {
__reduce8(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
9 => {
__reduce9(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
10 => {
__reduce10(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
11 => {
__reduce11(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
12 => {
__reduce12(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
13 => {
__reduce13(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
14 => {
__reduce14(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
15 => {
__reduce15(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
16 => {
__reduce16(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
17 => {
__reduce17(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
18 => {
__reduce18(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
19 => {
__reduce19(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
20 => {
__reduce20(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
21 => {
__reduce21(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
22 => {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action3::<>(input, __sym0);
return Some(Ok(__nt));
23 => {
__reduce23(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
24 => {
__reduce24(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
25 => {
__reduce25(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
26 => {
__reduce26(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
27 => {
__reduce27(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid action code {0}",
let __states_len = __states.len();
__states.truncate(__states_len - __pop_states);
let __state = *__states.last().unwrap();
let __next_state = __goto(__state, __nonterminal);
fn __symbol_type_mismatch() -> ! {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("symbol type mismatch"));
fn __pop_Variant1<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, String, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant1(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant2<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Term, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant2(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant3<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Type, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant3(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant0<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, &'input str, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant0(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
pub(crate) fn __reduce0<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action26::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 0)
pub(crate) fn __reduce1<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action27::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 1)
pub(crate) fn __reduce2<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 2) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 2")
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym1.2;
let __nt = super::__action15::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(2, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce3<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action16::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce4<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action7::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce5<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action8::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce6<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action9::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce7<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action10::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce8<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action11::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce9<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action12::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce10<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action13::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce11<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action14::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce12<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action17::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 6)
pub(crate) fn __reduce13<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action23::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce14<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action24::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce15<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action18::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce16<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action19::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce17<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action20::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce18<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action21::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce19<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action22::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(4, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce20<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action25::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 9)
pub(crate) fn __reduce21<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action6::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 10)
pub(crate) fn __reduce23<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action0::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 12)
pub(crate) fn __reduce24<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action1::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 13)
pub(crate) fn __reduce25<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action2::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 14)
pub(crate) fn __reduce26<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action5::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 15)
pub(crate) fn __reduce27<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action4::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 16)
pub use self::__parse__Term::TermParser;
#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, unused_mut,
unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_parens, clippy :: all)]
mod __parse__Term1 {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
pub(crate) enum __Symbol<'input> {
Variant0(&'input str),
const __ACTION: &[i8] =
&[2, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 2, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5,
16, 0, 2, 15, -13, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 7, 29,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 16, 30, 7, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 16,
30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 2, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4,
0, 5, 16, 0, 2, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 16, 0, 7, 29, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 16, 30, 7, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 16, 30,
-7, -7, -7, 0, 0, -7, -7, 0, -7, -7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, -5, -5, -5, 0, 0, -5, -5, 0, -5, -5, 0, -2, -2,
-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, -2, -2, 0, -10, -10, -10, 0, 0, -10,
-10, 0, -10, -10, 0, -12, -12, -12, 0, 0, -12, -12, 0, -12,
-12, 0, -4, -4, -4, 0, 0, 6, -4, 0, -4, -4, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, -3, -3, 0, 0, 6, -3, 0, -3, -3, 0,
-6, -6, -6, 0, 0, -6, -6, 0, -6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -19, -19, -19,
-19, 0, -19, -19, 0, -19, -19, 0, -18, -18, -18, -18, 0,
-18, -18, 0, -18, -18, 0, -11, -11, -11, 0, 0, -11, -11, 0,
-11, -11, 0, -15, -15, -15, 11, 0, -15, -15, 0, -15, -15, 0,
-16, -16, -16, -16, 0, -16, -16, 0, -16, -16, 0, -1, -1, -1,
-1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, -9, -9, -9, 0, 0, -9, -9, 0, -9, -9, 0, -8, -8,
-8, 0, 0, -8, -8, 0, -8, -8, 0, -14, -14, -14, 0, 0, -14,
-14, 0, -14, -14, 0, -17, -17, -17, -17, 0, -17, -17, 0,
-17, -17, 0, -20, -20, -20, -20, 0, -20, -20, 0, -20, -20,
fn __action(state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__ACTION[(state as usize) * 11 + integer]
const __EOF_ACTION: &[i8] =
&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7, -24, -5, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
fn __goto(state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 {
match nt {
0 => 24,
1 =>
match state {
3 => 22,
4 => 23,
5..=6 | 10..=11 => 25,
7 => 32,
_ => 12,
2 => 2,
3 => match state { 0 => 13, _ => 16, },
4 => match state { 8 => 33, 9 => 34, _ => 17, },
5 => match state { 2 => 20, _ => 18, },
6 => 19,
7 => match state { 6 => 30, 10 => 35, _ => 26, },
8 => match state { 11 => 37, _ => 27, },
9 => 31,
_ => 0,
const __TERMINAL: &[&str] =
&[r###""(""###, r###""()""###, r###"")""###, r###""->""###,
r###"".""###, r###"":""###, r###""\\""###,
r###""forall""###, r###""λ""###, r###"r#"[A-Za-z_]+"#"###,
fn __expected_tokens(__state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
let next_state = __action(__state, index);
if next_state == 0 {
} else {
fn __expected_tokens_from_states<'input>(__states: &[i8],
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
if __accepts(None, __states, Some(index),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
} else { None }
pub(crate) struct __StateMachine<'input> where {
input: &'input str,
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>,
impl<'input> __state_machine::ParserDefinition for
__StateMachine<'input> where {
type Location = usize;
type Error = &'static str;
type Token = Token<'input>;
type TokenIndex = usize;
type Symbol = __Symbol<'input>;
type Success = Term;
type StateIndex = i8;
type Action = i8;
type ReduceIndex = i8;
type NonterminalIndex = usize;
fn start_location(&self) -> Self::Location { Default::default() }
fn start_state(&self) -> Self::StateIndex { 0 }
fn token_to_index(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<usize> {
__token_to_integer(token, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn action(&self, state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__action(state, integer)
fn error_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__action(state, 11 - 1)
fn eof_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__EOF_ACTION[state as usize]
fn goto(&self, state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { __goto(state, nt) }
fn token_to_symbol(&self, token_index: usize, token: Self::Token)
-> Self::Symbol {
__token_to_symbol(token_index, token,
fn expected_tokens(&self, state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn expected_tokens_from_states(&self, states: &[i8])
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn uses_error_recovery(&self) -> bool { false }
fn error_recovery_symbol(&self,
recovery: __state_machine::ErrorRecovery<Self>)
-> Self::Symbol {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("error recovery not enabled for this grammar"));
fn reduce(&mut self, action: i8,
start_location: Option<&Self::Location>,
states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<__state_machine::SymbolTriple<Self>>)
-> Option<__state_machine::ParseResult<Self>> {
__reduce(self.input, action, start_location, states, symbols,
fn simulate_reduce(&self, action: i8)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<Self> {
__simulate_reduce(action, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn __token_to_integer<'input>(__token: &Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> Option<usize> {
match *__token {
Token(2, _) if true => Some(0),
Token(3, _) if true => Some(1),
Token(4, _) if true => Some(2),
Token(5, _) if true => Some(3),
Token(6, _) if true => Some(4),
Token(7, _) if true => Some(5),
