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@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ open Aexp
open Value
open State
-- Step for atomics
astep : ∀ {Tω Γ A} → Aexp Tω Γ A → Env Tω Γ → Value Tω A
astep (value v) _ = v
astep zero _ = zero
@ -18,16 +21,23 @@ astep (suc c) e = suc $ astep c e
astep (` id) e = lookup e id
astep (ƛ body) e = clo body e
inject : {A : Type} → Exp A ∅ A → State A
inject {A} C = mkState A ∅ C ∅ halt
-- Step
step : ∀ {Tω : Type} → State Tω → StepResult Tω
-- Atomic expressions
step (mkState Tc Γ (atomic x) E K) = apply-kont K $ astep x E
-- Natural numbers
step (mkState Tc Γ (case C isZ isS) E K) with astep C E
... | zero = part $ mkState Tc Γ isZ E K
... | suc n = part $ mkState Tc Γ (isS · value n) E K
-- Function application
step (mkState Tc Γ (x₁ · x₂) E K) with astep x₁ E
... | clo body env = apply-proc-clo body env (astep x₂ E) K
-- Call/cc
step (mkState Tc Γ (x₁ ∘ x₂) E K) with astep x₁ E
... | cont k =
let val = astep x₂ E in
@ -40,10 +50,18 @@ step {Tω} (mkState Tc Γ (call/cc {A} aexp) E K) with astep aexp E
part $ mkState Tω Γ′ body E′ halt
step (mkState Tc Γ (abort V⊥) E K) with astep V⊥ E
... | ()
-- Let-bindings
step (mkState Tc Γ (`let {A} C₁ C₂) E K) =
let K′ = letk Γ C₂ E K in
part $ mkState A Γ C₁ E (kont K′)
-- Evaluation
inject : {A : Type} → Exp A ∅ A → State A
inject {A} C = mkState A ∅ C ∅ halt
data EvalResult : Set where
complete : ∀ {A} → StepResult A → EvalResult
exhausted : ∀ {A} → State A → EvalResult
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