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\section{Details of composition for
We build the element~$\Gamma \der b_1 = \comp^i~B~[\psi\mapsto
b]~b_0:(\Glue~[\varphi\mapsto(T,\myeq{})]~A)(i1)$ as the element
$\glue~[\varphi(i1) \mapsto t_1]~a_1$ where
\Gamma,\varphi(i1) \der & \; t_1 : T(i1)[\psi \mapsto b(i1)]\\
\Gamma \der & \; a_1 : A(i1)[\varphi(i1) \mapsto \myeq{}(i1) \; t_1,\psi \mapsto (\ugl~b)(i1)]
As intermediate steps, we gradually build elements that satisfy more
and more of the equations that the final elements $t_1$ and $a_1$
should satisfy. The construction of these is given in five steps.
Before explaining how we can define them and why they are well
defined, we illustrate the construction in \fig{fig:compglue},
with $\psi = (j=1)$ and $\varphi = (i=0) \vee (j=1)\vee (i=1)$.
We pose $\delta = \forall i.\varphi$ (cf.\ \sect{sec:pathtypes}), so
that we have that~$\delta$ is independent from~$i$, and in our example
$\delta = (j = 1)$ and it represents the right-hand side of the
\item The element $a'_1:A(i1)$ is a first approximation of~$a_1$, but
$a'_1$ is not necessarily in the image of~$\myeq{}(i1)$
\item the partial element $\inctxt{\delta}{t'_1:T(i1)}$, which is a
partial final result for~$\inctxt{\varphi(i1)}{t_1}$;
\item the partial path $\inctxt{\delta}{\omega}$, between~$a'_1$ and
the image of~$t'_1$;
\item both the final element $\inctxt{\varphi(i1)}{t_1}$ and a path
$\inctxt{\varphi(i1)}{\alpha}$ between~$a'_1$ and
$\myeq{}(i1) \; t_1$;
\item finally, we build $a_1$ from~$a'_1$ and~$\alpha$.
\coordinate (A00) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A10) at ++ (3,0) ;
\coordinate (A'11) at ++ (3,2) ;
\coordinate (A'01) at ++ (0,2) ;
\coordinate (A01) at ($(A'01) + (0,1.5)$);
\coordinate (A11) at ($(A'11) + (0,1.5)$);
\coordinate (O) at ($(A00) + (-4,1)$);
\draw[fun line] (O) -- node[left] () {$i$} ++(0,1);
\draw[fun line] (O) -- node[below] () {$j$} ++(1,0);
% inner
\draw [path line] (A00) -- node [above] (a_0) {$\ugl~b_0$}
(A10) -- coordinate (aj1)
(A'11) -- coordinate (midA') (A'01);
\draw [path line] (A01) -- coordinate (midA)
node[above] () {Step 5: $a_1$} (A11);
\draw (midA') node[below] {Step 1: $a'_1$} (A'01);
\draw (aj1) node[right, fill=white] () {$(\ugl~b)(j1)$};
% links
\draw [fun line, <-] (A00) --
node[left, xshift=-5] (f00) {$f$} ++ (-1,-1) coordinate (T00);
\draw [fun line, <-] (A01) --
node[left, xshift=-5] (f00) {$f$} ++ (-1,1) coordinate (T01);
\draw [fun line, <-] (A10) --
node[left, xshift=-5] (f00) {$f$} ++ (1,-1) coordinate (T10);
\draw [fun line, <-] (A11) --
node[left, xshift=-5] (f00) {$f$} ++ (1,1) coordinate (T11);
\fill (T11) circle [radius=2pt] node [right,xshift=10] () {Step 2:
