This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2024-07-16 17:44:26 -04:00
parent 00f02ba1ca
commit 730eeffd75
5 changed files with 141 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -12,13 +12,15 @@ build-to-html:
--allow-unsolved-metas \
--html-highlight=auto \
--no-load-primitives \
--rewriting \
|| true
# fd --no-ignore "html$$" $(GENDIR) -x rm
.PHONY: html/src/generated/
nu scripts/build-table
# nu scripts/build-table
touch $@
html/book/Progress.html: html/src/generated/
pandoc \

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- [Chapter 3](./generated/
- [Chapter 4](./generated/
- [Chapter 5](./generated/
- [Chapter 6](./generated/
# HoTT Book (Cubical formulation)

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ example3∙1∙6 {A} Bset f g p q =
### Definition 3.1.7
is-1-type : (A : Set) → Set
is-1-type : (A : Set l) → Set l
is-1-type A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → (r s : p ≡ q) → r ≡ s

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
module HottBook.Chapter4 where
@ -13,6 +16,8 @@ private
l : Level
# Chapter 4 Equivalences
@ -121,7 +126,7 @@ lemma4∙1∙2 {A} {a} q prop1 g prop3 = (λ x → {! !}) , {! !}
There exist types A and B and a function f : A → B such that qinv( f ) is not a mere proposition.
theorem4∙1∙3 : ∀ {l} → Σ (Set l) (λ A → Σ (Set l) (λ B → Σ (A → B) (λ f → isProp (qinv f) → ⊥)))
-- theorem4∙1∙3 : ∀ {l} → Σ (Set l) (λ A → Σ (Set l) (λ B → Σ (A → B) (λ f → isProp (qinv f) → ⊥)))
-- theorem4∙1∙3 {l} = goal
-- where
-- goal : ∀ {l} → Σ (Set l) (λ A → Σ (Set l) (λ B → Σ (A → B) (λ f → isProp (qinv f) → ⊥)))
@ -230,14 +235,14 @@ lemma4∙2∙9 f q = ({! !} , {! !}) , ({! !} , {! !})
module definition4∙2∙10 where
open definition4∙2∙7
lcoh : ∀ {A} {B} → (f : A → B) → linv f → rinv f → Set
-- lcoh : ∀ {A} {B} → (f : A → B) → linv f → rinv f → Set
-- lcoh f (g , η) (g , ε) = ?
### Theorem 4.2.13
theorem4∙2∙13 : {A B : Set} (f : A → B) → isProp (ishae f)
-- theorem4∙2∙13 : {A B : Set} (f : A → B) → isProp (ishae f)
## 4.3 Bi-invertible maps

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open import HottBook.CoreUtil
l : Level
l l2 : Level
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ lemma6∙3∙2 {A = A} {B = B} {f = f} {g = g} p = apd q seg
## 6.4 Circles and sphere
module S¹ where
S¹ : Set
base : S¹
loop : base ≡ base
@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ postulate
-- TODO: Uncommenting this leads to a bug in the definition of z2 in lemma 6.4.1
-- {-# REWRITE rec-S¹-loop #-}
open S¹ hiding (base)
### Lemma 6.4.1
@ -114,6 +116,8 @@ postulate
lemma6∙4∙1 : loop ≢ refl
lemma6∙4∙1 loop≡refl = goal3
open S¹
f : ∀ {l} {A : Set l} {x : A} {p : x ≡ x} → S¹ → A
f {A = A} {x = x} {p = p} = rec-S¹ {P = λ _ → A} x p
@ -144,8 +148,118 @@ lemma6∙4∙2 = f , g
open axiom2∙9∙3
f = rec-S¹ loop {! !}
f = rec-S¹ loop goal
goal : loop ≡[ (λ x → x ≡ x) , loop ] loop
goal2 : sym loop ∙ loop ∙ loop ≡ loop
goal = lemma2∙11∙2.iii {a = S¹.base} loop loop ∙ goal2
goal3 : sym loop ∙ loop ≡ refl
goal4 : refl ∙ loop ≡ loop
goal5 : sym loop ∙ loop ∙ loop ≡ (sym loop ∙ loop) ∙ loop
goal2 = goal5 ∙ ap (λ c → c ∙ loop) goal3 ∙ goal4
goal3 = lemma2∙1∙4.ii1 loop
goal4 = sym (lemma2∙1∙4.i2 loop)
goal5 = lemma2∙1∙4.iv (sym loop) loop loop
g : f ≡ (λ x → refl) → ⊥
g p = {! !}
g p = lemma6∙4∙1 goal
goal : loop ≡ refl
goal = ap (λ s → s S¹.base) p
### Corollary 6.4.3
-- corollary6∙4∙3 : (l : Level) → ¬ (is-1-type (Set l))
-- corollary6∙4∙3 l p = {! !}
-- where
-- open lemma2∙4∙12
-- Circle : Set l
-- Circle = Lift S¹
-- self : Set (lsuc l)
-- self = Circle ≡ Circle
-- self-equiv : Set l
-- self-equiv = Circle ≃ Circle
-- goal1 : ¬ isSet self-equiv
-- goal2 : ¬ isProp (id-equiv Circle ≡ id-equiv Circle)
-- goal1 p = goal2 λ p' q' → p (id-equiv Circle) (id-equiv Circle) p' q'
-- postulate
-- equivalence-isProp : isProp self-equiv
-- goal3 : ¬ isProp (id {A = Circle} ≡ id)
-- goal4 : (id {A = Circle} ≡ id) ≡ (id-equiv Circle ≡ id-equiv Circle)
-- A : Set l
-- goal : ⊥
### Lemma 6.4.4
lemma6∙4∙4 : {A B : Set}
→ (f : A → B)
→ {x y : A} {p q : x ≡ y}
→ (r : p ≡ q)
→ ap f p ≡ ap f q
lemma6∙4∙4 f refl = refl
ap² = lemma6∙4∙4
### Lemma 6.4.5
lemma6∙4∙5 : {A : Set l}
→ (P : A → Set l2)
→ {x y : A} {p q : x ≡ y}
→ (r : p ≡ q)
→ (u : P x)
→ transport P p u ≡ transport P q u
lemma6∙4∙5 P refl u = refl
transport² = lemma6∙4∙5
### Lemma 6.4.6
dep-2-path : {l l2 : Level} {A : Set l} {x y : A}
→ (P : A → Set l2)
→ {p q : x ≡ y}
→ (r : p ≡ q)
→ {u : P x} → {v : P y}
→ (h : u ≡[ P , p ] v)
→ (k : u ≡[ P , q ] v)
→ Set l2
dep-2-path P r {u = u} h k = h ≡ transport² P r u ∙ k
syntax dep-2-path P r h k = h ≡²[ P , r ] k
lemma6∙4∙6 : {A : Set} {P : A → Set} {x y : A} {p q : x ≡ y}
→ (f : (x : A) → P x)
→ (r : p ≡ q)
→ apd f p ≡²[ P , r ] apd f q
lemma6∙4∙6 {p = p} f refl = lemma2∙1∙4.i2 (apd f p)
### Sphere
module S² where
S² : Set
base : S²
surf : refl {x = base} ≡ refl
open S² hiding (base)
## 6.5 Suspensions