2021-12-07 12:32:30 -06:00

43 lines
1,019 B

%Information to be included in the title page:
\title{Sample title}
\frametitle{Sample frame title}
This is some text in the first frame. This is some text in the first frame. This is some text in the first frame.
roundnode/.style={circle, draw=green!60, fill=green!5, very thick, minimum size=7mm},
squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=red!60, fill=red!5, very thick, minimum size=5mm},
\node[draw, align=left, squarednode](ceskState){
C = $\lambda x . (\lambda y . x + y)$ \\
$E$ = [] \\
$S$ = [] \\
$\kappa$ = halt
\node[squarednode](ceskState2)[right=of ceskState]{CESK};
\draw[->] (ceskState.east) -- (ceskState2.west);
% vim: set sw=2 :