# This is the Makefile helping you submit the labs. # Just create 6.5840/api.key with your API key in it, # and submit your lab with the following command: # $ make [lab1|lab2a|lab2b|lab2c|lab2d|lab3a|lab3b|lab4a|lab4b] LABS=" lab1 lab2a lab2b lab2c lab2d lab3a lab3b lab4a lab4b " %: check-% @echo "Preparing $@-handin.tar.gz" @if echo $(LABS) | grep -q " $@ " ; then \ echo "Tarring up your submission..." ; \ COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar cvzf $@-handin.tar.gz \ "--exclude=src/main/pg-*.txt" \ "--exclude=src/main/diskvd" \ "--exclude=src/mapreduce/824-mrinput-*.txt" \ "--exclude=src/mapreduce/5840-mrinput-*.txt" \ "--exclude=src/main/mr-*" \ "--exclude=mrtmp.*" \ "--exclude=src/main/diff.out" \ "--exclude=src/main/mrcoordinator" \ "--exclude=src/main/mrsequential" \ "--exclude=src/main/mrworker" \ "--exclude=*.so" \ Makefile src; \ if ! test -e api.key ; then \ echo "Missing $(PWD)/api.key. Please create the file with your key in it or submit the $@-handin.tar.gz via the web interface."; \ else \ echo "Are you sure you want to submit $@? Enter 'yes' to continue:"; \ read line; \ if test "$$line" != "yes" ; then echo "Giving up submission"; exit; fi; \ if test `stat -c "%s" "$@-handin.tar.gz" 2>/dev/null || stat -f "%z" "$@-handin.tar.gz"` -ge 20971520 ; then echo "File exceeds 20MB."; exit; fi; \ cat api.key | tr -d '\n' > .api.key.trimmed ; \ curl --silent --fail --show-error -F file=@$@-handin.tar.gz -F "key=<.api.key.trimmed" \ https://6824.scripts.mit.edu/2023/handin.py/upload > /dev/null || { \ echo ; \ echo "Submit seems to have failed."; \ echo "Please upload the tarball manually on the submission website."; } \ fi; \ else \ echo "Bad target $@. Usage: make [$(LABS)]"; \ fi .PHONY: check-% check-%: @echo "Checking that your submission builds correctly..." @./.check-build git://g.csail.mit.edu/6.5840-golabs-2023 $(patsubst check-%,%,$@)