(function () { "use strict"; const Vue = window.Vue; const generateExportString = function (domainsToExport, allDomainData) { const dataToExport = domainsToExport.map(function (domain) { const domainsToBlock = allDomainData[domain]; domainsToBlock.sort(); return { "pattern": domain, "standards": domainsToBlock }; }); return JSON.stringify(dataToExport); }; Vue.component("import-export", { props: ["domainNames", "selectedStandards"], template: ` Export Settings Select domain rules to export: {{ domain }} Select one or more domain rules to export. The below is a copy of the selected standards to export elsewhere: Import Settings Paste the exported data you'd like to import in the textarea below: Overwrite existing settings? If this option is selected, than existing options will be overwritten. If it is unchecked, then the blocked standards for existing domains will not be affected. Import Settings Import log: