Lambda calc on CEK machine with call/cc === This is my term project for CSCI 8980: Programming Language Foundations in Agda during the Fall 2021 semester. It follows a [textbook of the same name][textbook]. [textbook]: Assignment: > Your Agda project should be formalizing some language feature not detailed in > the textbook and proving type safety of it. Your formalization should contain > these three ingredients: > > 1. The statics: the type system. > 2. The dynamics: a dynamic system that is different from the reduction system > used in Part 2 of the textbook. > 3. The theorems: progress and preservation as type safety. My project formalizes a lambda calculus with call/cc using a CEK interpreter described by [Matt Might's blog post][might-cesk]. Slight modifications were made to allow it to type correctly, but the semantics are very similar. Building -------- If you already have Agda installed, compiling `src/Project/Cesk.agda` should work. If not, this repository is a Nix flake; simply run `nix develop` and both neovim with the Agda plugin and VSCode (FOSS edition) with its Agda extension are available in the shell. [might-cesk]: