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Mike Shulman 2016-03-24 16:30:22 -07:00
commit af5a3091bb
11 changed files with 675 additions and 169 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Spectral Sequences # Spectral Sequences
Formalization project of the CMU HoTT group towards formalizing the Serre spectral sequence. Formalization project of the CMU HoTT group towards formalizing the Serre spectral sequence.
#### Participants #### Participants
Jeremy Avigad, Steve Awodey, Ulrik Buchholtz, Floris van Doorn, Clive Newstead, Egbert Rijke, Mike Shulman. Jeremy Avigad, Steve Awodey, Ulrik Buchholtz, Floris van Doorn, Clive Newstead, Egbert Rijke, Mike Shulman.
## Resources ## Resources
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Jeremy Avigad, Steve Awodey, Ulrik Buchholtz, Floris van Doorn, Clive Newstead,
- some basic theory: product, tensor, hom, projective, - some basic theory: product, tensor, hom, projective,
- categories of algebras, [abelian categories](, - categories of algebras, [abelian categories](,
- exact sequences, short and long - exact sequences, short and long
- [snake lemma]( - [snake lemma](
- [5-lemma]( - [5-lemma](
- [chain complexes]( and [homology]( - [chain complexes]( and [homology](
- [exact couples](, probably just of Z-graded objects, and derived exact couples - [exact couples](, probably just of Z-graded objects, and derived exact couples
@ -28,18 +28,36 @@ Jeremy Avigad, Steve Awodey, Ulrik Buchholtz, Floris van Doorn, Clive Newstead,
- [convergence of spectral sequences]( - [convergence of spectral sequences](
### Topology To Do: ### Topology To Do:
- HoTT Book chapter 8 - HoTT Book sections 8.7, 8.8.
- fiber and cofiber sequences (is this in the library already?) - fiber sequence
+ already have the LES
+ need shift isomorphism
+ Hom'ing into a fiber sequence gives another fiber sequence.
- cofiber sequences
+ Hom'ing out gives a fiber sequence: if `A → B → coker f` cofiber
sequences, then `X^A → X^B → X^(coker f)` is a fiber sequence.
- [prespectra]( and [spectra](, suspension - [prespectra]( and [spectra](, suspension
+ try indexing on arbitrary successor structure
+ think about equivariant spectra indexed by representations of `G`
- [spectrification]( - [spectrification](
+ adjoint to forgetful
+ as sequential colimit, prove induction principle (if useful)
+ connective spectrum: `is_conn n.-2 Eₙ`
- [parametrized spectra](, parametrized smash and hom between types and spectra - [parametrized spectra](, parametrized smash and hom between types and spectra
- fiber and cofiber sequences of spectra, stability - fiber and cofiber sequences of spectra, stability
+ limits are levelwise
+ colimits need to be spectrified
- long exact sequences from (co)fiber sequences of spectra - long exact sequences from (co)fiber sequences of spectra
+ indexed on , need to splice together LES's
- [Eilenberg-MacLane spaces]( and spectra - [Eilenberg-MacLane spaces]( and spectra
- Postnikov towers of spectra - Postnikov towers of spectra
+ basic definition already there
+ fibers of Postnikov sequence unstably and stably
- exact couple of a tower of spectra - exact couple of a tower of spectra
+ need to splice together LES's
### Already Done: ### Already Done:
- pointed types - Most things in the HoTT Book up to Section 8.6 (see [this file](
- definition of algebraic structures such as groups, rings, fields, - pointed types, maps, homotopies and equivalences
- some algebra: quotient, product, free. - definition of algebraic structures such as groups, rings, fields
- some algebra: quotient, product, free groups.

algebra/graded.hlean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Egbert Rijke. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Egbert Rijke
Graded modules and rings.

algebra/module.hlean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Copyright (c) 2015 Nathaniel Thomas. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Nathaniel Thomas, Jeremy Avigad
Modules prod vector spaces over a ring.
