- Select one or more domain rules to export.
Import Settings
+ The below is a copy of the selected standards to export elsewhere:
Import log:
Import Settings
+ Paste the exported data you'd like to import in the textarea below:
+ Overwrite existing settings?
+ If this option is selected, than existing options will be
+ overwritten. If it is unchecked, then the blocked standards
+ for existing domains will not be affected.
+ Import log:
+ driver.wait(until.elementLocated(by.css("a[href='#import-export']"))), 500)
+ .then(element => element.click());
+describe("Import / Export", function () {
+ this.timeout = () => 5000;
+ describe("Exporting", function () {
+ it("Exporting empty blocking rule", function (done) {
+ let driverReference;
+ utils.promiseGetDriver()
+ .then(function (driver) {
+ driverReference = driver;
+ return promiseOpenImportExportTab(driverReference);
+ })
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElement(by.css(".export-section select option:nth-child(1)")).click())
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElement(by.css(".export-section textarea")).getAttribute("value"))
+ .then(function (exportValue) {
+ assert.equal(exportValue.trim(), emptyRuleSet, "Exported ruleset does not match expected value.");
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(done);
+ });
+ it("Exporting SVG and Beacon blocking rules", function (done) {
+ let driverReference;
+ utils.promiseGetDriver()
+ .then(function (driver) {
+ driverReference = driver;
+ return utils.promiseSetBlockingRules(driverReference, utils.constants.svgBlockRule.concat(["Beacon"]));
+ })
+ .then(() => promiseOpenImportExportTab(driverReference))
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElement(by.css(".export-section select option:nth-child(1)")).click())
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElement(by.css(".export-section textarea")).getAttribute("value"))
+ .then(function (exportValue) {
+ assert.equal(exportValue.trim(), blockingSVGandBeacon, "Exported ruleset does not match expected value.");
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(done);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Importing", function () {
+ it("Importing SVG and Beacon blocking rules", function (done) {
+ let driverReference;
+ let checkedCheckboxes;
+ utils.promiseGetDriver()
+ .then(function (driver) {
+ driverReference = driver;
+ return promiseOpenImportExportTab(driverReference);
+ })
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElement(by.css(".import-section textarea")).sendKeys(blockingSVGandBeacon))
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElement(by.css(".import-section input[type='checkbox']")).click())
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElement(by.css(".import-section button")).click())
+ .then(() => utils.pause(500))
+ .then(() => driverReference.findElements(by.css("#domain-rules input[type='checkbox']:checked")))
+ .then(function (checkboxElms) {
+ checkedCheckboxes = checkboxElms;
+ assert.equal(checkboxElms.length, 2, "There should be two standards blocked.");
+ return checkedCheckboxes[0].getAttribute("value");
+ })
+ .then(function (firstCheckboxValue) {
+ assert.equal(firstCheckboxValue, "Beacon", "The first blocked standard should be 'Beacon'.");
+ return checkedCheckboxes[1].getAttribute("value");
+ })
+ .then(function (secondCheckboxValue) {
+ assert.equal(secondCheckboxValue, utils.constants.svgBlockRule[0], "The second blocked standard should be the SVG standard.");
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(done);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/functional/lib/utils.js b/test/functional/lib/utils.js
index f112100..972a0e1 100644
--- a/test/functional/lib/utils.js
+++ b/test/functional/lib/utils.js
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ module.exports.promiseSetBlockingRules = function (driver, standardsToBlock) {
return this.promiseExtensionConfigPage(driver)
- .then(() => module.exports.pause(1000));
+ .then(() => module.exports.pause(500));
module.exports.promiseGetDriver = function () {