Token(8, _) if true => Some(6),
Token(9, _) if true => Some(7),
Token(10, _) if true => Some(8),
Token(0, _) if true => Some(9),
Token(1, _) if true => Some(10),
_ => None,
fn __token_to_symbol<'input>(__token_index: usize,
__token: Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> __Symbol<'input> {
match __token_index {
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 =>
match __token {
Token(2, __tok0) | Token(3, __tok0) | Token(4, __tok0) |
Token(5, __tok0) | Token(6, __tok0) | Token(7, __tok0) |
Token(8, __tok0) | Token(9, __tok0) | Token(10, __tok0) |
Token(0, __tok0) | Token(1, __tok0) if true =>
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
fn __simulate_reduce<'input>(__reduce_index: i8,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<__StateMachine<'input>> {
match __reduce_index {
0 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 0,
1 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 1,
2 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 2,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
3 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
4 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
5 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
6 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
7 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
8 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
9 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
10 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
11 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
12 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 6,
13 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
14 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
15 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
16 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
17 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
18 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
19 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
20 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 9,
21 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 10,
22 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 11,
23 => __state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept,
24 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 13,
25 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 14,
26 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 15,
27 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 16,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid reduction index {0}",
pub struct Term1Parser {
builder: __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder,
_priv: (),
impl Term1Parser {
pub fn new() -> Term1Parser {
let __builder = super::__intern_token::new_builder();
Term1Parser { builder: __builder, _priv: () }
pub fn parse<'input>(&self, input: &'input str)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
let mut __tokens = self.builder.matcher(input);
__state_machine::Parser::drive(__StateMachine {
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>,
}, __tokens)
fn __accepts<'input>(__error_state: Option<i8>, __states: &[i8],
__opt_integer: Option<usize>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> bool {
let mut __states = __states.to_vec();
loop {
let mut __states_len = __states.len();
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __action =
match __opt_integer {
None => __EOF_ACTION[__top as usize],
Some(__integer) => __action(__top, __integer),
if __action == 0 { return false; }
if __action > 0 { return true; }
let (__to_pop, __nt) =
match __simulate_reduce(-(__action + 1),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced } =>
(states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced),
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept => return true,
__states_len -= __to_pop;
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __next_state = __goto(__top, __nt);
pub(crate) fn __reduce<'input>(input: &'input str, __action: i8,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>>> {
let (__pop_states, __nonterminal) =
match __action {
0 => {
__reduce0(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
1 => {
__reduce1(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
2 => {
__reduce2(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
3 => {
__reduce3(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
4 => {
__reduce4(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
5 => {
__reduce5(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
6 => {
__reduce6(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
7 => {
__reduce7(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
8 => {
__reduce8(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
9 => {
__reduce9(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
10 => {
__reduce10(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
11 => {
__reduce11(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
12 => {
__reduce12(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
13 => {
__reduce13(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
14 => {
__reduce14(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
15 => {
__reduce15(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
16 => {
__reduce16(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
17 => {
__reduce17(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
18 => {
__reduce18(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
19 => {
__reduce19(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
20 => {
__reduce20(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
21 => {
__reduce21(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
22 => {
__reduce22(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
23 => {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action0::<>(input, __sym0);
return Some(Ok(__nt));
24 => {
__reduce24(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
25 => {
__reduce25(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
26 => {
__reduce26(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
27 => {
__reduce27(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid action code {0}",
let __states_len = __states.len();
__states.truncate(__states_len - __pop_states);
let __state = *__states.last().unwrap();
let __next_state = __goto(__state, __nonterminal);
fn __symbol_type_mismatch() -> ! {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("symbol type mismatch"));
fn __pop_Variant1<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, String, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant1(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant2<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Term, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant2(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant3<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Type, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant3(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant0<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, &'input str, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant0(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
pub(crate) fn __reduce0<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action26::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 0)
pub(crate) fn __reduce1<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action27::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 1)
pub(crate) fn __reduce2<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 2) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 2")
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym1.2;
let __nt = super::__action15::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(2, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce3<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action16::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce4<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action7::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce5<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action8::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce6<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action9::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce7<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action10::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce8<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action11::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce9<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action12::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce10<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action13::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce11<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action14::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce12<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action17::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 6)
pub(crate) fn __reduce13<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action23::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce14<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action24::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce15<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action18::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce16<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action19::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce17<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action20::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce18<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action21::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce19<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action22::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(4, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce20<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action25::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 9)
pub(crate) fn __reduce21<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action6::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 10)
pub(crate) fn __reduce22<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action3::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 11)
pub(crate) fn __reduce24<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action1::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 13)
pub(crate) fn __reduce25<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action2::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 14)
pub(crate) fn __reduce26<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action5::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 15)
pub(crate) fn __reduce27<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action4::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 16)
pub use self::__parse__Term1::Term1Parser;
#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, unused_mut,
unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_parens, clippy :: all)]
mod __parse__Term2 {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
pub(crate) enum __Symbol<'input> {
Variant0(&'input str),
const __ACTION: &[i8] =
&[2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 17, 0, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4,
17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 2, 16, -13, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 17, 0, 9, 29,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 17, 30, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4,
17, 0, 2, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 17, 0, 9, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 10, 0, 17, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 9, 29,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 17, 30, 9, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0,