(We use "left_module," which is more precise, because "module" is a keyword.)
import algebra.field
open algebra
structure has_scalar [class] (F V : Type) :=
(smul : F → V → V)
infixl ` • `:73 := has_scalar.smul
/- modules over a ring -/
structure left_module [class] (R M : Type) [ringR : ring R]
extends has_scalar R M, add_comm_group M :=
(smul_left_distrib : Π (r : R) (x y : M), smul r (add x y) = (add (smul r x) (smul r y)))
(smul_right_distrib : Π (r s : R) (x : M), smul (ring.add r s) x = (add (smul r x) (smul s x)))
(mul_smul : Π r s x, smul (mul r s) x = smul r (smul s x))
(one_smul : Π x, smul one x = x)
section left_module
variables {R M : Type}
variable [ringR : ring R]
variable [moduleRM : left_module R M]
include ringR moduleRM
-- Note: the anonymous include does not work in the propositions below.
proposition smul_left_distrib (a : R) (u v : M) : a • (u + v) = a • u + a • v :=
proposition smul_right_distrib (a b : R) (u : M) : (a + b) • u = a • u + b • u :=
proposition mul_smul (a : R) (b : R) (u : M) : (a * b) • u = a • (b • u) :=
proposition one_smul (u : M) : (1 : R) • u = u := !left_module.one_smul
proposition zero_smul (u : M) : (0 : R) • u = 0 :=
have (0 : R) • u + 0 • u = 0 • u + 0, by rewrite [-smul_right_distrib, *add_zero],
!add.left_cancel this
proposition smul_zero (a : R) : a • (0 : M) = 0 :=
have a • (0:M) + a • 0 = a • 0 + 0, by rewrite [-smul_left_distrib, *add_zero],
!add.left_cancel this
proposition neg_smul (a : R) (u : M) : (-a) • u = - (a • u) :=
eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero (by rewrite [-smul_right_distrib, add.left_inv, zero_smul])
proposition neg_one_smul (u : M) : -(1 : R) • u = -u :=
by rewrite [neg_smul, one_smul]
proposition smul_neg (a : R) (u : M) : a • (-u) = -(a • u) :=
by rewrite [-neg_one_smul, -mul_smul, mul_neg_one_eq_neg, neg_smul]
proposition smul_sub_left_distrib (a : R) (u v : M) : a • (u - v) = a • u - a • v :=
by rewrite [sub_eq_add_neg, smul_left_distrib, smul_neg]
proposition sub_smul_right_distrib (a b : R) (v : M) : (a - b) • v = a • v - b • v :=
by rewrite [sub_eq_add_neg, smul_right_distrib, neg_smul]
end left_module
/- vector spaces -/
structure vector_space [class] (F V : Type) [fieldF : field F]
extends left_module F V

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import .LES_of_homotopy_groups homotopy.connectedness homotopy.homotopy_group import .LES_of_homotopy_groups homotopy.connectedness homotopy.homotopy_group homotopy.join
open eq is_trunc pointed homotopy is_equiv fiber equiv trunc nat chain_complex prod fin algebra open eq is_trunc pointed is_conn is_equiv fiber equiv trunc nat chain_complex prod fin algebra
group trunc_index function group trunc_index function join pushout
namespace nat namespace nat
open sigma sum open sigma sum
definition eq_even_or_eq_odd (n : ) : (Σk, 2 * k = n) ⊎ (Σk, 2 * k + 1 = n) := definition eq_even_or_eq_odd (n : ) : (Σk, 2 * k = n) ⊎ (Σk, 2 * k + 1 = n) :=
@ -25,63 +26,16 @@ open nat
namespace is_conn namespace is_conn
theorem is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected {A B : Type*} (k n : ) (f : A →* B)
[H : is_conn_map n f] (H2 : k ≤ n) : is_contr (π[k] (pfiber f)) :=
@(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn (pfiber f) H2) (H pt)
-- TODO: use this for trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn (in homotopy.homotopy_group)
theorem is_conn_of_le (A : Type) {n k : ℕ₋₂} (H : n ≤ k) [is_conn k A] : is_conn n A :=
apply is_contr_equiv_closed,
apply trunc_trunc_equiv_left _ n k H
definition zero_le_of_nat (n : ) : 0 ≤[ℕ₋₂] n :=
of_nat_le_of_nat (zero_le n)
local attribute is_conn_map [reducible] --TODO
theorem is_conn_map_of_le {A B : Type} (f : A → B) {n k : ℕ₋₂} (H : n ≤ k)
[is_conn_map k f] : is_conn_map n f :=
λb, is_conn_of_le _ H
definition is_surjective_trunc_functor {A B : Type} (n : ℕ₋₂) (f : A → B) [H : is_surjective f]
: is_surjective (trunc_functor n f) :=
