2016-02-17 18:27:26 -05:00
import homotopy.wedge types.pi
2016-03-03 11:56:56 -05:00
open eq homotopy is_trunc pointed susp nat pi equiv is_equiv trunc
2016-02-17 18:27:26 -05:00
section freudenthal
parameters {A : Type*} (n : ℕ) [is_conn n A]
--set_option pp.notation false
protected definition my_wedge_extension.ext : Π {A : Type*} {B : Type*} (n m : ℕ) [cA : is_conn n (carrier A)] [cB : is_conn m (carrier B)]
(P : carrier A → carrier B → (m+n)-Type) (f : Π (a : carrier A), trunctype.carrier (P a (Point B)))
(g : Π (b : carrier B), trunctype.carrier (P (Point A) b)),
f (Point A) = g (Point B) → (Π (a : carrier A) (b : carrier B), trunctype.carrier (P a b)) :=
definition code_fun (a : A) (q : north = north :> susp A)
: trunc (n * 2) (fiber (pmap.to_fun (loop_susp_unit A)) q) → trunc (n * 2) (fiber merid (q ⬝ merid a)) :=
intro x, induction x with x,
esimp at *, cases x with a' p,
-- apply my_wedge_extension.ext n n,
exact sorry
definition code (y : susp A) : north = y → Type :=
susp.rec_on y
(λp, trunc (2*n) (fiber (loop_susp_unit A) p))
(λq, trunc (2*n) (fiber merid q))
apply arrow_pathover_constant_right,
intro q, rewrite [transport_eq_r],
apply ua,
exact sorry
definition freudenthal_suspension : is_conn_map (n*2) (loop_susp_unit A) :=
end freudenthal