17, 30, -7, -7, -7, 0, 0, -7, -7, 0, -7, -7, 0, -10, -10,
-10, 0, 0, -10, -10, 0, -10, -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, -5, -5, -5, 0, 0, -5, -5, 0, -5, -5, 0, -2, -2, -2,
-2, -2, -2, -2, 0, -2, -2, 0, -12, -12, -12, 0, 0, -12, -12,
0, -12, -12, 0, -4, -4, -4, 0, 0, 6, -4, 0, -4, -4, 0, 0, 0,
24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, -3, -3, 0, 0, 6, -3, 0,
-3, -3, 0, -6, -6, -6, 0, 0, -6, -6, 0, -6, -6, 0, -19, -19,
-19, -19, 0, -19, -19, 0, -19, -19, 0, -18, -18, -18, -18,
0, -18, -18, 0, -18, -18, 0, -11, -11, -11, 0, 0, -11, -11,
0, -11, -11, 0, -15, -15, -15, 11, 0, -15, -15, 0, -15, -15,
0, -16, -16, -16, -16, 0, -16, -16, 0, -16, -16, 0, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -9, -9, -9, 0, 0, -9, -9,
0, -9, -9, 0, -8, -8, -8, 0, 0, -8, -8, 0, -8, -8, 0, 0, 0,
-21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14, -14, -14, 0, 0,
-14, -14, 0, -14, -14, 0, -17, -17, -17, -17, 0, -17, -17,
0, -17, -17, 0, -20, -20, -20, -20, 0, -20, -20, 0, -20,
-20, 0];
fn __action(state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__ACTION[(state as usize) * 11 + integer]
const __EOF_ACTION: &[i8] =
&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7, -10, -25, -5, -2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -9, -8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
fn __goto(state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 {
match nt {
0 => 24,
1 =>
match state {
2 => 20,
3 => 21,
5 | 8 | 10..=11 => 25,
9 => 34,
_ => 12,
2 => 4,
3 => 13,
4 => match state { 0 => 14, 6 => 30, 7 => 31, _ => 17, },
5 => match state { 4 => 22, _ => 18, },
6 => 19,
7 => match state { 8 => 32, 10 => 35, _ => 26, },
8 => match state { 11 => 37, _ => 27, },
9 => 33,
_ => 0,
const __TERMINAL: &[&str] =
&[r###""(""###, r###""()""###, r###"")""###, r###""->""###,
r###"".""###, r###"":""###, r###""\\""###,
r###""forall""###, r###""λ""###, r###"r#"[A-Za-z_]+"#"###,
fn __expected_tokens(__state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
let next_state = __action(__state, index);
if next_state == 0 {
} else {
fn __expected_tokens_from_states<'input>(__states: &[i8],
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
if __accepts(None, __states, Some(index),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
} else { None }
pub(crate) struct __StateMachine<'input> where {
input: &'input str,
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>,
impl<'input> __state_machine::ParserDefinition for
__StateMachine<'input> where {
type Location = usize;
type Error = &'static str;
type Token = Token<'input>;
type TokenIndex = usize;
type Symbol = __Symbol<'input>;
type Success = Term;
type StateIndex = i8;
type Action = i8;
type ReduceIndex = i8;
type NonterminalIndex = usize;
fn start_location(&self) -> Self::Location { Default::default() }
fn start_state(&self) -> Self::StateIndex { 0 }
fn token_to_index(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<usize> {
__token_to_integer(token, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn action(&self, state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__action(state, integer)
fn error_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__action(state, 11 - 1)
fn eof_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__EOF_ACTION[state as usize]
fn goto(&self, state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { __goto(state, nt) }
fn token_to_symbol(&self, token_index: usize, token: Self::Token)
-> Self::Symbol {
__token_to_symbol(token_index, token,
fn expected_tokens(&self, state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn expected_tokens_from_states(&self, states: &[i8])
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn uses_error_recovery(&self) -> bool { false }
fn error_recovery_symbol(&self,
recovery: __state_machine::ErrorRecovery<Self>)
-> Self::Symbol {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("error recovery not enabled for this grammar"));
fn reduce(&mut self, action: i8,
start_location: Option<&Self::Location>,
states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<__state_machine::SymbolTriple<Self>>)
-> Option<__state_machine::ParseResult<Self>> {
__reduce(self.input, action, start_location, states, symbols,
fn simulate_reduce(&self, action: i8)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<Self> {
__simulate_reduce(action, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn __token_to_integer<'input>(__token: &Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> Option<usize> {
match *__token {
Token(2, _) if true => Some(0),
Token(3, _) if true => Some(1),
Token(4, _) if true => Some(2),
Token(5, _) if true => Some(3),
Token(6, _) if true => Some(4),
Token(7, _) if true => Some(5),
Token(8, _) if true => Some(6),
Token(9, _) if true => Some(7),
Token(10, _) if true => Some(8),
Token(0, _) if true => Some(9),
Token(1, _) if true => Some(10),
_ => None,
fn __token_to_symbol<'input>(__token_index: usize,
__token: Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> __Symbol<'input> {
match __token_index {
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 =>
match __token {
Token(2, __tok0) | Token(3, __tok0) | Token(4, __tok0) |
Token(5, __tok0) | Token(6, __tok0) | Token(7, __tok0) |
Token(8, __tok0) | Token(9, __tok0) | Token(10, __tok0) |
Token(0, __tok0) | Token(1, __tok0) if true =>
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
fn __simulate_reduce<'input>(__reduce_index: i8,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<__StateMachine<'input>> {
match __reduce_index {
0 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 0,
1 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 1,
2 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 2,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
3 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
4 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
5 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
6 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
7 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
8 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
9 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
10 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
11 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
12 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 6,
13 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
14 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
15 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
16 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
17 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
18 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
19 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
20 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 9,
21 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 10,
22 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 11,
23 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 12,
24 => __state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept,
25 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 14,
26 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 15,
27 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 16,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid reduction index {0}",
pub struct Term2Parser {
builder: __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder,
_priv: (),
impl Term2Parser {
pub fn new() -> Term2Parser {
let __builder = super::__intern_token::new_builder();
Term2Parser { builder: __builder, _priv: () }
pub fn parse<'input>(&self, input: &'input str)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
let mut __tokens = self.builder.matcher(input);
__state_machine::Parser::drive(__StateMachine {
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>,
}, __tokens)
fn __accepts<'input>(__error_state: Option<i8>, __states: &[i8],
__opt_integer: Option<usize>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> bool {
let mut __states = __states.to_vec();
loop {
let mut __states_len = __states.len();
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __action =
match __opt_integer {
None => __EOF_ACTION[__top as usize],
Some(__integer) => __action(__top, __integer),
if __action == 0 { return false; }
if __action > 0 { return true; }
let (__to_pop, __nt) =
match __simulate_reduce(-(__action + 1),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced } =>
(states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced),
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept => return true,
__states_len -= __to_pop;
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __next_state = __goto(__top, __nt);
pub(crate) fn __reduce<'input>(input: &'input str, __action: i8,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>>> {
let (__pop_states, __nonterminal) =
match __action {
0 => {
__reduce0(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
1 => {
__reduce1(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
2 => {
__reduce2(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
3 => {
__reduce3(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
4 => {
__reduce4(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
5 => {
__reduce5(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
6 => {
__reduce6(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
7 => {
__reduce7(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
8 => {
__reduce8(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
9 => {
__reduce9(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
10 => {
__reduce10(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
11 => {
__reduce11(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
12 => {
__reduce12(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
13 => {
__reduce13(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
14 => {
__reduce14(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
15 => {
__reduce15(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
16 => {
__reduce16(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
17 => {
__reduce17(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
18 => {
__reduce18(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
19 => {
__reduce19(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
20 => {
__reduce20(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
21 => {
__reduce21(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
22 => {
__reduce22(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
23 => {
__reduce23(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
24 => {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action1::<>(input, __sym0);
return Some(Ok(__nt));
25 => {
__reduce25(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
26 => {
__reduce26(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
27 => {
__reduce27(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid action code {0}",
let __states_len = __states.len();
__states.truncate(__states_len - __pop_states);
let __state = *__states.last().unwrap();
let __next_state = __goto(__state, __nonterminal);
fn __symbol_type_mismatch() -> ! {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("symbol type mismatch"));
fn __pop_Variant1<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, String, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant1(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant2<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Term, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant2(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant3<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Type, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant3(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant0<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, &'input str, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant0(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