cases n with n: intro b,
{ exact tr ( !center !is_prop.elim)},
{ refine @trunc.rec _ _ _ _ _ b, {intro x, exact is_trunc_of_le _ !minus_one_le_succ},
clear b, intro b, induction H b with v, induction v with a p,
exact tr ( (tr a) (ap tr p))}
definition is_surjective_cancel_right {A B C : Type} (g : B → C) (f : A → B)
[H : is_surjective (g ∘ f)] : is_surjective g :=
intro c,
induction H c with v, induction v with a p,
exact tr ( (f a) p)
-- Lemma 7.5.14
theorem is_equiv_trunc_functor_of_is_conn_map {A B : Type} (n : ℕ₋₂) (f : A → B)
[H : is_conn_map n f] : is_equiv (trunc_functor n f) :=
exact sorry
definition is_equiv_tinverse [constructor] (A : Type*) : is_equiv (@tinverse A) :=
by apply @is_equiv_trunc_functor; apply is_equiv_eq_inverse
local attribute comm_group.to_group [coercion] local attribute comm_group.to_group [coercion]
local attribute is_equiv_tinverse [instance] local attribute is_equiv_tinverse [instance]
theorem is_equiv_π_of_is_connected.{u} {A B : pType.{u}} (n k : ) (f : A →* B) theorem is_equiv_π_of_is_connected.{u} {A B : pType.{u}} (n k : ) (f : A →* B)
[H : is_conn_map n f] (H2 : k ≤ n) : is_equiv (π→[k] f) := [H : is_conn_fun n f] (H2 : k ≤ n) : is_equiv (π→[k] f) :=
begin begin
induction k using rec_on_even_odd with k: cases k with k, induction k using rec_on_even_odd with k: cases k with k,
{ /- k = 0 -/ { /- k = 0 -/
change (is_equiv (trunc_functor 0 f)), apply is_equiv_trunc_functor_of_is_conn_map, change (is_equiv (trunc_functor 0 f)), apply is_equiv_trunc_functor_of_is_conn_fun,
refine is_conn_map_of_le f (zero_le_of_nat n)}, refine is_conn_fun_of_le f (zero_le_of_nat n)},
{ /- k > 0 even -/ { /- k > 0 even -/
have H2' : 2 * k + 1 ≤ n, from le.trans !self_le_succ H2, have H2' : 2 * k + 1 ≤ n, from le.trans !self_le_succ H2,
exact exact
@ -113,21 +67,53 @@ namespace is_conn
end end
theorem is_surjective_π_of_is_connected.{u} {A B : pType.{u}} (n : ) (f : A →* B) theorem is_surjective_π_of_is_connected.{u} {A B : pType.{u}} (n : ) (f : A →* B)
[H : is_conn_map n f] : is_surjective (π→[n + 1] f) := [H : is_conn_fun n f] : is_surjective (π→[n + 1] f) :=
begin begin
induction n using rec_on_even_odd with n, induction n using rec_on_even_odd with n,
{ cases n with n, { have H3 : is_surjective (π→*[2*n + 1] f ∘* tinverse), from
{ exact sorry}, @is_surjective_of_trivial _
{ have H3 : is_surjective (π→*[2*(succ n) + 1] f ∘* tinverse), from (LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f) _
@is_surjective_of_trivial _ (is_exact_LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f (n, 2))
(LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f) _ (@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B (2 * n) (2 * n) f H !le.refl),
(is_exact_LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f (succ n, 2)) exact @(is_surjective_cancel_right (pmap.to_fun (π→*[2*n + 1] f)) tinverse) H3},
(@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B (2 * succ n) (2 * succ n) f H !le.refl),
exact @(is_surjective_cancel_right (pmap.to_fun (π→*[2*(succ n) + 1] f)) tinverse) H3}},
{ exact @is_surjective_of_trivial _ { exact @is_surjective_of_trivial _
(LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f) _ (LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f) _
(is_exact_LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f (k, 5)) (is_exact_LES_of_homotopy_groups3 f (k, 5))
(@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B (2 * k + 1) (2 * k + 1) f H !le.refl)} (@is_contr_HG_fiber_of_is_connected A B (2 * k + 1) (2 * k + 1) f H !le.refl)}
end end
/- joins -/
definition join_empty_right [constructor] (A : Type) : join A empty ≃ A :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro x, induction x with a o a o,
{ exact a },
{ exact empty.elim o },
{ exact empty.elim o } },
{ exact pushout.inl },
{ intro a, reflexivity},
{ intro x, induction x with a o a o,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact empty.elim o },