\fill (A11) circle [radius=2pt] node [right,xshift=10,fill=white] ()
{$\inctxt{\delta}{\myeq{}(i1) \; t'_1}$};
% outer
\draw [path line] (T00) -- node[below] (b_0)
(T10) -- coordinate (bj1)
(T11) -- node[above] (t_1) {Step 4: $\inctxt{\varphi(i1)}{t_1}$} (T01);
\draw [fun line] (b_0) -- node[left] {$\myeq{}$} (a_0);
\draw (bj1) node[right, fill=white] () {$b(j1)$};
\draw [comp line] (A'11) -- node[right, xshift=10,fill=white] ()
{Step 3: $\inctxt{\delta}{\omega}$ constant on $\psi$} (A11);
% inner top diag edge
% \coordinate (A''01) at ($(A'01) !0.25! (A01)$);
% \draw [path line] (A''01) -- coordinate (midA'')
% node[below,yshift=-5] () {Step 4: $a''_1$} (A11);
\draw [comp line] (midA') --
node[left] () {Step 4': $\inctxt{\varphi(i1)}{\alpha}$} (midA);
\caption{Composition for glueing}
We define:
% \Gamma,i:\II,\psi,\varphi\der t : T\label{eq:glue-t}\\
% \Gamma,i:\II,\psi\der a = & \; \ugl~ b: A[\varphi\mapsto \myeq{} \; b]%\label{eq:glue-a}
\Gamma,\psi,i:\II \der a = & \; \ugl~ b: A[\varphi\mapsto \myeq{} \; b]%\label{eq:glue-a}
% \Gamma,\varphi(i0)\der t_0 : T(i0)[\psi\mapsto t(i0)]\label{eq:glue-t0}\\
\Gamma\der a_0 = & \; \ugl~ b_0: A(i0)[\varphi(i0)\mapsto \myeq{}(i0) \; b_0,\psi\mapsto a(i0)]%\label{eq:glue-a0}
\subparagraph*{Step 1} We define~$a'_1$ as the composition of~$a$
and~$\ugl~b_0$, in the direction~$i$, which is well defined since
$\ugl~b_0 = (\ugl~b)(i0)$ over the extent $\psi$
\Gamma \der a_1' = \comp^i~A~[\psi\mapsto~a]~a_0:A(i1)[\psi\mapsto~a(i1)]
%\[\textrm{which is well defined because}\quad
% \Gamma,i:\II,\psi\der a : A \hfill \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-a})}\\
% \Gamma\der a_0 : A(i0)[\psi\mapsto a(i0)] \hspace{1cm} \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-a0})}
\subparagraph*{Step 2} We also define~$t'_1$ as the composition of~$b$
and~$b_0$, in the direction~$i$:
\Gamma,\delta\der t_1' = \comp^i~T~[\psi\mapsto~b]~b_0:T(i1)[\psi\mapsto~b(i1)]
\[\textrm{which is well defined because}\quad
\Gamma,\delta,i:\II,\psi\der b : T \hfill
\textrm{by Lemma \ref{admissible}} \\
\Gamma,\delta\der b_0 : T(i0)[\psi\mapsto b(i0)] \hspace{1cm} \textrm{as~%(\ref{eq:glue-t0}) and
$\delta \leqslant \varphi(i0)$}
Moreover, since
\Gamma,\delta,\psi,i:\II \der a = \myeq{} \; b \hspace{1cm} \textrm{by~%(\ref{eq:glue-a}) and
$\delta \leqslant \varphi$ ~~~~} \\
\Gamma,\delta\der~a_0=\myeq{}(i0)~b_0 \hfill \textrm{by~%(\ref{eq:glue-a0}) and
$\delta \leqslant \varphi(i0)$}
we can re-express~$a'_1$ on the extent $\delta$
\Gamma, \delta \der a_1' = \comp^i~A~[\psi\mapsto\myeq{}~b]~\left(\myeq{}(i0)~b_0\right)
%Hence, the element~$a'_1$ restricted to the extent $\delta$ is the composition of images by~$\myeq{}$.