pub(crate) fn __reduce0<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action26::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 0)
pub(crate) fn __reduce1<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action27::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 1)
pub(crate) fn __reduce2<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 2) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 2")
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym1.2;
let __nt = super::__action15::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(2, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce3<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action16::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce4<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action7::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce5<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action8::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce6<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action9::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce7<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action10::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce8<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action11::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce9<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action12::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce10<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action13::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce11<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action14::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce12<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action17::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 6)
pub(crate) fn __reduce13<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action23::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce14<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action24::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce15<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action18::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce16<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action19::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce17<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action20::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce18<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action21::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce19<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action22::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(4, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce20<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action25::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 9)
pub(crate) fn __reduce21<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action6::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 10)
pub(crate) fn __reduce22<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action3::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 11)
pub(crate) fn __reduce23<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action0::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 12)
pub(crate) fn __reduce25<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action2::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 14)
pub(crate) fn __reduce26<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action5::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 15)
pub(crate) fn __reduce27<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action4::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 16)
pub use self::__parse__Term2::Term2Parser;
#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, unused_mut,
unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_parens, clippy :: all)]
mod __parse__Term4 {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
pub(crate) enum __Symbol<'input> {
Variant0(&'input str),
const __ACTION: &[i8] =
&[2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 18, 0, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4,
18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 7, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 18, 28, 2, 17,
-13, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 18, 0, 7, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0,
18, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0,
3, 0, 4, 18, 0, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 18, 0, 7, 27, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 18, 28, 7, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 18,
28, -7, -7, -7, 0, 0, -7, -7, 0, -7, -7, 0, -10, -10, -10,
0, 0, -10, -10, 0, -10, -10, 0, -12, -12, -12, 0, 0, -12,
-12, 0, -12, -12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,
-5, -5, 0, 0, -5, -5, 0, -5, -5, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,
-2, 0, -2, -2, 0, -4, -4, -4, 0, 0, 5, -4, 0, -4, -4, 0, 0,
0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -19, -19, -19, -19, 0,
-19, -19, 0, -19, -19, 0, -18, -18, -18, -18, 0, -18, -18,
0, -18, -18, 0, -11, -11, -11, 0, 0, -11, -11, 0, -11, -11,
0, -15, -15, -15, 11, 0, -15, -15, 0, -15, -15, 0, -16, -16,
-16, -16, 0, -16, -16, 0, -16, -16, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0,
-1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -3, -3, -3, 0, 0, 5, -3, 0, -3, -3, 0,
-6, -6, -6, 0, 0, -6, -6, 0, -6, -6, 0, 0, 0, -21, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -9, -9, -9, 0, 0, -9, -9, 0, -9, -9,
0, -8, -8, -8, 0, 0, -8, -8, 0, -8, -8, 0, -14, -14, -14, 0,
0, -14, -14, 0, -14, -14, 0, -17, -17, -17, -17, 0, -17,
-17, 0, -17, -17, 0, -20, -20, -20, -20, 0, -20, -20, 0,
-20, -20, 0];
fn __action(state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__ACTION[(state as usize) * 11 + integer]
const __EOF_ACTION: &[i8] =
&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7, -10, -12, -26, -5, -2,
0, 0, 0, 0, -19, -18, -11, -15, -16, -1, 0, -6, 0, 0, 0, -9,
-8, -14, -17, -20];
fn __goto(state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 {
match nt {
0 => 22,
1 =>
match state {
2 => 20,
3 => 21,
4 | 6 | 10..=11 => 23,
7 => 32,
_ => 12,
2 => 5,
3 => 13,
4 => match state { 8 => 33, 9 => 34, _ => 14, },
5 => match state { 1 => 18, 5 => 28, _ => 15, },
6 => 19,
7 => match state { 6 => 30, 10 => 35, _ => 24, },
8 => match state { 11 => 37, _ => 25, },
9 => 31,
_ => 0,
const __TERMINAL: &[&str] =
&[r###""(""###, r###""()""###, r###"")""###, r###""->""###,
r###"".""###, r###"":""###, r###""\\""###,
r###""forall""###, r###""λ""###, r###"r#"[A-Za-z_]+"#"###,
fn __expected_tokens(__state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
let next_state = __action(__state, index);
if next_state == 0 {
} else {
fn __expected_tokens_from_states<'input>(__states: &[i8],
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
if __accepts(None, __states, Some(index),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
} else { None }
pub(crate) struct __StateMachine<'input> where {
input: &'input str,
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>,
impl<'input> __state_machine::ParserDefinition for
__StateMachine<'input> where {
type Location = usize;
type Error = &'static str;
type Token = Token<'input>;
type TokenIndex = usize;
type Symbol = __Symbol<'input>;
type Success = Term;
type StateIndex = i8;
type Action = i8;
type ReduceIndex = i8;
type NonterminalIndex = usize;
fn start_location(&self) -> Self::Location { Default::default() }
fn start_state(&self) -> Self::StateIndex { 0 }
fn token_to_index(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<usize> {
__token_to_integer(token, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn action(&self, state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__action(state, integer)
fn error_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__action(state, 11 - 1)
fn eof_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__EOF_ACTION[state as usize]
fn goto(&self, state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { __goto(state, nt) }
fn token_to_symbol(&self, token_index: usize, token: Self::Token)
-> Self::Symbol {
__token_to_symbol(token_index, token,
fn expected_tokens(&self, state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn expected_tokens_from_states(&self, states: &[i8])
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn uses_error_recovery(&self) -> bool { false }
fn error_recovery_symbol(&self,
recovery: __state_machine::ErrorRecovery<Self>)
-> Self::Symbol {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("error recovery not enabled for this grammar"));
fn reduce(&mut self, action: i8,
start_location: Option<&Self::Location>,
states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<__state_machine::SymbolTriple<Self>>)
-> Option<__state_machine::ParseResult<Self>> {
__reduce(self.input, action, start_location, states, symbols,
fn simulate_reduce(&self, action: i8)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<Self> {
__simulate_reduce(action, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn __token_to_integer<'input>(__token: &Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> Option<usize> {
match *__token {
Token(2, _) if true => Some(0),
Token(3, _) if true => Some(1),
Token(4, _) if true => Some(2),
Token(5, _) if true => Some(3),
Token(6, _) if true => Some(4),
Token(7, _) if true => Some(5),
Token(8, _) if true => Some(6),
Token(9, _) if true => Some(7),
Token(10, _) if true => Some(8),
Token(0, _) if true => Some(9),
Token(1, _) if true => Some(10),
_ => None,
fn __token_to_symbol<'input>(__token_index: usize,
__token: Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> __Symbol<'input> {
match __token_index {
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 =>
match __token {
Token(2, __tok0) | Token(3, __tok0) | Token(4, __tok0) |
Token(5, __tok0) | Token(6, __tok0) | Token(7, __tok0) |
Token(8, __tok0) | Token(9, __tok0) | Token(10, __tok0) |
Token(0, __tok0) | Token(1, __tok0) if true =>
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
fn __simulate_reduce<'input>(__reduce_index: i8,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<__StateMachine<'input>> {
match __reduce_index {
0 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 0,
1 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 1,
2 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 2,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
3 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
4 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
5 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
6 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
7 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
8 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
9 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
10 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
11 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
12 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 6,
13 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
14 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
15 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
16 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
17 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
18 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
19 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
20 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 9,
21 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 10,
22 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 11,
23 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 12,
24 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 13,