{ exact empty.elim o } }
definition natural_square2 {A B X : Type} {f : A → X} {g : B → X} (h : Πa b, f a = g b)
{a a' : A} {b b' : B} (p : a = a') (q : b = b')
: square (ap f p) (ap g q) (h a b) (h a' b') :=
by induction p; induction q; exact hrfl
open sphere sphere_index
definition add_plus_one_minus_one (n : ℕ₋₁) : n +1+ -1 = n := idp
definition add_plus_one_succ (n m : ℕ₋₁) : n +1+ (m.+1) = (n +1+ m).+1 := idp
definition minus_one_add_plus_one (n : ℕ₋₁) : -1 +1+ n = n :=
begin induction n with n IH, reflexivity, exact ap succ IH end
definition succ_add_plus_one (n m : ℕ₋₁) : (n.+1) +1+ m = (n +1+ m).+1 :=
begin induction m with m IH, reflexivity, exact ap succ IH end
end is_conn end is_conn

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@ -208,9 +208,10 @@ namespace chain_complex
theorem fiber_sequence_fun_eq : Π(x : fiber_sequence_carrier f (n + 4)), theorem fiber_sequence_fun_eq : Π(x : fiber_sequence_carrier f (n + 4)),
fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f n (fiber_sequence_fun f (n + 3) x) = fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f n (fiber_sequence_fun f (n + 3) x) =
ap1 (fiber_sequence_fun f n) (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f (n + 1) x)⁻¹ := ap1 (fiber_sequence_fun f n) (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f (n + 1) x)⁻¹ :=
homotopy_of_inv_homotopy begin
(pequiv.to_equiv (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f (n + 1))) apply homotopy_of_inv_homotopy_pre (fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f (n + 1)),
(fiber_sequence_fun_eq_helper f n) apply fiber_sequence_fun_eq_helper f n
theorem fiber_sequence_fun_phomotopy : theorem fiber_sequence_fun_phomotopy :
fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f n ∘* fiber_sequence_carrier_pequiv f n ∘*

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@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ namespace chain_complex
have H2 : tcc_to_fn X (f m) ((equiv_of_eq (ap (λx, X x) (c m)))⁻¹ᵉ (e⁻¹ y)) = pt, have H2 : tcc_to_fn X (f m) ((equiv_of_eq (ap (λx, X x) (c m)))⁻¹ᵉ (e⁻¹ y)) = pt,
begin begin
refine _ ⬝ ap e⁻¹ᵉ* q ⬝ (respect_pt (e⁻¹ᵉ*)), apply eq_inv_of_eq, clear q, revert y, refine _ ⬝ ap e⁻¹ᵉ* q ⬝ (respect_pt (e⁻¹ᵉ*)), apply eq_inv_of_eq, clear q, revert y,
refine inv_homotopy_of_homotopy (pequiv.to_equiv e) _, apply inv_homotopy_of_homotopy_pre e,
apply inv_homotopy_of_homotopy, apply p apply inv_homotopy_of_homotopy_pre, apply p
end, end,
induction (H _ H2) with x r, induction (H _ H2) with x r,
refine (e (cast (ap (λx, X x) (c (S m))) (cast (ap (λx, X (S x)) (c m)) x))) _, refine (e (cast (ap (λx, X x) (c (S m))) (cast (ap (λx, X (S x)) (c m)) x))) _,
@ -495,7 +495,6 @@ namespace chain_complex
pt_mul := one_mul, pt_mul := one_mul,
mul_pt := mul_one, mul_pt := mul_one,
mul_left_inv_pt := mul.left_inv⦄ mul_left_inv_pt := mul.left_inv⦄
end end
-- the following theorems would also be true of the replace "is_contr" by "is_prop" -- the following theorems would also be true of the replace "is_contr" by "is_prop"

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
/-- Authors: Clive, Egbert --/
import homotopy.connectedness homotopy.join
open eq sigma pi function join is_conn is_trunc equiv is_equiv
namespace retraction
variables {A B C : Type} (r2 : B → C) (r1 : A → B)
definition is_retraction_compose
[Hr2 : is_retraction r2] [Hr1 : is_retraction r1] :
is_retraction (r2 ∘ r1) :=
cases Hr2 with s2 s2_is_right_inverse,
cases Hr1 with s1 s1_is_right_inverse,
{ exact s1 ∘ s2},
{ intro b, esimp,
r2 (r1 (s1 (s2 (b)))) = r2 (s2 (b)) : ap r2 (s1_is_right_inverse (s2 b))
... = b : s2_is_right_inverse b
}, /-- QED --/
definition is_retraction_compose_equiv_left [Hr2 : is_equiv r2] [Hr1 : is_retraction r1] : is_retraction (r2 ∘ r1) :=
apply is_retraction_compose,