\subparagraph*{Step 3} We can hence find a path~$\omega$
connecting~$a'_1$ and~$\myeq{}(i1) \; t'_1$ in~$\Gamma,\delta$
using Lemma~\ref{pres}:
\Gamma,\delta \der \omega = \pres{i}~\myeq{}~[\psi\mapsto b]~b_0 :
\left(\Path~A(i1)~a_1'~\left(\myeq{}(i1) \;
t'_1\right)\right)[\psi\mapsto\pabs{j} a(i1)]
Picking a fresh name~$j$, we have
\Gamma,\delta,j:\II\der \omega~j : A(i1)[(j=0)\mapsto
a'_1,(j=1)\mapsto \myeq{}(i1) \; t'_1,\psi\mapsto a(i1)]\label{eq:glue-omega}
% \subparagraph*{Step 4} We then define~$a''_1$ as the composition
% of~$[\delta \mapsto \omega \; j, \psi \mapsto a(i1)]$ and~$a'_1$, in
% the direction~$j$:
% %
% \[\Gamma\der a''_1 = \comp^j~A(i1)~[\delta\mapsto \omega \; j,~\psi\mapsto
% a(i1)]~a_1' : A(i1)[\delta\mapsto\omega \; 1, \psi\mapsto a(i1)]
% \]
% \[\textrm{which is well defined because}\quad
% \begin{cases}
% \Gamma,j:\II,\delta,\psi\der \omega~j = a(i1)
% \hfill \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-omega})} \\
% \Gamma,j:\II,\delta\der \omega~0 = a'_1
% \hfill \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-omega})} \\
% \Gamma,j:\II,\psi\der a(i1) = a'_1
% \hspace{1cm} \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-a'1})}
% \end{cases}
% \]
% and since $\Gamma,\delta\der\omega~1 = \myeq{}(i1) \; t'_1$,
% because~$\omega$ is a partial path between $a'_1$ and
% $\myeq{}(i1) \; t'_1$, we can re-express the type of~$a''_1$ in the
% following way:
% %
% \begin{equation}
% \Gamma\der a''_1 : A(i1)[\delta\mapsto\myeq{}(i1) \; t'_1,~\psi\mapsto a(i1)]\label{eq:glue-a''1}
% \end{equation}
\subparagraph*{Step 4} Now we define the final element~$t_1$ as the
inverse image of~$a'_1$ by~$\myeq{}(i1)$, together with the
path~$\alpha$ between~$a'_1$ and~$\myeq{}(i1) \; t_1$, in
$\Gamma,\varphi(i1)\der$, using Lemma~\ref{equiv}:
\[\Gamma,\varphi(i1)\der(t_1,\alpha) =
\Gamma,\varphi(i1)\der t_1 :
T(i1)[\delta\mapsto~t'_1,\psi\mapsto~b(i1)] % \label{eq:glue-t1}
\Gamma,\varphi(i1)\der\alpha :
\left(\Path~A(i1)~a'_1~\left(\myeq{}(i1) \; t_1\right)\right)
[\delta\mapsto\omega,\psi\mapsto~\pabs{j} a'_1)]
These are well defined because the two systems in~$\delta$ and~$\psi$
are compatible:
\Gamma, \delta, \psi \der t'_1 = b(i1) & \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-t'1})} \\
\Gamma, \delta, \psi \der \omega = \pabs{j}a'_1 &
\textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-omega}) and~(\ref{eq:glue-a'1})}
% %
% \[\begin{cases}
% \Gamma,\varphi(i1),\delta\der a'_1 = \myeq{}(i1) \; t'_1
% \hfill \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:delta-a'1})} \\
% \Gamma,\varphi(i1),\psi\der a'_1 = a(i1) = \myeq{}(i1) \; b(i1)
% \hspace{1cm} \textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-a'1}) in~$\Gamma,\psi\der$} %and~(\ref{eq:glue-a}) in~$\Gamma,\varphi\der$}
% \end{cases}\]
Picking a fresh name~$j$, we have
\Gamma,\varphi(i1),j:\II\der \alpha~j : A(i1)[(j=0)\mapsto
a'_1,~(j=1)\mapsto \myeq{}(i1) \; t_1,~\delta\mapsto~a'_1,~\psi\mapsto a(i1)]\label{eq:glue-alpha}
\subparagraph*{Step 5} Finally, we define~$a_1$ by composition
of~$\alpha$ and~$a'_1$:
\[\textrm{which is well defined because}\quad
\Gamma,j:\II,\varphi(i1),\psi \der \alpha~j = a(i1)
&\textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-alpha})} \\
\Gamma,\varphi(i1)\der \alpha~0 = a'_1
&\textrm{by~(\ref{eq:glue-alpha})} \\
\Gamma,\psi\der a(i1) = a'_1
and since $\Gamma,\varphi(i1)\der\alpha~1 = \myeq{}(i1) \; t_1$, we can
re-express the type of~$a_1$ in the following way:
\Gamma\der a_1 : A(i1)[\varphi(i1)\mapsto\myeq{}(i1) \;
t_1,~\psi\mapsto a(i1)]
Which is exactly what we needed to build
$\Gamma\der b_1 := \glue ~[\varphi(i1)\mapsto t_1]~a_1:
B(i1)[\psi\mapsto b(i1)]$.
