// Functions to represent a selection of options out of a bigger set // in a compact, base64 representation. // // This is used in the extension to encode which Web API standards should // be blocked on the current domain, in a way that can be encoded in a cookie // value. // // The two exposed functions in this module are pack and unpack, which are // inverses of each other. For example: // // const options = ["A", "B", "C"]; // const selection = ["B", "C"]; // const base64EncodedSelection = pack(options, selection); // const decodedSelection = unpack(options, base64EncodedSelection); // JSON.stringify(decodedSelection) === JSON.stringify(selection) // true (function () { "use strict"; const bucketSize = 8; const bufferToBase64 = function (buf) { const binstr = Array.prototype.map.call(buf, function (ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch); }).join(''); return window.btoa(binstr); }; const base64StrToBuffer = function (base64str) { const binstr = window.atob(base64str); const buf = new Uint8Array(binstr.length); Array.prototype.forEach.call(binstr, function (ch, i) { buf[i] = ch.charCodeAt(0); }); return buf; }; const binOptionsReduceFunction = function (binSize, prev, next) { if (prev.length === 0) { prev.push([next]); return prev; } const mostRecentBin = prev[prev.length - 1]; if (mostRecentBin.length < binSize) { mostRecentBin.push(next); return prev; } prev.push([next]); return prev; }; /** * Encodes a selection of values, from a larger set of possible options, * into a base64 encoded bitfield. * * The caller should make sure that selected is a subset of options. * * The ordering of options and selected do not matter. * * This function is the inverse of the `unpack` function from this module. * * @param array options * An array of all possible options that might need to be encoded. * @param array selected * An array containing zero or more elements from option. * * @return string * A base64 encoded string, which encodes which elements in `options` * were in the provided `selected` array. */ const pack = function (options, selected) { const numBuckets = Math.ceil(options.length / bucketSize); const binToBucketSizeFunc = binOptionsReduceFunction.bind(undefined, bucketSize); options.sort(); const binnedOptions = options.reduce(binToBucketSizeFunc, []); const bitFields = new Uint8Array(numBuckets); let i, j; for (i = 0; i < numBuckets; i += 1) { let bitfield = 0; let currentBucket = binnedOptions[i]; for (j = 0; j < currentBucket.length; j += 1) { let currentOption = currentBucket[j]; if (selected.indexOf(currentOption) !== -1) { bitfield |= 1 << j; } } bitFields[i] = bitfield; } const encodedString = bufferToBase64(bitFields); return encodedString; }; /** * Decodes a base64 encoded bitfield into an array of values, each of * which are in the provided options array. * * The ordering of the options array does not matter. * * This function is the inverse of the `pack` function from this module. * * @param array options * An array of all possible options that might need to be encoded. * @param string data * A base64 encoded string, generated from the `pack` function in * this module. * * @return array * An array of zero or more elements, each of which will be in the * options array. */ const unpack = function (options, data) { const binToBucketSizeFunc = binOptionsReduceFunction.bind(undefined, bucketSize); options.sort(); const binnedOptions = options.reduce(binToBucketSizeFunc, []); const bitFields = base64StrToBuffer(data); const result = []; let i, j; for (i = 0; i < bitFields.length; i += 1) { let currentBitField = bitFields[i]; let currentOptionsBin = binnedOptions[i]; for (j = 0; j < bucketSize; j += 1) { if (currentBitField & (1 << j)) { let currentOption = currentOptionsBin[j]; result.push(currentOption); } } } return result; }; window.WEB_API_MANAGER.packingLib = { pack, unpack }; }());