178 lines
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178 lines
6.9 KiB
/*jslint es6: true*/
/*global window*/
(function () {
"use strict";
const {storageLib, domainMatcherLib, constants} = window.WEB_API_MANAGER;
const {cookieEncodingLib, proxyBlockLib, httpHeadersLib} = window.WEB_API_MANAGER;
const {standards} = window.WEB_API_MANAGER;
const rootObject = window.browser || window.chrome;
const defaultKey = "(default)";
// Once loaded from storage, will be a mapping from regular expressions
// (or the default option, "(default)"), to an array of standards
// that should be blocked on matching domains.
let domainRules;
let shouldLog;
// The extension depends on this fetch happening before the DOM on any
// pages is loaded. The Chrome and Firefox docs *do not* promise this,
// but in testing this is always the case.
storageLib.get(function (storedValues) {
domainRules = storedValues.domainRules;
shouldLog = storedValues.shouldLog;
// Manage the state of the browser activity, by displaying the number
// of origins / frames
const updateBrowserActionBadge = function (activeInfo) {
const tabId = activeInfo.tabId;
allFrames: true,
code: "window.location.host"
function (allHosts) {
if (rootObject.runtime.lastError && !allHosts) {
rootObject.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: "-"});
const numFrames = allHosts
? Array.from(new Set(allHosts)).length.toString()
: "-";
text: numFrames,
tabId: tabId
window.setInterval(function () {
rootObject.tabs.getCurrent(function (currentTab) {
if (currentTab === undefined) {
updateBrowserActionBadge({tabId: currentTab.id});
}, 1000);
// Listen for updates to the domain rules from the config page.
// The two types of messages that are sent to the background page are
// "stateUpdate", which comes from the config page, indicating the domain
// blocking / matching rules have changed, and the "rulesForDomains"
// message, which comes from the browserAction popup, and is a request
// for information about "here are the domains of the frames on the
// current page, which rules are being used to match them".
rootObject.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, ignore, sendResponse) {
const [label, data] = request;
if (label === "stateUpdate") {
domainRules = data.domainRules;
shouldLog = data.shouldLog;
if (label === "rulesForDomains") {
const matchHostNameBound = domainMatcherLib.matchHostName.bind(undefined, Object.keys(domainRules));
const rulesForDomains = data.map(matchHostNameBound);
const domainToRuleMapping = {};
data.forEach(function (aHostName, index) {
domainToRuleMapping[aHostName] = rulesForDomains[index] || defaultKey;
const requestFilter = {
urls: ["<all_urls>"],
types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame"]
const requestOptions = ["blocking", "responseHeaders"];
// Inject the blocking settings for each visited domain / frame.
// This needs to be done syncronously, so that the DOM of the visited
// page can be instrumented at "document_start" time. This means we
// can't do any of the "obvious" techniques for loading the "what should"
// be blocked in this frame" information (ie using the storage API).
// So, instead, we halt at the http query point, match the domain being
// loaded against the current rule set, pack the set of standards
// that should be blocked into a base64 encoded bitfield, and then
// push that to the page as a cookie.
// The page then reads the information about what standards to block
// out of the cookie (by decoding and unpacking the bitfield), and then
// deletes the cookie, so nothing is left behind.
rootObject.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(function (details) {
const url = details.url;
// Decide which set of blocking rules to use, depending on the host
// of the URL being requested.
const matchingDomainRule = domainMatcherLib.matchUrl(Object.keys(domainRules), url);
const standardsToBlock = domainRules[matchingDomainRule || defaultKey];
const encodedOptions = cookieEncodingLib.toCookieValue(standardsToBlock, shouldLog);
// If we're on a site thats sending the "strict-dynamic"
// Content-Security-Policy instruction, then we need to add the
// injected proxy code to the list of scripts that are allowed to
// run in the page.
const cspDynamicPolicyHeaders = details.responseHeaders
if (cspDynamicPolicyHeaders.length === 1) {
const [ignore, scriptHash] = proxyBlockLib.generateScriptPayload(
const newCSPValue = httpHeadersLib.createCSPInstructionWithHashAllowed(
"sha256-" + scriptHash
if (newCSPValue !== false) {
cspDynamicPolicyHeaders[0].value = newCSPValue;
// If there is already a set-cookie instruction being issued,
// don't overwrite it, but add our cookie to the end of it. Otherwise,
// create a new set-cookie instruction header.
const webAPIStandardsCookie = `${constants.cookieName}=${encodedOptions}`;
const setCookieHeaders = details.responseHeaders.filter(httpHeadersLib.isSetCookie);
if (setCookieHeaders.length > 0) {
setCookieHeaders[0].value += "; " + webAPIStandardsCookie;
} else {
name: "Set-Cookie",
value: webAPIStandardsCookie
return {
responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders
}, requestFilter, requestOptions);