extensionally equal subgroups give equal quotient groups

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Egbert Rijke 2017-05-04 17:45:04 -04:00
parent 454401fdea
commit 3ac3146c24

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@ -278,21 +278,133 @@ namespace group
exact H a p,
definition quotient_group_iso {K L : subgroup_rel A} (H1 : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (H2 : Π (a : A), L a → K a) :
is_contr (Σ gh : (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L),
is_equiv (group_fun (pr1 gh))) :=
definition quotient_group_functor_id {K : subgroup_rel A} (H : Π (a : A), K a → K a) :
center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr _ K K H) = ⟨gid (quotient_ab_group K), λ x, rfl⟩ :=
note p := @quotient_group_functor_contr _ K K H,
fapply eq_of_is_contr,
section quotient_group_iso_ua
set_option pp.universes true
definition subgroup_rel_eq' {K L : subgroup_rel A} (htpy : Π (a : A), K a ≃ L a) : K = L :=
induction K with K', induction L with L', esimp at *,
assert q : K' = L',
fapply eq_of_homotopy,
intro a,
fapply tua,
exact htpy a,
induction q,
assert q : Rone = Rone_1,
fapply is_prop.elim,
induction q,
assert q2 : @Rmul = @Rmul_1,
fapply is_prop.elim,
induction q2,
assert q : @Rinv = @Rinv_1,
fapply is_prop.elim,
induction q,
definition subgroup_rel_eq {K L : subgroup_rel A} (forth : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (opforth : Π (a : A), L a → K a) : K = L :=
have htpy : Π (a : A), K a ≃ L a,
intro a,
fapply equiv_of_is_prop,
fapply forth a,
fapply opforth a,
exact subgroup_rel_eq' htpy,
definition eq_of_ab_qg_group' {K L : subgroup_rel A} (p : K = L) : quotient_ab_group K = quotient_ab_group L :=
induction p, reflexivity
definition eq_of_ab_qg_group {K L : subgroup_rel A} (forth : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (opforth : Π (a : A), L a → K a) : quotient_ab_group K = quotient_ab_group L :=
eq_of_ab_qg_group' (subgroup_rel_eq forth opforth)
end quotient_group_iso_ua
section quotient_group_iso
variables {K L : subgroup_rel A} (H1 : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (H2 : Π (a : A), L a → K a)
include H1
include H2
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_KL_map :
quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L :=
pr1 (center' (quotient_group_functor_contr H1))
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_KL_triangle :
quotient_group_iso_contr_KL_map H1 H2 ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L :=
pr2 (center' (quotient_group_functor_contr H1))
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_KK :
is_contr (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group K), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map K) :=
@quotient_group_functor_contr A K K (λ a, H2 a ∘ H1 a)
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_LK :
quotient_ab_group L →g quotient_ab_group K :=
pr1 (center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr A L K H2))
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_LL :
quotient_ab_group L →g quotient_ab_group L :=
pr1 (center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr A L L (λ a, H1 a ∘ H2 a)))
definition quotient_group_iso : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L :=
fapply isomorphism.mk,
exact pr1 (center' (quotient_group_iso_contr_KL H1 H2)),
fapply adjointify,
exact quotient_group_iso_contr_LK H1 H2,
intro x,
induction x, reflexivity,
definition quotient_group_iso_contr_aux :
is_contr (Σ(gh : Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L), is_equiv (group_fun (pr1 gh))) :=
fapply is_trunc_sigma,
exact quotient_group_functor_contr H1,
intro a, induction a with g h,
fapply is_contr_of_inhabited_prop,
fapply adjointify,
rexact group_fun (pr1 (center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr A L K H2))),
rexact group_fun (pr1 (center' (@quotient_group_functor_contr A L K H2))),
note htpy := homotopy_of_eq (ap group_fun (ap sigma.pr1 (@quotient_group_functor_id _ L (λ a, (H1 a) ∘ (H2 a))))),
have KK : is_contr ((Σ(g' : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group K), g' ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map K) ), from
quotient_group_functor_contr (λ a, (H2 a) ∘ (H1 a)),
-- have KK_path : ⟨g, h⟩ = ⟨id, λ a, refl (ab_qg_map K a)⟩, from eq_of_is_contr ⟨g, h⟩ ⟨id, λ a, refl (ab_qg_map K a)⟩,
repeat exact sorry
definition quotient_group_iso_contr {K L : subgroup_rel A} (H1 : Π (a : A), K a → L a) (H2 : Π (a : A), L a → K a) :
is_contr (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L) :=
refine @is_trunc_equiv_closed (Σ(gh : Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L), is_equiv (group_fun (pr1 gh))) (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L) -2 _ (quotient_group_iso_contr_aux H1 H2),
exact calc
(Σ gh, is_equiv (group_fun gh.1)) ≃ Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K →g quotient_ab_group L) (h : g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L), is_equiv (group_fun g) : by exact (sigma_assoc_equiv (λ gh, is_equiv (group_fun gh.1)))⁻¹
... ≃ (Σ (g : quotient_ab_group K ≃g quotient_ab_group L), g ∘g ab_qg_map K ~ ab_qg_map L) : _
end quotient_group_iso
definition quotient_group_functor [constructor] (φ : G →g G') (h : Πg, N g → N' (φ g)) :
quotient_group N →g quotient_group N' :=