\noindent Finally we check that $b_1 = \comp^i~T~ [\psi\mapsto~b]~b_0$
on $\delta$:
b_1 &= \glue ~[\varphi(i1)\mapsto t_1]~a_1 &&\textrm{by def.} \\
&=t_1 : T(i1)[\delta\mapsto~t'_1,\psi\mapsto~b(i1)]
&& \textrm{as $\varphi(i1) = 1_\FF$} \\
&=t'_1 && \textrm{as $\delta = 1_\FF$} \\
&= \comp^i~T~[\psi\mapsto~b]~b_0 && \textrm{by def.}
% \[\begin{array}{llll}
% b_1 & = & \glue ~[\varphi(i1)\mapsto t_1]~a_1 & \hspace{2cm} \textrm{by def.} \\
% & = & t_1 : T(i1)[\delta\mapsto~t'_1,\psi\mapsto~t(i1)] &
% \hspace{2cm} \textrm{as $\varphi(i1) = 1_\FF$} \\
% & = & t'_1 & \hspace{2cm} \textrm{as $\delta = 1_\FF$} \\
% & = & \comp^i~T~[\psi\mapsto~b]~b_0 & \hspace{2cm} \textrm{by def.}
% \end{array}\]
\section{Univalence from glueing}
We also give two alternative proofs of the univalence axiom for
$\Path$ only involving the glue construction.%
\footnote{The proofs of the univalence axiom have all been formally
verified inside the system using the \Haskell{} implementation. We
note that the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:unglueequiv} can be given
such that it extends $\myeq{}.2$ and hence in
Corollary~\ref{cor:equiv-contr} we do not need the fact that
$\isEquiv~X~A~\myeq{}.1$ is a proposition. For details see:\\
The first is a direct proof of the standard formulation of the
univalence axiom while the second goes through an alternative
formulation as in Corollary~\ref{cor:equiv-contr}.%
\footnote{The second of these proofs is inspired by a proof by Dan Licata from:\\
For $\Gamma \vdash A : \U$, $\Gamma \vdash B : \U$, and an
equivalence $\Gamma \vdash \myeq : \Equiv~A~B$ we have the following
\item\label{item:uap1} $\Gamma \vdash \eqToPath \myeq :
\Path\, \U\, A\, B$;
\item\label{item:uap2} $\Gamma \vdash \Path \, (A \to B) \,
(\transport^i (\eqToPath \myeq \, i))) \, \myeq.1$ is
inhabited; and
\item\label{item:uap3} if $\myeq = \eq^i (P \, i)$ for $\Gamma
\vdash P : \Path \, \U\, A \, B$, then the following type is
\Gamma \vdash %
\Path \, (\Path \, \U \, A \, B) \, (\eqToPath {(\eq^i (P \, i))})
\, P
For \eqref{item:uap1} we define
\eqToPath \myeq = \pabs i {\Glue \, [ (i=0) \mapsto
(A,\myeq), (i=1) \mapsto (B, \eq^k B)] \, B }.
Note that here $\eq^k B$ is an equivalence between $B$ and $B$ (see
\sect{subsec:compU}). For \eqref{item:uap2} we have to closely look
at how the composition was defined for $\Glue$. By unfolding the
definition, we see that the left-hand side of the equality is equal
$\myeq.1$ composed with multiple transports in a constant type;
using filling and functional extensionality, these transports can be
shown to be equal to the identity; for details see the formal proof.
