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import .spectrification ..homotopy.smash_adjoint
open pointed is_equiv equiv eq susp succ_str smash int
namespace spectrum
/- Smash product of a prespectrum and a type -/
definition smash_prespectrum (X : Type*) (Y : prespectrum) : prespectrum :=
prespectrum.mk (λ z, X ∧ Y z) begin
intro n, refine loop_susp_pintro (X ∧ Y n) (X ∧ Y (n + 1)) _,
refine _ ∘* (smash_susp X (Y n))⁻¹ᵉ*,
refine smash_functor !pid _,
refine susp_pelim (Y n) (Y (n + 1)) _,
exact !glue
2017-12-08 15:30:34 +01:00
definition smash_prespectrum_fun {X X' : Type*} {Y Y' : prespectrum} (f : X →* X') (g : Y →ₛ Y') :
smash_prespectrum X Y →ₛ smash_prespectrum X' Y' :=
smap.mk (λn, smash_functor f (g n)) begin
intro n,
refine susp_to_loop_psquare _ _ _ _ _,
2018-09-11 17:06:46 +02:00
refine pvconcat (ptranspose (phinverse (smash_susp_natural f (g n)))) _,
refine vconcat_phomotopy _ (smash_functor_split f (g (S n))),
refine phomotopy_vconcat (smash_functor_split f (susp_functor (g n))) _,
refine phconcat _ _,
2017-12-08 15:30:34 +01:00
let glue_adjoint := susp_pelim (Y' n) (Y' (S n)) (glue Y' n),
exact pid X ∧→ glue_adjoint,
refine smash_functor_psquare (phrefl (pid X)) _,
refine loop_to_susp_square _ _ _ _ _,
2017-12-08 15:30:34 +01:00
exact smap.glue_square g n,
exact smash_functor_psquare (pvrefl f) (phrefl glue_adjoint)
/- smash of a spectrum and a type -/
definition smash_spectrum (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) : spectrum :=
spectrify (smash_prespectrum X Y)
definition smash_spectrum_fun {X X' : Type*} {Y Y' : spectrum} (f : X →* X') (g : Y →ₛ Y') : smash_spectrum X Y →ₛ smash_spectrum X' Y' :=
spectrify_fun (smash_prespectrum_fun f g)
end spectrum