25 => __state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept,
26 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 15,
27 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 16,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid reduction index {0}",
pub struct Term4Parser {
builder: __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder,
_priv: (),
impl Term4Parser {
pub fn new() -> Term4Parser {
let __builder = super::__intern_token::new_builder();
Term4Parser { builder: __builder, _priv: () }
pub fn parse<'input>(&self, input: &'input str)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
let mut __tokens = self.builder.matcher(input);
__state_machine::Parser::drive(__StateMachine {
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>,
}, __tokens)
fn __accepts<'input>(__error_state: Option<i8>, __states: &[i8],
__opt_integer: Option<usize>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> bool {
let mut __states = __states.to_vec();
loop {
let mut __states_len = __states.len();
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __action =
match __opt_integer {
None => __EOF_ACTION[__top as usize],
Some(__integer) => __action(__top, __integer),
if __action == 0 { return false; }
if __action > 0 { return true; }
let (__to_pop, __nt) =
match __simulate_reduce(-(__action + 1),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced } =>
(states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced),
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept => return true,
__states_len -= __to_pop;
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __next_state = __goto(__top, __nt);
pub(crate) fn __reduce<'input>(input: &'input str, __action: i8,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>>> {
let (__pop_states, __nonterminal) =
match __action {
0 => {
__reduce0(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
1 => {
__reduce1(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
2 => {
__reduce2(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
3 => {
__reduce3(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
4 => {
__reduce4(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
5 => {
__reduce5(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
6 => {
__reduce6(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
7 => {
__reduce7(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
8 => {
__reduce8(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
9 => {
__reduce9(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
10 => {
__reduce10(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
11 => {
__reduce11(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
12 => {
__reduce12(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
13 => {
__reduce13(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
14 => {
__reduce14(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
15 => {
__reduce15(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
16 => {
__reduce16(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
17 => {
__reduce17(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
18 => {
__reduce18(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
19 => {
__reduce19(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
20 => {
__reduce20(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
21 => {
__reduce21(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
22 => {
__reduce22(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
23 => {
__reduce23(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
24 => {
__reduce24(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
25 => {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action2::<>(input, __sym0);
return Some(Ok(__nt));
26 => {
__reduce26(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
27 => {
__reduce27(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid action code {0}",
let __states_len = __states.len();
__states.truncate(__states_len - __pop_states);
let __state = *__states.last().unwrap();
let __next_state = __goto(__state, __nonterminal);
fn __symbol_type_mismatch() -> ! {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("symbol type mismatch"));
fn __pop_Variant1<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, String, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant1(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant2<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Term, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant2(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant3<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Type, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant3(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant0<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, &'input str, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant0(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
pub(crate) fn __reduce0<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action26::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 0)
pub(crate) fn __reduce1<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action27::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 1)
pub(crate) fn __reduce2<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 2) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 2")
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym1.2;
let __nt = super::__action15::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(2, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce3<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action16::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce4<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action7::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce5<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action8::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce6<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action9::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce7<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action10::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce8<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action11::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce9<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action12::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce10<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action13::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce11<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action14::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce12<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action17::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 6)
pub(crate) fn __reduce13<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action23::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce14<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action24::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce15<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action18::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce16<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action19::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce17<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action20::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce18<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action21::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce19<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action22::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(4, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce20<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action25::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 9)
pub(crate) fn __reduce21<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action6::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 10)
pub(crate) fn __reduce22<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action3::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 11)
pub(crate) fn __reduce23<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action0::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 12)
pub(crate) fn __reduce24<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action1::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 13)
pub(crate) fn __reduce26<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action5::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 15)
pub(crate) fn __reduce27<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action4::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 16)
pub use self::__parse__Term4::Term4Parser;
#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, unused_mut,
unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_parens, clippy :: all)]
mod __parse__Type {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
pub(crate) enum __Symbol<'input> {
Variant0(&'input str),
const __ACTION: &[i8] =
&[2, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 11, 12, 2, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0,
11, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 2, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0, 11, 12, 2, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 11, 12, 0, 0,
-19, -19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -18, -18, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -15, 4, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -16, -16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, -21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17, -17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, -20, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
fn __action(state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__ACTION[(state as usize) * 11 + integer]
const __EOF_ACTION: &[i8] =
&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -19, -18, -27, -15, -16, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, -14,
-17, -20];
fn __goto(state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 {
match nt {
0 => 5,
1 => match state { 2 => 14, _ => 6, },
7 => match state { 1 => 12, 3 => 15, _ => 7, },
8 => match state { 4 => 17, _ => 8, },
9 => 13,
_ => 0,
const __TERMINAL: &[&str] =
&[r###""(""###, r###""()""###, r###"")""###, r###""->""###,
r###"".""###, r###"":""###, r###""\\""###,
r###""forall""###, r###""λ""###, r###"r#"[A-Za-z_]+"#"###,
fn __expected_tokens(__state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
let next_state = __action(__state, index);
if next_state == 0 {
} else {
fn __expected_tokens_from_states<'input>(__states: &[i8],
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
if __accepts(None, __states, Some(index),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
} else { None }
pub(crate) struct __StateMachine<'input> where {
input: &'input str,
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>,
impl<'input> __state_machine::ParserDefinition for
__StateMachine<'input> where {
type Location = usize;
type Error = &'static str;
type Token = Token<'input>;
type TokenIndex = usize;
type Symbol = __Symbol<'input>;
type Success = Type;
type StateIndex = i8;
type Action = i8;
type ReduceIndex = i8;
type NonterminalIndex = usize;
fn start_location(&self) -> Self::Location { Default::default() }
fn start_state(&self) -> Self::StateIndex { 0 }
fn token_to_index(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<usize> {
__token_to_integer(token, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn action(&self, state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__action(state, integer)
fn error_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__action(state, 11 - 1)
fn eof_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__EOF_ACTION[state as usize]
fn goto(&self, state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { __goto(state, nt) }
