
263 lines
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% LACROMAY.STY - Extra Math Definitions and Symbols
\ProvidesPackage{lacromay}[1998/07/22 v1.0
Extra Math Definitions and Symbols]
%% Change \lhd, \rhd to use the amssymb symbols
\catcode`\ =9
\endlinechar=-1 % Make things readable.
%% Setup to use Ralph Smith Formal Script font:
\DeclareFontShape{OMS}{rsfs}{m}{n}{<-5>rsfs5 <5-7>rsfs7 <7->rsfs10 }{}
%Kate's macros
% script letters small s then capital letter
% Font used for operads small o then capital letter
% in case I change my mind, give the font its own name
% Font used for categories small a then capital letter
% would use small c but too many conflicts with xypic
% in case I change my mind, give the font its own name
% blackboard bold letters b then capital letter
%% Change \Bbb to \mathbb (for consistency with other LaTeX2e math font
%% names):
% blackboard bold letters b then capital letter
% Greek letters (first two letters, in small or cap; add z for variants)
\newcommand{\pa}{\partial} %pretend its Greek
% preserve old meaning of \ep when outside of math mode
% symbols --- three letter commands
\newcommand{\com}{\circ} % composition of functions
\newcommand{\iso}{\cong} % preferred isomorphism symbol
\newcommand{\htp}{\simeq} % homotopy symbol
\newcommand{\ten}{\otimes} % tensor product
\newcommand{\add}{\oplus} % direct sum
\newcommand{\thp}{\ltimes} % twisted half-smash product
\newcommand{\sma}{\wedge} % smash product
\newcommand{\wed}{\vee} % wedge sum
\newcommand{\ef}{\text{$E_\infty\ $}}
\newcommand{\af}{\text{$A_\infty\ $}}
\newcommand{\tand}{\text{\ \ and \ \ }} %``and'' between formulas in display
\newcommand{\ip}[1]{\text{$\left\langle#1\right\rangle$}} % inner product
% operators
\def\quickop#1{\expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname{\operatorname{#1}}}
\quickop{Hom} \quickop{End} \quickop{Aut} \quickop{Tel} \quickop{Mic}
\quickop{Ext} \quickop{Tor} \quickop{Id} \quickop{Coker} \quickop{Ker}
\quickop{Lim} \quickop{Colim} \quickop{Holim} \quickop{Hocolim}
\quickop{id} \quickop{tel} \quickop{mic} \quickop{coker}
\quickop{colim} \quickop{holim} \quickop{hocolim} \quickop{im}
% \limit --- lim sub right arrow
% \colimit --- lim sub left arrow
% SETS - the macro \set and \sset
% \sset, or ``singleton set'' denotes a set of the form \{ x \}.
% An optional argument is the subscript. This might typically used
% for giving an indexing set.
% End readability.
\catcode`\ =10 \endlinechar=`\^^M
\endinput % of macromay.sty