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2017-11-22 16:12:30 -05:00
Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke
import ..move_to_lib types.fin types.trunc
open nat eq equiv sigma sigma.ops is_equiv is_trunc trunc prod fiber
namespace seq_colim
definition seq_diagram [reducible] (A : → Type) : Type := Π⦃n⦄, A n → A (succ n)
structure Seq_diagram : Type :=
(carrier : → Type)
(struct : seq_diagram carrier)
definition is_equiseq [reducible] {A : → Type} (f : seq_diagram A) : Type :=
forall (n : ), is_equiv (@f n)
structure Equi_seq : Type :=
(carrier : → Type)
(maps : seq_diagram carrier)
(prop : is_equiseq maps)
protected abbreviation Mk [constructor] := Seq_diagram.mk
attribute Seq_diagram.carrier [coercion]
attribute Seq_diagram.struct [coercion]
variables {A A' : → Type} (f : seq_diagram A) (f' : seq_diagram A')
include f
definition lrep {n m : } (H : n ≤ m) (a : A n) : A m :=
induction H with m H y,
{ exact a },
{ exact f y }
definition lrep_irrel_pathover {n m m' : } (H₁ : n ≤ m) (H₂ : n ≤ m') (p : m = m') (a : A n) :
lrep f H₁ a =[p] lrep f H₂ a :=
apo (λm H, lrep f H a) !is_prop.elimo
definition lrep_irrel {n m : } (H₁ H₂ : n ≤ m) (a : A n) : lrep f H₁ a = lrep f H₂ a :=
ap (λH, lrep f H a) !is_prop.elim
definition lrep_eq_transport {n m : } (H : n ≤ m) (p : n = m) (a : A n) : lrep f H a = transport A p a :=
begin induction p, exact lrep_irrel f H (nat.le_refl n) a end
definition lrep_irrel2 {n m : } (H₁ H₂ : n ≤ m) (a : A n) :
lrep_irrel f (le.step H₁) (le.step H₂) a = ap (@f m) (lrep_irrel f H₁ H₂ a) :=
have H₁ = H₂, from !is_prop.elim, induction this,
refine ap02 _ !is_prop_elim_self ⬝ _ ⬝ ap02 _(ap02 _ !is_prop_elim_self⁻¹),
definition lrep_eq_lrep_irrel {n m m' : } (H₁ : n ≤ m) (H₂ : n ≤ m') (a₁ a₂ : A n) (p : m = m') :
(lrep f H₁ a₁ = lrep f H₁ a₂) ≃ (lrep f H₂ a₁ = lrep f H₂ a₂) :=
equiv_apd011 (λm H, lrep f H a₁ = lrep f H a₂) (is_prop.elimo p H₁ H₂)
definition lrep_eq_lrep_irrel_natural {n m m' : } {H₁ : n ≤ m} (H₂ : n ≤ m') {a₁ a₂ : A n}
(p : m = m') (q : lrep f H₁ a₁ = lrep f H₁ a₂) :
lrep_eq_lrep_irrel f (le.step H₁) (le.step H₂) a₁ a₂ (ap succ p) (ap (@f m) q) =
ap (@f m') (lrep_eq_lrep_irrel f H₁ H₂ a₁ a₂ p q) :=
esimp [lrep_eq_lrep_irrel],
refine fn_tro_eq_tro_fn2 _ (λa₁ a₂, ap (@f _)) q ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, x ▸o _) (@is_prop.elim _ _ _ _),
apply is_trunc_pathover
definition is_equiv_lrep [constructor] [Hf : is_equiseq f] {n m : } (H : n ≤ m) :
is_equiv (lrep f H) :=
induction H with m H Hlrepf,
{ apply is_equiv_id },
{ exact is_equiv_compose (@f _) (lrep f H) },
local attribute is_equiv_lrep [instance]
definition lrep_back [reducible] [Hf : is_equiseq f] {n m : } (H : n ≤ m) : A m → A n :=
(lrep f H)⁻¹ᶠ
section generalized_lrep
variable {n : }
-- definition lrep_pathover_lrep0 [reducible] (k : ) (a : A 0) : lrep f k a =[nat.zero_add k] lrep0 f k a :=
-- begin induction k with k p, constructor, exact pathover_ap A succ (apo f p) end
/- lreplace le_of_succ_le with this -/
definition lrep_f {n m : } (H : succ n ≤ m) (a : A n) :
lrep f H (f a) = lrep f (le_step_left H) a :=
induction H with m H p,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact ap (@f m) p }
definition lrep_lrep {n m k : } (H1 : n ≤ m) (H2 : m ≤ k) (a : A n) :
lrep f H2 (lrep f H1 a) = lrep f (nat.le_trans H1 H2) a :=
induction H2 with k H2 p,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact ap (@f k) p }
-- -- this should be a squareover
-- definition lrep_lrep_succ (k l : ) (a : A n) :
-- lrep_lrep f k (succ l) a = change_path (idontwanttoprovethis n l k)
-- (lrep_f f k (lrep f l a) ⬝o
-- lrep_lrep f (succ k) l a ⬝o
-- pathover_ap _ (λz, n + z) (apd (λz, lrep f z a) (succ_add l k)⁻¹ᵖ)) :=
-- begin
-- induction k with k IH,
-- { constructor},
-- { exact sorry}
-- end
definition f_lrep {n m : } (H : n ≤ m) (a : A n) : f (lrep f H a) = lrep f (le.step H) a := idp
definition rep (m : ) (a : A n) : A (n + m) :=
lrep f (le_add_right n m) a
definition rep0 (m : ) (a : A 0) : A m :=
lrep f (zero_le m) a
-- definition old_rep (m : ) (a : A n) : A (n + m) :=