fn token_to_symbol(&self, token_index: usize, token: Self::Token)
-> Self::Symbol {
__token_to_symbol(token_index, token,
fn expected_tokens(&self, state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn expected_tokens_from_states(&self, states: &[i8])
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn uses_error_recovery(&self) -> bool { false }
fn error_recovery_symbol(&self,
recovery: __state_machine::ErrorRecovery<Self>)
-> Self::Symbol {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("error recovery not enabled for this grammar"));
fn reduce(&mut self, action: i8,
start_location: Option<&Self::Location>,
states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<__state_machine::SymbolTriple<Self>>)
-> Option<__state_machine::ParseResult<Self>> {
__reduce(self.input, action, start_location, states, symbols,
fn simulate_reduce(&self, action: i8)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<Self> {
__simulate_reduce(action, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn __token_to_integer<'input>(__token: &Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> Option<usize> {
match *__token {
Token(2, _) if true => Some(0),
Token(3, _) if true => Some(1),
Token(4, _) if true => Some(2),
Token(5, _) if true => Some(3),
Token(6, _) if true => Some(4),
Token(7, _) if true => Some(5),
Token(8, _) if true => Some(6),
Token(9, _) if true => Some(7),
Token(10, _) if true => Some(8),
Token(0, _) if true => Some(9),
Token(1, _) if true => Some(10),
_ => None,
fn __token_to_symbol<'input>(__token_index: usize,
__token: Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> __Symbol<'input> {
match __token_index {
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 =>
match __token {
Token(2, __tok0) | Token(3, __tok0) | Token(4, __tok0) |
Token(5, __tok0) | Token(6, __tok0) | Token(7, __tok0) |
Token(8, __tok0) | Token(9, __tok0) | Token(10, __tok0) |
Token(0, __tok0) | Token(1, __tok0) if true =>
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
fn __simulate_reduce<'input>(__reduce_index: i8,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<__StateMachine<'input>> {
match __reduce_index {
0 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 0,
1 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 1,
2 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 2,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
3 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
4 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
5 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
6 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
7 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
8 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
9 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
10 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
11 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
12 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 6,
13 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
14 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
15 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
16 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
17 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
18 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
19 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
20 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 9,
21 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 10,
22 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 11,
23 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 12,
24 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 13,
25 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 14,
26 => __state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept,
27 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 16,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid reduction index {0}",
pub struct TypeParser {
builder: __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder,
_priv: (),
impl TypeParser {
pub fn new() -> TypeParser {
let __builder = super::__intern_token::new_builder();
TypeParser { builder: __builder, _priv: () }
pub fn parse<'input>(&self, input: &'input str)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
let mut __tokens = self.builder.matcher(input);
__state_machine::Parser::drive(__StateMachine {
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>,
}, __tokens)
fn __accepts<'input>(__error_state: Option<i8>, __states: &[i8],
__opt_integer: Option<usize>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> bool {
let mut __states = __states.to_vec();
loop {
let mut __states_len = __states.len();
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __action =
match __opt_integer {
None => __EOF_ACTION[__top as usize],
Some(__integer) => __action(__top, __integer),
if __action == 0 { return false; }
if __action > 0 { return true; }
let (__to_pop, __nt) =
match __simulate_reduce(-(__action + 1),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced } =>
(states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced),
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept => return true,
__states_len -= __to_pop;
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __next_state = __goto(__top, __nt);
pub(crate) fn __reduce<'input>(input: &'input str, __action: i8,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>>> {
let (__pop_states, __nonterminal) =
match __action {
0 => {
__reduce0(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
1 => {
__reduce1(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
2 => {
__reduce2(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
3 => {
__reduce3(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
4 => {
__reduce4(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
5 => {
__reduce5(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
6 => {
__reduce6(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
7 => {
__reduce7(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
8 => {
__reduce8(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
9 => {
__reduce9(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
10 => {
__reduce10(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
11 => {
__reduce11(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
12 => {
__reduce12(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
13 => {
__reduce13(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
14 => {
__reduce14(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
15 => {
__reduce15(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
16 => {
__reduce16(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
17 => {
__reduce17(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
18 => {
__reduce18(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
19 => {
__reduce19(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
20 => {
__reduce20(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
21 => {
__reduce21(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
22 => {
__reduce22(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
23 => {
__reduce23(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
24 => {
__reduce24(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
25 => {
__reduce25(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
26 => {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action5::<>(input, __sym0);
return Some(Ok(__nt));
27 => {
__reduce27(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid action code {0}",
let __states_len = __states.len();
__states.truncate(__states_len - __pop_states);
let __state = *__states.last().unwrap();
let __next_state = __goto(__state, __nonterminal);
fn __symbol_type_mismatch() -> ! {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("symbol type mismatch"));
fn __pop_Variant1<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, String, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant1(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant2<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Term, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant2(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant3<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Type, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant3(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant0<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, &'input str, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant0(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
pub(crate) fn __reduce0<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action26::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 0)
pub(crate) fn __reduce1<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action27::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 1)
pub(crate) fn __reduce2<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 2) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 2")
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym1.2;
let __nt = super::__action15::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(2, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce3<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action16::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce4<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action7::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce5<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action8::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce6<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action9::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce7<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action10::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce8<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action11::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce9<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action12::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce10<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action13::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce11<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action14::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce12<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action17::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 6)
pub(crate) fn __reduce13<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action23::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce14<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action24::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce15<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action18::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce16<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action19::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce17<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action20::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce18<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action21::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce19<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action22::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(4, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce20<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action25::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 9)
pub(crate) fn __reduce21<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action6::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 10)
pub(crate) fn __reduce22<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action3::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 11)
pub(crate) fn __reduce23<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action0::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 12)
pub(crate) fn __reduce24<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action1::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 13)
