a bit of wip into ch6
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@ -2,10 +2,25 @@ module HottBook.Chapter2Util where
open import HottBook.Chapter1
open import HottBook.Chapter2
open import HottBook.CoreUtil
neg-homotopy : (neg ∘ neg) ∼ id
neg-homotopy true = refl
neg-homotopy false = refl
neg-equiv : 𝟚 ≃ 𝟚
neg-equiv = neg , qinv-to-isequiv (mkQinv neg neg-homotopy neg-homotopy)
neg-equiv = neg , qinv-to-isequiv (mkQinv neg neg-homotopy neg-homotopy)
Bool : ∀ {l} → Set l
Bool = Lift 𝟚
Bool-neg : ∀ {l} → Bool {l} → Bool {l}
Bool-neg (lift true) = lift false
Bool-neg (lift false) = lift true
Bool-neg-homotopy : ∀ {l} → (Bool-neg {l} ∘ Bool-neg {l}) ∼ id
Bool-neg-homotopy (lift true) = refl
Bool-neg-homotopy (lift false) = refl
Bool-neg-equiv : ∀ {l} → Bool {l} ≃ Bool {l}
Bool-neg-equiv = Bool-neg , qinv-to-isequiv (mkQinv Bool-neg Bool-neg-homotopy Bool-neg-homotopy)
@ -126,30 +126,35 @@ lemma3∙1∙8 {A} A-set x y p q r s =
### Example 3.1.9
example3∙1∙9 : ¬ (isSet Set)
example3∙1∙9 : ∀ {l} → ¬ (isSet (Set l))
example3∙1∙9 p = remark2∙12∙6.true≢false lol
open axiom2∙10∙3
f-path : 𝟚 ≡ 𝟚
f-path = ua neg-equiv
f-path : Bool ≡ Bool
f-path = ua Bool-neg-equiv
bogus : id ≡ neg
bogus : id ≡ Bool-neg
bogus =
helper : f-path ≡ refl
helper = p 𝟚 𝟚 f-path refl
helper = p Bool Bool f-path refl
wtf : idtoeqv f-path ≡ idtoeqv refl
wtf = ap idtoeqv helper
wtf2 : Σ.fst (idtoeqv (ua Bool-neg-equiv)) ≡ id
wtf2 = ap Σ.fst wtf
wtf3 = ap Σ.fst (propositional-computation neg-equiv)
wtf3 : Σ.fst (idtoeqv (ua Bool-neg-equiv)) ≡ Bool-neg
wtf3 = ap Σ.fst (propositional-computation Bool-neg-equiv)
wtf4 : Bool-neg ≡ id
wtf4 = sym wtf3 ∙ wtf2
in sym wtf4
lol : true ≡ false
lol = ap (λ f → f true) bogus
lol = ap (λ f → Lift.lower (f (lift true))) bogus
## 3.2 Propositions as types?
@ -30,11 +30,25 @@ exercise3∙1 {A} {B} equiv@(f , mkIsEquiv g g* h h*) isSetA xB yB pB qB =
lol3 : ap (f ∘ g) pB ≡ ap (f ∘ g) qB
lol3 = sym (lemma2∙2∙2.iii g f pB) ∙ lol2 ∙ (lemma2∙2∙2.iii g f qB)
lemma1 : ∀ {A B} {x y : A} (f g : A → B)
→ (p : x ≡ y)
→ f ≡ g
→ ap f p ≃ {! ap g p !}
lemma1 = {! !}
lol4 : (xB ≡ yB) → ((f ∘ g) xB ≡ (f ∘ g) yB)
lol4 p = ap (f ∘ g) p
lol5 : ((f ∘ g) xB ≡ (f ∘ g) yB) → (xB ≡ yB)
lol5 p = sym (g* xB) ∙ p ∙ g* yB
-- lol4 : (xB ≡ yB) → ((f ∘ g) xB ≡ (f ∘ g) yB)
-- lol4 = ua (ff , qinv-to-isequiv (mkQinv gg forward {! !}))
-- where
-- gg : ((f ∘ g) xB ≡ (f ∘ g) yB) → (xB ≡ yB)
-- gg p = sym (g* xB) ∙ p ∙ g* yB
-- forward : (p : (f ∘ g) xB ≡ (f ∘ g) yB) → ap (f ∘ g) (gg p) ≡ p
-- forward p = {! !}
-- lemma1 : ∀ {A B} {x y : A} (f g : A → B)
-- → (p : x ≡ y)
-- → f ≡ g
-- → ap f p ≃ {! ap g p !}
-- lemma1 = {! !}
-- lol4 : ∀ {A B} {x y : B}
-- → (p : x ≡ y) → (f : A → B) → (g : B → A)
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
module HottBook.Chapter6 where
@ -10,14 +13,11 @@ private
l : Level
# Chapter 6 Higher Inductive Types
S¹ : Set
base : S¹
loop : base ≡ base
Using the approach from here: https://github.com/HoTT/HoTT-Agda/blob/master/old/Spaces/Circle.agda
## 6.2 Induction principles and dependent paths
@ -50,4 +50,50 @@ record I-ind (P : I → Set) (b0 : P 0I) (b1 : P 1I) (s : b0 ≡[ P , seg ] b1)
prop1 : f 0I ≡ b0
prop2 : f 1I ≡ b1
prop3 : apd f seg ≡ {! s !}
## 6.4 Circles and sphere
data #S¹ : Set where
#base : #S¹
S¹ : Set
S¹ = #S¹
base : S¹
base = #base
loop : base ≡ base
S¹-rec : {P : S¹ → Set} → (b : P base) → (l : b ≡[ P , loop ] b) → ((x : S¹) → P x)
S¹-rec b l #base = b
S¹-rec-loop : {P : S¹ → Set} → (b : P base) → (l : b ≡[ P , loop ] b) → apd (S¹-rec b l) loop ≡ l
### Lemma 6.4.1
lemma6∙4∙1 : loop ≢ refl
lemma6∙4∙1 loop≡refl =
{! !}
f : {A : Set} {x : A} {p : x ≡ x} → (S¹ → A)
f {A = A} {x = x} {p = p} s =
let p' = transportconst A loop x
in (S¹-rec x (p' ∙ p)) s
f-loop : {A : Set} {x : A} {p : x ≡ x} → apd f loop ≡ p
f-loop {x = x} = S¹-rec-loop x ?
goal : ⊥
goal2 : (A : Set l) (a : A) (p : a ≡ a) → isSet A
goal = example3∙1∙9 (goal2 {! !} {! !} {! !})
-- goal3 : ∀ (s : S¹) (p : s ≡ s) → p ≡ refl
goal2 A a p x y r s = {! !}
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