2016-03-11 10:48:40 -06:00

818 B

This is a high-level programming challenge. Given a set of vertices corresponding to the map below, your program must output the shortest path from a to z.


The length of the line segments is randomized such that the length (l) satisfies 20 <= l <= 120.

Input will consist of 49 lines in the format vertex1 vertex2 distanceBetween

Here are a few lines of example input:

h i 94
h o 40
i l 95
l k 65
l t 63
t u 47

The output should be written to a file named "dijkstra.out" in the current directory. Output will consist of the entire path, with -> in between vertices. Print the current distance traveled in parenthesis after each vertex, as shown below.

a -> b(113) -> c(210) -> f(262) -> h(291) -> i(326) -> m(381) -> s(409) -> x(444) -> y(534) -> z(557)