definition is_retraction_compose_equiv_right [Hr2 : is_retraction r2] [Hr1 : is_equiv r1] : is_retraction (r2 ∘ r1) :=
apply is_retraction_compose,
end retraction
namespace is_conn
open retraction
universe variable u
parameters (n : ℕ₋₂) {A : Type.{u}}
parameter sec : ΠV : trunctype.{u} n,
is_retraction (const A : V → (A → V))
include sec
protected definition intro : is_conn n A :=
apply is_conn_of_map_to_unit,
apply is_conn_fun.intro,
intro P,
refine is_retraction_compose_equiv_right (const A) (pi_unit_left P),
end is_conn
section Join_Theorem
variables (X Y : Type)
(m n : ℕ₋₂)
[HXm : is_conn m X]
[HYn : is_conn n Y]
include HXm HYn
theorem is_conn_join : is_conn (m +2+ n) (join X Y) :=
apply is_conn.intro,
intro V,
apply is_retraction_of_is_equiv,
apply is_equiv_of_is_contr_fun,
intro f,
refine is_contr_equiv_closed _,
{exact unit},
exact sorry
end Join_Theorem

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@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ namespace homotopy
assumption assumption
end end
definition is_conn_map (n : trunc_index) {A B : Type} (f : A → B) : Type := definition is_conn_fun (n : trunc_index) {A B : Type} (f : A → B) : Type :=
Πb : B, is_conn n (fiber f b) Πb : B, is_conn n (fiber f b)
namespace is_conn_map namespace is_conn_fun
section section
parameters {n : trunc_index} {A B : Type} {h : A → B} parameters {n : trunc_index} {A B : Type} {h : A → B}
(H : is_conn_map n h) (P : B → n -Type) (H : is_conn_fun n h) (P : B → n -Type)
private definition helper : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → Πb : B, trunc n (fiber h b) → P b := private definition helper : (Πa : A, P (h a)) → Πb : B, trunc n (fiber h b) → P b :=
λt b, trunc.rec (λx, point_eq x ▸ t (point x)) λt b, trunc.rec (λx, point_eq x ▸ t (point x))
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace homotopy
include sec include sec
-- the other half of Lemma 7.5.7 -- the other half of Lemma 7.5.7
definition intro : is_conn_map n h := definition intro : is_conn_fun n h :=
begin begin
intro b, intro b,
apply (@is_retraction.sect _ _ _ s (λa, tr ( a idp)) b), apply (@is_retraction.sect _ _ _ s (λa, tr ( a idp)) b),
@ -79,22 +79,22 @@ namespace homotopy
exact apd10 (@right_inverse _ _ _ s (λa, tr ( a idp))) a exact apd10 (@right_inverse _ _ _ s (λa, tr ( a idp))) a
end end
end end
end is_conn_map end is_conn_fun
-- Connectedness is related to maps to and from the unit type, first to -- Connectedness is related to maps to and from the unit type, first to
section section
parameters (n : trunc_index) (A : Type) parameters (n : trunc_index) (A : Type)
definition is_conn_of_map_to_unit definition is_conn_of_map_to_unit
: is_conn_map n (λx : A, → is_conn n A := : is_conn_fun n (λx : A, → is_conn n A :=
begin begin
intro H, unfold is_conn_map at H, intro H, unfold is_conn_fun at H,
rewrite [-(ua (fiber.fiber_star_equiv A))], rewrite [-(ua (fiber.fiber_star_equiv A))],
exact (H exact (H
end end
-- now maps from unit -- now maps from unit
definition is_conn_of_map_from_unit (a₀ : A) (H : is_conn_map n (const unit a₀)) definition is_conn_of_map_from_unit (a₀ : A) (H : is_conn_fun n (const unit a₀))
: is_conn n .+1 A := : is_conn n .+1 A := (tr a₀) (tr a₀)
begin begin
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ namespace homotopy
(@center _ (H a)) (@center _ (H a))
end end
definition is_conn_map_from_unit (a₀ : A) [H : is_conn n .+1 A] definition is_conn_fun_from_unit (a₀ : A) [H : is_conn n .+1 A]
: is_conn_map n (const unit a₀) := : is_conn_fun n (const unit a₀) :=
begin begin
intro a, intro a,
apply is_conn_equiv_closed n (equiv.symm (fiber_const_equiv A a₀ a)), apply is_conn_equiv_closed n (equiv.symm (fiber_const_equiv A a₀ a)),
@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ namespace homotopy
-- Lemma 7.5.2 -- Lemma 7.5.2
definition minus_one_conn_of_surjective {A B : Type} (f : A → B) definition minus_one_conn_of_surjective {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: is_surjective f → is_conn_map -1 f := : is_surjective f → is_conn_fun -1 f :=
