diff --git a/test/functional/iframes.js b/test/functional/iframes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c687fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/iframes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+"use strict";
+const assert = require("assert");
+const utils = require("./lib/utils");
+const testServer = require("./lib/server");
+describe("iFrames", function () {
+    describe("HTMLIFrameElement.prototype.contentWindow property", function () {
+        this.timeout = () => 20000;
+        const standardsToBlock = utils.constants.svgBlockRule;
+        const testHtml = `<!DOCTYPE "html">
+            <html>
+                <head>
+                    <title>Test Page</title>
+                </head>
+                <body>
+                    <iframe src=""></iframe>
+                </body>
+            </html>`;
+        let testScript = "";
+        testScript += "let iframeWindow = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow;\n";
+        testScript += "return iframeWindow.SVGGraphicsElement.prototype.getBBox === iframeWindow.SVGTransformList.prototype.createSVGTransformFromMatrix;";
+        // If access to the child frame's SVGGraphicsElement.prototype.getBBox
+        // implementation is *not* blocked, then trying to call it
+        // will throw, since its being called without a context.
+        it("Can access w/o blocking", function (done) {
+            const [server, url] = testServer.start(undefined, testHtml);
+            let driverReference;
+            utils.promiseGetDriver()
+                .then(function (driver) {
+                    driverReference = driver;
+                    return driverReference.get(url);
+                })
+                .then(() => driverReference.executeScript(testScript))
+                .then(function (response) {
+                    assert.equal(response, false, "When not blocking, SVGGraphicsElement.prototype.getBBox and SVGTransformList.prototype.createSVGTransformFromMatrix should reference different functions.");
+                    driverReference.quit();
+                    testServer.stop(server);
+                    done();
+                })
+                .catch(function (e) {
+                    driverReference.quit();
+                    testServer.stop(server);
+                    done(e);
+                });
+        });
+        it("Can not access when blocking", function (done) {
+            const [server, url] = testServer.start(undefined, testHtml);
+            let driverReference;
+            utils.promiseGetDriver()
+                .then(function (driver) {
+                    driverReference = driver;
+                    return driverReference.get(url);
+                })
+                .then(() => utils.promiseSetBlockingRules(driverReference, standardsToBlock))
+                .then(() => driverReference.get(url))
+                .then(() => driverReference.executeScript(testScript))
+                .then(function (response) {
+                    assert.equal(response, true, "When blocking, SVGGraphicsElement.prototype.getBBox and SVGTransformList.prototype.createSVGTransformFromMatrix should reference the same proxy object.");
+                    driverReference.quit();
+                    testServer.stop(server);
+                    done();
+                })
+                .catch(function (e) {
+                    driverReference.quit();
+                    testServer.stop(server);
+                    done(e);
+                });
+        });
+    });