pub(crate) fn __reduce25<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action2::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 14)
pub(crate) fn __reduce27<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action4::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 16)
pub use self::__parse__Type::TypeParser;
#[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types, unused_mut,
unused_variables, unused_imports, unused_parens, clippy :: all)]
mod __parse__Type0 {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
pub(crate) enum __Symbol<'input> {
Variant0(&'input str),
const __ACTION: &[i8] =
&[2, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 10, 11, 2, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0,
10, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 2, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0, 10, 11, 2, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 10, 11, 0, 0,
-19, -19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -18, -18, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -16, -16, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, -15, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17, -17,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, -20, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
fn __action(state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__ACTION[(state as usize) * 11 + integer]
const __EOF_ACTION: &[i8] =
&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -19, -18, -28, -16, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -17, 0,
fn __goto(state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 {
match nt {
0 => 5,
1 => match state { 2 => 14, _ => 6, },
7 => match state { 3 => 16, _ => 11, },
8 => match state { 0 => 7, 4 => 17, _ => 12, },
9 => 13,
_ => 0,
const __TERMINAL: &[&str] =
&[r###""(""###, r###""()""###, r###"")""###, r###""->""###,
r###"".""###, r###"":""###, r###""\\""###,
r###""forall""###, r###""λ""###, r###"r#"[A-Za-z_]+"#"###,
fn __expected_tokens(__state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
let next_state = __action(__state, index);
if next_state == 0 {
} else {
fn __expected_tokens_from_states<'input>(__states: &[i8],
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
__TERMINAL.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(index, terminal)|
if __accepts(None, __states, Some(index),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
} else { None }
pub(crate) struct __StateMachine<'input> where {
input: &'input str,
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>,
impl<'input> __state_machine::ParserDefinition for
__StateMachine<'input> where {
type Location = usize;
type Error = &'static str;
type Token = Token<'input>;
type TokenIndex = usize;
type Symbol = __Symbol<'input>;
type Success = Type;
type StateIndex = i8;
type Action = i8;
type ReduceIndex = i8;
type NonterminalIndex = usize;
fn start_location(&self) -> Self::Location { Default::default() }
fn start_state(&self) -> Self::StateIndex { 0 }
fn token_to_index(&self, token: &Self::Token) -> Option<usize> {
__token_to_integer(token, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn action(&self, state: i8, integer: usize) -> i8 {
__action(state, integer)
fn error_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__action(state, 11 - 1)
fn eof_action(&self, state: i8) -> i8 {
__EOF_ACTION[state as usize]
fn goto(&self, state: i8, nt: usize) -> i8 { __goto(state, nt) }
fn token_to_symbol(&self, token_index: usize, token: Self::Token)
-> Self::Symbol {
__token_to_symbol(token_index, token,
fn expected_tokens(&self, state: i8)
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn expected_tokens_from_states(&self, states: &[i8])
-> alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String> {
fn uses_error_recovery(&self) -> bool { false }
fn error_recovery_symbol(&self,
recovery: __state_machine::ErrorRecovery<Self>)
-> Self::Symbol {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("error recovery not enabled for this grammar"));
fn reduce(&mut self, action: i8,
start_location: Option<&Self::Location>,
states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<__state_machine::SymbolTriple<Self>>)
-> Option<__state_machine::ParseResult<Self>> {
__reduce(self.input, action, start_location, states, symbols,
fn simulate_reduce(&self, action: i8)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<Self> {
__simulate_reduce(action, core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>)
fn __token_to_integer<'input>(__token: &Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> Option<usize> {
match *__token {
Token(2, _) if true => Some(0),
Token(3, _) if true => Some(1),
Token(4, _) if true => Some(2),
Token(5, _) if true => Some(3),
Token(6, _) if true => Some(4),
Token(7, _) if true => Some(5),
Token(8, _) if true => Some(6),
Token(9, _) if true => Some(7),
Token(10, _) if true => Some(8),
Token(0, _) if true => Some(9),
Token(1, _) if true => Some(10),
_ => None,
fn __token_to_symbol<'input>(__token_index: usize,
__token: Token<'input>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> __Symbol<'input> {
match __token_index {
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 =>
match __token {
Token(2, __tok0) | Token(3, __tok0) | Token(4, __tok0) |
Token(5, __tok0) | Token(6, __tok0) | Token(7, __tok0) |
Token(8, __tok0) | Token(9, __tok0) | Token(10, __tok0) |
Token(0, __tok0) | Token(1, __tok0) if true =>
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
_ =>
::core::panicking::panic("internal error: entered unreachable code"),
fn __simulate_reduce<'input>(__reduce_index: i8,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
-> __state_machine::SimulatedReduce<__StateMachine<'input>> {
match __reduce_index {
0 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 0,
1 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 1,
2 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 2,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
3 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 2,
4 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
5 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
6 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 3,
7 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
8 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
9 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 4,
10 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
11 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 5,
12 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 6,
13 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
14 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 7,
15 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
16 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 3,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
17 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
18 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
19 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 4,
nonterminal_produced: 8,
20 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 9,
21 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 10,
22 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 11,
23 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 12,
24 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 13,
25 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 14,
26 => {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop: 1,
nonterminal_produced: 15,
27 => __state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept,
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid reduction index {0}",
pub struct Type0Parser {
builder: __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder,
_priv: (),
impl Type0Parser {
pub fn new() -> Type0Parser {
let __builder = super::__intern_token::new_builder();
Type0Parser { builder: __builder, _priv: () }
pub fn parse<'input>(&self, input: &'input str)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
let mut __tokens = self.builder.matcher(input);
__state_machine::Parser::drive(__StateMachine {
__phantom: core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>,
}, __tokens)
fn __accepts<'input>(__error_state: Option<i8>, __states: &[i8],
__opt_integer: Option<usize>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> bool {
let mut __states = __states.to_vec();
loop {
let mut __states_len = __states.len();
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __action =
match __opt_integer {
None => __EOF_ACTION[__top as usize],
Some(__integer) => __action(__top, __integer),
if __action == 0 { return false; }
if __action > 0 { return true; }
let (__to_pop, __nt) =
match __simulate_reduce(-(__action + 1),
core::marker::PhantomData::<(&())>) {
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Reduce {
states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced } =>
(states_to_pop, nonterminal_produced),
__state_machine::SimulatedReduce::Accept => return true,
__states_len -= __to_pop;
let __top = __states[__states_len - 1];
let __next_state = __goto(__top, __nt);
pub(crate) fn __reduce<'input>(input: &'input str, __action: i8,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__states: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<i8>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>)
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>>> {
let (__pop_states, __nonterminal) =
match __action {
0 => {
__reduce0(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
1 => {
__reduce1(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
2 => {
__reduce2(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
3 => {
__reduce3(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
4 => {
__reduce4(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
5 => {
__reduce5(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
6 => {
__reduce6(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
7 => {
__reduce7(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
8 => {
__reduce8(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
9 => {
__reduce9(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
10 => {
__reduce10(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
11 => {
__reduce11(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
12 => {
__reduce12(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
13 => {
__reduce13(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
14 => {
__reduce14(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
15 => {
__reduce15(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
16 => {
__reduce16(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
17 => {
__reduce17(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
18 => {
__reduce18(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
19 => {
__reduce19(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
20 => {
__reduce20(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
21 => {
__reduce21(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
22 => {
__reduce22(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
23 => {
__reduce23(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
24 => {
__reduce24(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
25 => {
__reduce25(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
26 => {
__reduce26(input, __lookahead_start, __symbols,
27 => {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action4::<>(input, __sym0);
return Some(Ok(__nt));
_ => {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("invalid action code {0}",
let __states_len = __states.len();
__states.truncate(__states_len - __pop_states);
let __state = *__states.last().unwrap();
let __next_state = __goto(__state, __nonterminal);
fn __symbol_type_mismatch() -> ! {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("symbol type mismatch"));