begin begin
intro H, intro b, intro H, intro b,
exact @is_contr_of_inhabited_prop (∥fiber f b∥) (is_trunc_trunc -1 (fiber f b)) (H b), exact @is_contr_of_inhabited_prop (∥fiber f b∥) (is_trunc_trunc -1 (fiber f b)) (H b),
end end
definition is_surjection_of_minus_one_conn {A B : Type} (f : A → B) definition is_surjection_of_minus_one_conn {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: is_conn_map -1 f → is_surjective f := : is_conn_fun -1 f → is_surjective f :=
begin begin
intro H, intro b, intro H, intro b,
exact @center (∥fiber f b∥) (H b), exact @center (∥fiber f b∥) (H b),
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ namespace homotopy
-- Lemma 7.5.4 -- Lemma 7.5.4
definition retract_of_conn_is_conn [instance] (r : arrow_hom f g) [H : is_retraction r] definition retract_of_conn_is_conn [instance] (r : arrow_hom f g) [H : is_retraction r]
(n : trunc_index) [K : is_conn_map n f] : is_conn_map n g := (n : trunc_index) [K : is_conn_fun n f] : is_conn_fun n g :=
begin begin
intro b, unfold is_conn, intro b, unfold is_conn,
apply is_contr_retract (trunc_functor n (retraction_on_fiber r b)), apply is_contr_retract (trunc_functor n (retraction_on_fiber r b)),
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ namespace homotopy
-- Corollary 7.5.5 -- Corollary 7.5.5
definition is_conn_homotopy (n : trunc_index) {A B : Type} {f g : A → B} definition is_conn_homotopy (n : trunc_index) {A B : Type} {f g : A → B}
(p : f ~ g) (H : is_conn_map n f) : is_conn_map n g := (p : f ~ g) (H : is_conn_fun n f) : is_conn_fun n g :=
@retract_of_conn_is_conn _ _ (arrow.arrow_hom_of_homotopy p) (arrow.is_retraction_arrow_hom_of_homotopy p) n H @retract_of_conn_is_conn _ _ (arrow.arrow_hom_of_homotopy p) (arrow.is_retraction_arrow_hom_of_homotopy p) n H
-- all types are -2-connected -- all types are -2-connected
@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ namespace homotopy
{ intros H, { intros H,
change ap (@tr n .+2 (susp A)) (merid a) = ap tr (merid a'), change ap (@tr n .+2 (susp A)) (merid a) = ap tr (merid a'),
generalize a', generalize a',
apply is_conn_map.elim apply is_conn_fun.elim
(is_conn_map_from_unit n A a) (is_conn_fun_from_unit n A a)
(λx : A,' n (ap (@tr n .+2 (susp A)) (merid a) = ap tr (merid x))), (λx : A,' n (ap (@tr n .+2 (susp A)) (merid a) = ap tr (merid x))),
intros, intros,
change ap (@tr n .+2 (susp A)) (merid a) = ap tr (merid a), change ap (@tr n .+2 (susp A)) (merid a) = ap tr (merid a),

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-- Section 8.3
import types.trunc types.pointed homotopy.connectedness homotopy.sphere algebra.homotopy_group
open eq is_trunc is_equiv nat equiv trunc function circle algebra pointed trunc_index homotopy
-- Lemma 8.3.1
theorem trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc (A : Type*) (n k : ) [is_trunc n A] (H : n ≤ k)
: is_contr (πg[k+1] A) :=
apply is_trunc_trunc_of_is_trunc,
apply is_contr_loop_of_is_trunc,
apply @is_trunc_of_le A n _,
exact of_nat_le_of_nat H
-- Lemma 8.3.2
theorem trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn (A : Type*) {k n : } (H : k ≤ n) [is_conn n A]
: is_contr (π[k] A) :=
have H2 : of_nat k ≤ of_nat n, from of_nat_le_of_nat H,
have H3 : is_contr (ptrunc k A),
fapply is_contr_equiv_closed,
{ apply trunc_trunc_equiv_left _ k n H2}
have H4 : is_contr (Ω[k](ptrunc k A)),
from !is_trunc_loop_of_is_trunc,
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev,
{ apply equiv_of_pequiv (phomotopy_group_pequiv_loop_ptrunc k A)}
-- Corollary 8.3.3
open sphere.ops sphere_index
theorem homotopy_group_sphere_le (n k : ) (H : k < n) : is_contr (π[k] (S. n)) :=
cases n with n,
{ exfalso, apply not_lt_zero, exact H},
{ have H2 : k ≤ n, from le_of_lt_succ H,
apply @(trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_conn _ H2),