-- by induction m with m y; exact a; exact f y
-- definition rep_eq_old_rep (m : ) (a : A n) : rep f m a = old_rep f m a :=
-- by induction m with m p; reflexivity; exact ap (@f _) p
definition rep_f (k : ) (a : A n) :
pathover A (rep f k (f a)) (succ_add n k) (rep f (succ k) a) :=
induction k with k IH,
{ constructor },
{ unfold [succ_add], apply pathover_ap, exact apo f IH}
definition rep_rep (k l : ) (a : A n) :
pathover A (rep f k (rep f l a)) (nat.add_assoc n l k) (rep f (l + k) a) :=
induction k with k IH,
{ constructor},
{ apply pathover_ap, exact apo f IH}
end generalized_lrep
section shift
definition shift_diag [unfold_full] : seq_diagram (λn, A (succ n)) :=
λn a, f a
definition kshift_diag [unfold_full] (k : ) : seq_diagram (λn, A (k + n)) :=
λn a, f a
definition kshift_diag' [unfold_full] (k : ) : seq_diagram (λn, A (n + k)) :=
λn a, transport A (succ_add n k)⁻¹ (f a)
definition lrep_kshift_diag {n m k : } (H : m ≤ k) (a : A (n + m)) :
lrep (kshift_diag f n) H a = lrep f (nat.add_le_add_left2 H n) a :=
by induction H with k H p; reflexivity; exact ap (@f _) p
end shift
section constructions
omit f
definition constant_seq (X : Type) : seq_diagram (λ n, X) :=
λ n x, x
definition seq_diagram_arrow_left [unfold_full] (X : Type) : seq_diagram (λn, X → A n) :=
λn g x, f (g x)
definition seq_diagram_prod [unfold_full] : seq_diagram (λn, A n × A' n) :=
λn, prod_functor (@f n) (@f' n)
open fin
definition seq_diagram_fin [unfold_full] : seq_diagram fin :=
definition id0_seq [unfold_full] (a₁ a₂ : A 0) : → Type :=
λ k, rep0 f k a₁ = lrep f (zero_le k) a₂
definition id0_seq_diagram [unfold_full] (a₁ a₂ : A 0) : seq_diagram (id0_seq f a₁ a₂) :=
λ (k : ) (p : rep0 f k a₁ = rep0 f k a₂), ap (@f k) p
definition id_seq [unfold_full] (n : ) (a₁ a₂ : A n) : → Type :=
λ k, rep f k a₁ = rep f k a₂
definition id_seq_diagram [unfold_full] (n : ) (a₁ a₂ : A n) : seq_diagram (id_seq f n a₁ a₂) :=
λ (k : ) (p : rep f k a₁ = rep f k a₂), ap (@f (n + k)) p
definition trunc_diagram [unfold_full] (k : ℕ₋₂) (f : seq_diagram A) :
seq_diagram (λn, trunc k (A n)) :=
λn, trunc_functor k (@f n)
end constructions
section over
variable {A}
variable (P : Π⦃n⦄, A n → Type)
definition seq_diagram_over : Type := Π⦃n⦄ {a : A n}, P a → P (f a)
definition weakened_sequence [unfold_full] : seq_diagram_over f (λn a, A' n) :=
λn a a', f' a'
definition id0_seq_diagram_over [unfold_full] (a₀ : A 0) :
seq_diagram_over f (λn a, lrep f (zero_le n) a₀ = a) :=
λn a p, ap (@f n) p
variable (g : seq_diagram_over f P)
variables {f P}
definition seq_diagram_of_over [unfold_full] {n : } (a : A n) :
seq_diagram (λk, P (rep f k a)) :=
λk p, g p
definition seq_diagram_sigma [unfold 6] : seq_diagram (λn, Σ(x : A n), P x) :=
λn v, ⟨f v.1, g v.2⟩
variables {n : } (f P)
theorem rep_f_equiv [constructor] (a : A n) (k : ) :
P (lrep f (le_add_right (succ n) k) (f a)) ≃ P (lrep f (le_add_right n (succ k)) a) :=
equiv_apd011 P (rep_f f k a)
theorem rep_rep_equiv [constructor] (a : A n) (k l : ) :
P (rep f (l + k) a) ≃ P (rep f k (rep f l a)) :=
(equiv_apd011 P (rep_rep f k l a))⁻¹ᵉ
end over
omit f
-- do we need to generalize this to the case where the bottom sequence consists of equivalences?
definition seq_diagram_pi {X : Type} {A : X → → Type} (g : Π⦃x n⦄, A x n → A x (succ n)) :
seq_diagram (λn, Πx, A x n) :=
λn f x, g (f x)
variables {f f'}
definition seq_diagram_over_fiber (g : Π⦃n⦄, A n → A' n)
(p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), g (f a) = f' (g a)) : seq_diagram_over f' (λn, fiber (@g n)) :=
λk a, fiber_functor (@f k) (@f' k) (@p k) idp
definition seq_diagram_fiber (g : Π⦃n⦄, A n → A' n) (p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), g (f a) = f' (g a))
{n : } (a : A' n) : seq_diagram (λk, fiber (@g (n + k)) (rep f' k a)) :=
seq_diagram_of_over (seq_diagram_over_fiber g p) a
definition seq_diagram_fiber0 (g : Π⦃n⦄, A n → A' n) (p : Π⦃n⦄ (a : A n), g (f a) = f' (g a))
(a : A' 0) : seq_diagram (λk, fiber (@g k) (rep0 f' k a)) :=
λk, fiber_functor (@f k) (@f' k) (@p k) idp
end seq_colim