fn __pop_Variant1<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, String, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant1(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant2<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Term, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant2(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant3<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, Type, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant3(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
fn __pop_Variant0<'input>(__symbols:
&mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>)
-> (usize, &'input str, usize) {
match __symbols.pop() {
Some((__l, __Symbol::Variant0(__v), __r)) => (__l, __v, __r),
_ => __symbol_type_mismatch(),
pub(crate) fn __reduce0<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action26::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 0)
pub(crate) fn __reduce1<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action27::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 1)
pub(crate) fn __reduce2<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 2) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 2")
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym1.2;
let __nt = super::__action15::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(2, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce3<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action16::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 2)
pub(crate) fn __reduce4<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action7::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce5<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action8::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce6<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action9::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 3)
pub(crate) fn __reduce7<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action10::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce8<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action11::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(4, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce9<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action12::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 4)
pub(crate) fn __reduce10<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action13::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(3, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce11<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action14::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 5)
pub(crate) fn __reduce12<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action17::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 6)
pub(crate) fn __reduce13<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action23::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce14<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action24::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 7)
pub(crate) fn __reduce15<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action18::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce16<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 3) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 3")
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym2.2;
let __nt = super::__action19::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(3, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce17<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action20::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce18<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action21::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce19<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
if !(__symbols.len() >= 4) {
::core::panicking::panic("assertion failed: __symbols.len() >= 4")
let __sym3 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __sym2 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __sym1 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant0(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym3.2;
let __nt =
super::__action22::<>(input, __sym0, __sym1, __sym2, __sym3);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(4, 8)
pub(crate) fn __reduce20<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action25::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 9)
pub(crate) fn __reduce21<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant1(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action6::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant1(__nt), __end));
(1, 10)
pub(crate) fn __reduce22<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action3::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 11)
pub(crate) fn __reduce23<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action0::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 12)
pub(crate) fn __reduce24<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action1::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 13)
pub(crate) fn __reduce25<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant2(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action2::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant2(__nt), __end));
(1, 14)
pub(crate) fn __reduce26<'input>(input: &'input str,
__lookahead_start: Option<&usize>,
__symbols: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<(usize, __Symbol<'input>, usize)>,
_: core::marker::PhantomData<(&'input ())>) -> (usize, usize) {
let __sym0 = __pop_Variant3(__symbols);
let __start = __sym0.0;
let __end = __sym0.2;
let __nt = super::__action5::<>(input, __sym0);
__symbols.push((__start, __Symbol::Variant3(__nt), __end));
(1, 15)
pub use self::__parse__Type0::Type0Parser;
mod __intern_token {
use crate::data::*;
extern crate lalrpop_util as __lalrpop_util;
use self::__lalrpop_util::state_machine as __state_machine;
extern crate core;
extern crate alloc;
pub fn new_builder() -> __lalrpop_util::lexer::MatcherBuilder {
let __strs: &[(&str, bool)] =
&[("^([A-Z_a-z]+)", false), ("^((?:\\^[A-Z_a-z]+))", false),
("^(\\()", false), ("^((?:\\(\\)))", false),
("^(\\))", false), ("^((?:\\->))", false),
("^(\\.)", false), ("^(:)", false), ("^(\\\\)", false),
("^((?:forall))", false), ("^(λ)", false),
(r"^(\s*)", true)];
pub(crate) use self::__lalrpop_util::lexer::Token;
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action0<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action1<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action2<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action3<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action4<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Type, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action5<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Type, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action6<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, String, usize)) -> String {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action7<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, &'input str, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action8<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, term, _): (usize, Term, usize),
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action9<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, String, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action10<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, name, _): (usize, String, usize),
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, term, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
Term::Lam(name, Box::new(term))
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action11<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, name, _): (usize, String, usize),
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, term, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
Term::Lam(name, Box::new(term))
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action12<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action13<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, term, _): (usize, Term, usize),
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, ty, _): (usize, Type, usize)) -> Term {
Term::Annot(Box::new(term), ty)
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action14<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action15<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, func, _): (usize, Term, usize), (_, arg, _): (usize, Term, usize))
-> Term {
Term::App(Box::new(func), Box::new(arg))
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action16<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action17<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Term, usize)) -> Term {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action18<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, &'input str, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action19<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, ty, _): (usize, Type, usize),
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action20<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, String, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action21<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, String, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action22<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, name, _): (usize, String, usize),
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, ty, _): (usize, Type, usize)) -> Type {
Type::Polytype(name, Box::new(ty))
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action23<'input>(input: &'input str, (_, a, _): (usize, Type, usize),
(_, _, _): (usize, &'input str, usize),
(_, b, _): (usize, Type, usize)) -> Type {
Type::Arrow(Box::new(a), Box::new(b))
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action24<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Type, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action25<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, Type, usize)) -> Type {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action26<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, &'input str, usize)) -> String {
#[allow(clippy :: too_many_arguments)]
fn __action27<'input>(input: &'input str,
(_, __0, _): (usize, &'input str, usize)) -> String {
#[allow(clippy :: type_complexity)]
pub trait __ToTriple<'input> {
fn to_triple(value: Self)
Result<(usize, Token<'input>, usize),
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>, &'static str>>;
impl<'input> __ToTriple<'input> for (usize, Token<'input>, usize) {
fn to_triple(value: Self)
Result<(usize, Token<'input>, usize),
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
impl<'input> __ToTriple<'input> for
Result<(usize, Token<'input>, usize), &'static str> {
fn to_triple(value: Self)
Result<(usize, Token<'input>, usize),
__lalrpop_util::ParseError<usize, Token<'input>,
&'static str>> {
match value {
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
Err(error) => Err(__lalrpop_util::ParseError::User { error }),
const DEPTH: ::std::thread::LocalKey<::std::cell::Cell<usize>> =
fn __init() -> ::std::cell::Cell<usize> { ::std::cell::Cell::new(0) }
unsafe fn __getit(init:
::std::option::Option<&mut ::std::option::Option<::std::cell::Cell<usize>>>)
-> ::std::option::Option<&'static ::std::cell::Cell<usize>> {
static __KEY:
::std::thread::local_impl::Key<::std::cell::Cell<usize>> =
unsafe {
__KEY.get(move ||
if let ::std::option::Option::Some(init) = init {
if let ::std::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
return value;
} else if true {
::core::panicking::panic_fmt(format_args!("internal error: entered unreachable code: {0}",
format_args!("missing default value")));
unsafe { ::std::thread::LocalKey::new(__getit) }