const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const gulp = require("gulp"); const compiler = require("vue-template-compiler"); const uft8Enc = {encoding: "utf8"}; const wrapInFunc = function (string) { return `function () {${string}}`; }; gulp.task("clean", function () { const derivedFilePathSegments = [ ["add-on", "lib", "standards.js"], ["add-on", "lib", "third_party", "sjcl.js"], ["add-on", "lib", "third_party", "uri.all.min.js"], ["add-on", "config", "js", "third_party", "vue.runtime.min.js"], ]; const derivedFilePaths = => path.join(...segs)); derivedFilePaths.forEach(function (filepath) { if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) { return; } fs.unlinkSync(filepath); }); const vueCompiledTemplatesDirPath = path.join("add-on", "config", "js", "vue_compiled_templates"); if (fs.existsSync(vueCompiledTemplatesDirPath)) { fs.readdirSync(vueCompiledTemplatesDirPath).forEach(function (filepath) { const pathToCompiledTemplate = path.join(vueCompiledTemplatesDirPath, filepath); fs.unlinkSync(pathToCompiledTemplate); }); } }); gulp.task("default", function () { const builtScriptComment = "/** This file is automatically generated. **/\n"; const standardsDefDir = path.join("sources", "standards"); // Build all the standards listings into a single features.js file. const combinedStandards = fs.readdirSync(standardsDefDir) .reduce(function (prev, next) { if (next.indexOf(".json") === -1) { return prev; } const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(standardsDefDir, next), uft8Enc); let standardContents; try { standardContents = JSON.parse(fileContents); } catch (e) { console.log("Invalid JSON in " + next); throw e; } const stdName =; const stdSubName =; const nameParts = [stdName, stdSubName].filter(part => !!part); const standardIdentifier = nameParts.join(": ").trim(); = standardIdentifier; prev[standardIdentifier] = standardContents; return prev; }, {}); let renderedStandardsModule = builtScriptComment; renderedStandardsModule += "window.WEB_API_MANAGER.standards = "; renderedStandardsModule += JSON.stringify(combinedStandards) + ";"; fs.writeFileSync(path.join("add-on", "lib", "standards.js"), renderedStandardsModule); const sjclSourcePath = path.join("node_modules", "sjcl", "sjcl.js"); const sjclDestPath = path.join("add-on", "lib", "third_party", "sjcl.js"); fs.copyFileSync(sjclSourcePath, sjclDestPath); const vueSourcePath = path.join("node_modules", "vue", "dist", "vue.runtime.min.js"); const vueDestPath = path.join("add-on", "config", "js", "third_party", "vue.runtime.min.js"); fs.copyFileSync(vueSourcePath, vueDestPath); const uriSourcePath = path.join("node_modules", "uri-js", "dist", "es5", "uri.all.min.js"); const uriDestPath = path.join("add-on", "lib", "third_party", "uri.all.min.js"); fs.copyFileSync(uriSourcePath, uriDestPath); // Now compile the vue templates into render functions, so that we // can run in the CSP safe, VUE runtime. const vueTemplatesSourcePath = path.join("sources", "vue"); const vueTemplatesDestPath = path.join("add-on", "config", "js", "vue_compiled_templates"); if (!fs.existsSync(vueTemplatesDestPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(vueTemplatesDestPath); } fs.readdirSync(vueTemplatesSourcePath).forEach(function (filepath) { const absolutePath = path.join(__dirname, vueTemplatesSourcePath, filepath); const fileSource = fs.readFileSync(absolutePath, uft8Enc); const compilationResult = compiler.compile(fileSource); if (compilationResult.errors.length > 0) { console.error("Errors when compiling Vue templates: "); compilationResult.errors.forEach(console.error); process.exit(1); } if ( > 0) { console.log("Suggestions from the Vue compiler: "); compilationResult.errors.forEach(console.log); process.exit(1); } const staticFuncsAsStrings =; const compiledRenderFunction = ` /* This file is derived from sources/vue/${filepath}. */ if (window.WEB_API_MANAGER.vueComponents === undefined) { window.WEB_API_MANAGER.vueComponents = {}; } window.WEB_API_MANAGER.vueComponents["${filepath.replace(".vue.html", "")}"] = { render: ${wrapInFunc(compilationResult.render)}, staticRenderFns: [${staticFuncsAsStrings.join(",")}] };`; const destPath = path.join(vueTemplatesDestPath, filepath + ".js"); fs.writeFileSync(destPath, compiledRenderFunction); }); });