
105 lines
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(function () {
"use strict";
* Returns a boolean description of whether the given header
* (in the structure defined by the WebExtension WebRequest API)
* matches the following critera:
* 1. Is a content-security-policy instruction
* 2. Includes either a script-src or default-src rule, and
* 3. That rule _does not_ include an 'unsafe-inline' instruction.
* This function is used to determine whether we need to inject a hash
* of the injected proxyblocking code into the pages CSP policy, to white
* list our script.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/HttpHeaders
* @see https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/
* @param {object} header
* An object describing a HTTP header
* @return {boolean}
* true if the given object depicts a CSP policy with the above stated
* properties, and false in all other cases.
const isHeaderCSPScriptSrcWithOutUnsafeInline = function (header) {
if (!header ||
!header.name ||
header.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("content-security-policy") === -1) {
return false;
const cspInstruction = header.value;
let relevantRule;
if (cspInstruction.indexOf("script-src ") !== -1) {
relevantRule = "script-src";
} else if (cspInstruction.indexOf("default-src ") !== -1) {
relevantRule = "default-src";
} else {
return false;
const scriptSrcInstructionPattern = new RegExp(relevantRule + " .*?(?:;|$)", "i");
const match = scriptSrcInstructionPattern.exec(cspInstruction);
if (!match) {
return false;
return match[0].indexOf("'unsafe-inline'") === -1;
* Returns a new CSP instruction, with source with the given hash
* whitelisted.
* If the CSP instruction has a "script-src" rule, then the hash-value
* will be inserted there. Otherwise, it will be inserted in the
* default-src section.
* @see https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/#strict-dynamic-usage
* @see https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/#grammardef-hash-source
* @param {string} cspInstruction
* The value of a HTTP header defining a CSP instruction.
* @param {string} scriptHash
* A hash value, in the form of "sha256-<some hash>", that is a valid
* hash source description.
* @return {string|false}
* Returns false if the CSP instruction looks malformed (ie we
* couldn't find either a "script-src" or "default-src" section),
* otherwise, a new value CSP instruction with the given hash allowed.
const createCSPInstructionWithHashAllowed = function (cspInstruction, scriptHash) {
const indexOfScriptSrc = cspInstruction.indexOf("script-src ");
const indexOfDefaultSrc = cspInstruction.indexOf("default-src ");
let ruleToModify, indexOfRuleStart;
if (indexOfScriptSrc !== -1) {
ruleToModify = "script-src";
indexOfRuleStart = indexOfScriptSrc;
} else if (indexOfDefaultSrc !== -1) {
ruleToModify = "default-src";
indexOfRuleStart = indexOfDefaultSrc;
} else {
return false;
const lengthOfRule = ruleToModify.length;
const preSrcRule = cspInstruction.substring(0, indexOfRuleStart);
const postSrcRule = cspInstruction.substring(indexOfRuleStart + lengthOfRule);
const newInstruction = preSrcRule + ruleToModify + " '" + scriptHash + "' " + postSrcRule;
return newInstruction;
window.WEB_API_MANAGER.httpHeadersLib = {