The term for \eqref{item:uap3} is given by:
\pabs {j} \pabs {i} \Glue \,[ %
&(i=0) \mapsto (A, \eq^k (P\, k)),\\
&(i=1) \mapsto (B, \eq^k B),\\
&(j=1) \mapsto (P \, i, \eq^k (P (i \lor k)))]\\
&B \qedhere
\begin{corollary}[Univalence axiom]
For the canonical map
\can : (A \, B : \U) \to \Path \,\U\,A\,B \to \Equiv~A~B
we have that $\can \, A \, B$ is an equivalence for
all $A : \U$ and $B : \U$.
\begin{proof}[Proof 1]
Let us first show that the canonical map $\can$ is path equal to:
\eq = \lambda A \, B : \U. \, \lambda P : \Path\,\U\,A\,B. \, \eq^i (P\, i)
By function extensionality, it suffices to check this pointwise.
Using path-induction, we may assume that $P$ is reflexivity. In
this case $\can\,A\,A\,\refl{A}$ is the identity equivalence by
definition. Because being an equivalence is a proposition, it thus
suffices that the first component of $\eq^i A$ is propositionally
equal to the identity. By definition, this first component is given
by transport (now in the constant type $A$) which is easily seen to
be the identity using filling (see \sect{sec:kan-filling}).
Thus it suffices to prove that $\eq\,A\,B$ is an equivalence. To do
so it is enough to give an inverse (see Theorems 4.2.3 and 4.2.6 of
\cite{hott-book}). But $\eqToPath$ is a left inverse by
Lemma~\ref{lem:ua-prel}~\eqref{item:uap3}, and a right inverse by
Lemma~\ref{lem:ua-prel}~\eqref{item:uap2} using that being an
equivalence is a proposition.
\begin{proof}[Proof 2]
Points~\eqref{item:uap1} and~\eqref{item:uap2} of
Lemma~\ref{lem:ua-prel} imply that~$\Equiv~A~B$ is a retract
of~$\Path \,\U\,A\,B$. Hence $(X : \U) \times \Equiv~A~X$ is a
retract of $(X : \U) \times \Path\,\U\,A\,X$. But $(X : \U) \times
\Path\,\U\,A\,X$ is contractible, so $(X : \U) \times \Equiv~A~X$ is
also contractible as a retract of a contractible type. As
discussed in~\sect{sec:univalence-axiom} this is an alternative
formulation of the univalence axiom and the rest of this proof
follows as there.
Note that the first proof uses all three of the points of
Lemma~\ref{lem:ua-prel} while the second proof only uses the first
two. As the second proof only uses the first two points it is possible
to prove it if point~\eqref{item:uap1} is defined as in
Example~\ref{exa:equivtopath} leading to a slightly simpler proof of
\section{Singular cubical sets}\label{sec-singular}
Recall the functor $\CC \to \Top, I \mapsto [0,1]^I$ given
at~\eqref{eq:georeal} in \sect{sec:cubecat}. In particular, the face
maps $(ib) \colon I-i \to I$ (for $b=0_\II$ or $1_\II$) induce the
maps $(ib)\colon [0,1]^{I-i} \to [0, 1]^{I}$ by $i(ib)u = b$ and
$j(ib)u = ju$ if $j\neq i$ is in $I$. If $\psi$ is in $\FF(I)$ and
$u$ in $[0,1]^I$, then $\psi u$ is a truth value.
We assume given a family of idempotent functions
$r_I:[0,1]^I\times [0,1]\rightarrow [0,1]^I\times [0,1]$ such that
\item $r_I(u,z) = (u,z)$ if{f} $\partial_I u = 1$ or $z = 0$, and
\item for any {\em strict} $f$ in ${\sf Hom}(I,J)$ we have
$r_J(f\times\id)r_I = r_J(f\times\id)$.
Such a family can for instance be defined as in the following picture
(``retraction from above center''). If the center has coordinate
$(1/2,2)$, then $r_I(u,z) = r_I(u',z')$ is equivalent to $(2-z')
(-1+2u) = (2-z) (-1+2u')$.
% bottom
\draw [thick,solid] (0,0) --
node [near start,below=-1pt] (DL) {}
node [near end,below=-1pt] (DR) {}
% left and right
\draw [thick,solid] (0,0) --
node [near end,](L) {} (0,1);
\draw [thick,solid] (1,0) -- node (R) {} (1,1);
% top
\draw [dashed] (0,1) -- (1,1);
% rays
\draw[->,>=stealth]\raypt -- (DL);
\draw[->,>=stealth]\raypt -- (DR);
\draw[->,>=stealth]\raypt -- (L);
\draw[->,>=stealth]\raypt -- (R);
Property (1) holds for the retraction defined by this picture.