rewrite [-trunc_index.of_sphere_index_of_nat, -trunc_index.succ_sub_one], apply is_conn_sphere}

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@ -1,45 +1,276 @@
-- TODO: in wedge connectivity and is_conn.elim, unbundle P
import homotopy.wedge types.pi .LES_applications --TODO: remove
import homotopy.wedge types.pi open eq is_conn is_trunc pointed susp nat pi equiv is_equiv trunc fiber trunc_index
open eq homotopy is_trunc pointed susp nat pi equiv is_equiv trunc -- definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con' (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ) (A : Type*)
-- (p q : Ω[k](ptrunc (n+k) (Ω A))) :
-- iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n k (Ω A) (loop_mul trunc_concat p q) =
-- trunc_functor2 (loop_mul concat) (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n k (Ω A) p)
-- (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n k (Ω A) q) :=
-- begin
-- revert n p q, induction k with k IH: intro n p q,
-- { reflexivity},
-- { exact sorry}
-- end
section freudenthal -- example : ((@add.{0} trunc_index has_add_trunc_index n
-- (trunc_index.of_nat
-- (@add.{0} nat nat._trans_of_decidable_linear_ordered_semiring_17
-- (@one.{0} nat nat._trans_of_decidable_linear_ordered_semiring_21))))) = (0 : ℕ₋₂) := proof idp qed
parameters {A : Type*} (n : ) [is_conn n A] definition iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv_con (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ) (A : Type*)
(p q : Ω[k + 1](ptrunc (n+k+1) A)) :
--set_option pp.notation false iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (k+1) A (p ⬝ q) =
trunc_concat (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (k+1) A p)
protected definition my_wedge_extension.ext : Π {A : Type*} {B : Type*} (n m : ) [cA : is_conn n (carrier A)] [cB : is_conn m (carrier B)] (iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv n (k+1) A q) :=
(P : carrier A → carrier B → (m+n)-Type) (f : Π (a : carrier A), trunctype.carrier (P a (Point B)))
(g : Π (b : carrier B), trunctype.carrier (P (Point A) b)),
f (Point A) = g (Point B) → (Π (a : carrier A) (b : carrier B), trunctype.carrier (P a b)) :=
definition code_fun (a : A) (q : north = north :> susp A)
: trunc (n * 2) (fiber (pmap.to_fun (loop_susp_unit A)) q) → trunc (n * 2) (fiber merid (q ⬝ merid a)) :=
intro x, induction x with x,
esimp at *, cases x with a' p,
-- apply my_wedge_extension.ext n n,
exact sorry
definition code (y : susp A) : north = y → Type :=
susp.rec_on y
(λp, trunc (2*n) (fiber (loop_susp_unit A) p))
(λq, trunc (2*n) (fiber merid q))
begin begin
apply arrow_pathover_constant_right,
intro q, rewrite [transport_eq_r],
apply ua,
exact sorry exact sorry
-- induction k with k IH,
-- { replace ( + 1) with (nat.succ, esimp [iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv],
-- exact sorry},
-- { exact sorry}
end end
definition freudenthal_suspension : is_conn_map (n*2) (loop_susp_unit A) := theorem elim_type_merid_inv {A : Type} (PN : Type) (PS : Type) (Pm : A → PN ≃ PS)
sorry (a : A) : transport (susp.elim_type PN PS Pm) (merid a)⁻¹ = to_inv (Pm a) :=
by rewrite [tr_eq_cast_ap_fn,↑susp.elim_type,ap_inv,elim_merid]; apply cast_ua_inv_fn
definition is_conn_trunc (A : Type) (n k : ℕ₋₂) [H : is_conn n A]
: is_conn n (trunc k A) :=
apply is_trunc_equiv_closed, apply trunc_trunc_equiv_trunc_trunc
section open sphere sphere.ops
definition psphere_succ [unfold_full] (n : ) : S. (n + 1) = psusp (S. n) := idp
end freudenthal namespace freudenthal section
parameters {A : Type*} {n : } [is_conn n A]
--porting from Agda
-- definition Q (x : susp A) : Type :=
-- trunc (k) (north = x)
definition up (a : A) : north = north :> susp A := -- up a = loop_susp_unit A a
merid a ⬝ (merid pt)⁻¹
definition code_merid : A → ptrunc (n + n) A → ptrunc (n + n) A :=
have is_conn n (ptrunc (n + n) A), from !is_conn_trunc,
refine wedge_extension.ext n n (λ x y, ttrunc (n + n) A) _ _ _,
