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2022-11-19 07:49:58 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Lemma641 where
open import Level
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
2022-11-22 22:56:52 +00:00
using (_≡_; refl; _∙_; _≡⟨_⟩_; _∎; cong; sym; fst; snd; _,_; ~_)
2022-11-19 07:49:58 +00:00
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as
2022-11-22 22:56:52 +00:00
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv using (isEquiv; equivProof; equiv-proof)
2022-11-19 07:49:58 +00:00
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
_≢_ : { : Level} {A : Set } Rel A
x y = ¬ x y
data : Set where
base :
loop : base base
data Bool : Set where
true : Bool
false : Bool
bool-id : Bool Bool
bool-id true = true
bool-id false = false
bool-id≡bool : (b : Bool) bool-id b b
bool-id≡bool true _ = true
bool-id≡bool false _ = false
2022-11-22 22:56:52 +00:00
-- record isEquiv { '} {A : Set } {B : Set '} (f : A → B) : Set (') where
-- no-eta-equality
-- field
-- equiv-proof : (y : B) → isContr (fiber f y)
-- isEquiv bool-id
-- A = Bool
-- B = Bool
-- f : Bool → Bool
-- equiv-proof : (y : B = Bool) → isContr (fiber f y)
-- fiber : ∀ { '} {A : Set } {B : Set '} (f : A → B) (y : B) → Set (')
-- fiber {A = A} f y = Σ A \ x → f x ≡ y
-- fiber f y
-- f : Bool → Bool
-- A = Bool
-- B = Bool
-- y : Bool = y
-- fiber f y = Σ Bool \ x → f x ≡ y
-- isContr : ∀ {} → Set → Set
-- isContr A = Σ A \ x → (∀ y → x ≡ y)
-- isContr (Σ Bool \ x → f x ≡ y)
-- = Σ (Σ Bool \ x → f x ≡ y) \ x → (∀ y → x ≡ y)
-- .fst = (x , f x ≡ y)
-- .snd = (∀ y → .fst ≡ y)
2022-11-19 07:49:58 +00:00
bool-id-is-equiv : isEquiv bool-id
2022-11-22 22:56:52 +00:00
bool-id-is-equiv .equiv-proof y = ?
-- First is an element of bool-id ≡ bool
-- bool-id-is-equiv .equiv-proof y .fst = ( y , bool-id≡bool y )
-- -- Second is a proof that any other inhabitant of bool-id ≡ bool is the same as the above
-- bool-id-is-equiv .equiv-proof y .snd = ?
2022-11-19 07:49:58 +00:00
bool-flip : Bool Bool
bool-flip true = false
bool-flip false = true
f : {A : Set} (x : A) (p : x x) A
f x p base = x
f x p (loop i) = p i
refl-base : base base
refl-base = refl
refl-x : {A : Set} (x : A) x x
refl-x _ = refl
-- p : x ≡ x
-- p : PathP (λ _ → A) x x
-- p : I → A
-- f : S¹ → A
-- loop : I → S¹
-- λ i → f (loop i) : I → A
-- f : S¹ → A
-- refl-base : base ≡ base
-- refl-base : I → S¹
-- λ i → f (refl-base i) : I → A
-- refl-x : x ≡ x
-- refl-x : I → A
-- p ≡ refl : I → (I → A)
types-arent-sets : {A : Set} (x : A) (p : x x) p refl
types-arent-sets x p p≡refl = ?
-- This is the consequence of loop ≡ refl, which says that for any p : x ≡ x, it
-- also equals refl. It is then used with a proof that p ≡ refl → ⊥
consequence : {A : Set} (x : A) (p : x x) loop refl p refl
consequence x p loop≡refl = p
≡⟨ refl
(λ i f x p (loop i))
≡⟨ cong (λ l i f x p (l i)) loop≡refl
(λ i f x p (refl-base i))
≡⟨ refl
refl-x x
2022-11-22 22:56:52 +00:00
-- lemma641 : loop ≢ refl
-- lemma641 x = ?
2022-11-19 07:49:58 +00:00
-- https://serokell.io/blog/playing-with-negation
-- f : {A : Set} (x : A) → (p : x ≡ x) → (S¹ → A)