The property (2) can be reformulated as $r_I(u,z) =
r_I(u',z')\rightarrow r_J(f u,z) = r_J(f u',z')$. It also holds
in this case,
since $r_I(u,z) = r_I(u',z')$ is then equivalent to $(2-z') (-1+2u) = (2-z) (-1+2u')$,
which implies $(2-z') (-1+2f u) = (2-z)(-1+2 f u')$ if $f$ is strict.
Using this family, we can define for each $\psi$ in $\FF(I)$ an
idempotent function
r_{\psi}:[0,1]^I\times [0,1]\rightarrow [0,1]^I\times [0,1]
having for fixed-points the element $(u,z)$ such that $\psi u = 1$ or $z = 0$.
This function $r_{\psi}$ is completely characterized by the following properties:
\item $r_{\psi} = \id$ if $\psi = 1$
\item $r_{\psi} = r_{\psi}r_I$ if $\psi \neq 1$
\item $r_{\psi}(u,z) = (u,z)$ if $z = 0$
\item $r_{\psi}((ib)\times\id) = ((ib)\times\id)r_{\psi(ib)}$
%% \medskip
%% For instance, these functions witness the fact that the following polyhedrons, corresponding
%% respectively to the formula $\psi = ((i=1)\wedge (j=0))\vee (i=0)\vee (j=1)$
%% and $\psi = ((i=0)\vee (i=1))\wedge ((j=0)\vee (j=1))$, are retract of the
%% filled cube on directions $i,j,k$.
%% \[
%% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5, z=.5cm, rotate around y=5]
%% % bottom
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!30] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) -- (1,0,1) --
%% (0,0,1) -- cycle;
%% % back
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!60] (0,0,1) -- (1,0,1) -- (1,1,1) --
%% (0,1,1) -- cycle;
%% % right
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!60] (1,0,0) -- (1,1,0) -- (1,1,1) --
%% (1,0,1) -- cycle;
%% % pins
%% \draw [thick, black] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0);
%% \draw [thick, black] (1,0,0) -- (1,1,0);
%% % points
%% \draw [thick, fill = black, circle] (0,0,0) circle (0.05);
%% \draw [thick, fill = black, circle] (0,1,0) circle (0.05);
%% % \node[align = center, below]{$\psi$ = (i=0)\vee (j=0)\vee ((i=1)\wedge (j=1))};
%% \end{tikzpicture}
%% \qquad\qquad
%% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5, z=.5cm, rotate around y=5]
%% % bottom
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!30] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) -- (1,0,1) --
%% (0,0,1) -- cycle;
%% % back
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!60] (0,0,1) -- (1,0,1) -- (1,1,1) --
%% (0,1,1) -- cycle;
%% % left
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!50] (0,0,1) --
%% (0,1,1) -- (0,1,0) -- (0,0,0) -- cycle;
%% % right
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!80] (1,0,0) -- (1,0,1) --
%% (1,1,1) -- (1,1,0) -- cycle;
%% % back
%% \filldraw [thick,draw=black,fill=gray!90] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) -- (1,1,0) --
%% (0,1,0) -- cycle;
%% % points
%% \end{tikzpicture}
%% \]
These properties imply for instance $r_{\partial_I}(u,z) = (u,z)$ if
$\partial_I u = 1$ or $z=0$ and so they imply $r_{\partial_I} = r_I$.
They also imply that $r_{\psi}(u,z) = (u,z)$ if $\psi u = 1$.
From these properties, we can prove the uniformity of the family of
functions $r_{\psi}$.
If $f$ is in ${\sf Hom}(I,J)$ and $\psi$ is in $\FF(J)$, then
$r_{\psi}(f\times\id) = (f\times\id)r_{\psi f}$.
This is proved by induction on the number of element of $I$ (the
result being clear if $I$ is empty).
A particular case is $r_J(f\times\id) = (f\times\id)r_{\partial_J
f}$. Note that, in general, $\partial_Jf$ is not $\partial_I$.
A direct consequence of the previous theorem is the following.
\begin{corollary} The singular cubical set associated to a topological space
has a composition structure.
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