{ exact tr},
{ exact id},
{ reflexivity}
definition code_merid_β_left (a : A) : code_merid a pt = tr a :=
by apply wedge_extension.β_left
definition code_merid_β_right (b : ptrunc (n + n) A) : code_merid pt b = b :=
by apply wedge_extension.β_right
definition code_merid_coh : code_merid_β_left pt = code_merid_β_right pt :=
symmetry, apply eq_of_inv_con_eq_idp, apply wedge_extension.coh
definition is_equiv_code_merid (a : A) : is_equiv (code_merid a) :=
have Πa, is_trunc n.-2.+1 (is_equiv (code_merid a)),
from λa, is_trunc_of_le _ !minus_one_le_succ,
refine is_conn.elim (n.-1) _ _ a,
{ esimp, exact homotopy_closed id (homotopy.symm (code_merid_β_right))}
definition code_merid_equiv [constructor] (a : A) : trunc (n + n) A ≃ trunc (n + n) A := _ (is_equiv_code_merid a)
definition code_merid_inv_pt (x : trunc (n + n) A) : (code_merid_equiv pt)⁻¹ x = x :=
refine ap010 @(is_equiv.inv _) _ x ⬝ _,
{ exact homotopy_closed id (homotopy.symm code_merid_β_right)},
{ apply is_conn.elim_β},
{ reflexivity}
definition code [unfold 4] : susp A → Type :=
susp.elim_type (trunc (n + n) A) (trunc (n + n) A) code_merid_equiv
definition is_trunc_code (x : susp A) : is_trunc (n + n) (code x) :=
induction x with a: esimp,
{ exact _},
{ exact _},
{ apply is_prop.elimo}
local attribute is_trunc_code [instance]
definition decode_north [unfold 4] : code north → trunc (n + n) (north = north :> susp A) :=
trunc_functor (n + n) up
definition decode_north_pt : decode_north (tr pt) = tr idp :=
ap tr !con.right_inv
definition decode_south [unfold 4] : code south → trunc (n + n) (north = south :> susp A) :=
trunc_functor (n + n) merid
definition encode' {x : susp A} (p : north = x) : code x :=
transport code p (tr pt)
definition encode [unfold 5] {x : susp A} (p : trunc (n + n) (north = x)) : code x :=
induction p with p,
exact transport code p (tr pt)
theorem encode_decode_north (c : code north) : encode (decode_north c) = c :=
have H : Πc, is_trunc (n + n) (encode (decode_north c) = c), from _,
esimp at *,
induction c with a,
rewrite [↑[encode, decode_north, up, code], con_tr, elim_type_merid, ▸*,
code_merid_β_left, elim_type_merid_inv, ▸*, code_merid_inv_pt]
definition decode_coh_f (a : A) : tr (up pt) =[merid a] decode_south (code_merid a (tr pt)) :=
refine _ ⬝op ap decode_south (code_merid_β_left a)⁻¹,
apply trunc_pathover,
apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right,
apply square_of_eq,
exact whisker_right !con.right_inv (merid a)
definition decode_coh_g (a' : A) : tr (up a') =[merid pt] decode_south (code_merid pt (tr a')) :=
refine _ ⬝op ap decode_south (code_merid_β_right (tr a'))⁻¹,
apply trunc_pathover,
apply eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right,
apply square_of_eq, refine !inv_con_cancel_right ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹
definition decode_coh_lem {A : Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a')
: whisker_right (con.right_inv p) p = inv_con_cancel_right p p ⬝ (idp_con p)⁻¹ :=
by induction p; reflexivity
theorem decode_coh (a : A) : decode_north =[merid a] decode_south :=
apply arrow_pathover_left, intro c, esimp at *,
induction c with a',
rewrite [↑code, elim_type_merid, ▸*],
refine wedge_extension.ext n n _ _ _ _ a a',
{ exact decode_coh_f},
{ exact decode_coh_g},
{ clear a a', unfold [decode_coh_f, decode_coh_g], refine ap011 concato_eq _ _,
{ refine ap (λp, trunc_pathover (eq_pathover_constant_left_id_right (square_of_eq p))) _,
apply decode_coh_lem},
{ apply ap (λp, ap decode_south p⁻¹), apply code_merid_coh}}
definition decode [unfold 4] {x : susp A} (c : code x) : trunc (n + n) (north = x) :=
induction x with a,
{ exact decode_north c},
{ exact decode_south c},
{ exact decode_coh a}
theorem decode_encode {x : susp A} (p : trunc (n + n) (north = x)) : decode (encode p) = p :=
induction p with p, induction p, esimp, apply decode_north_pt
parameters (A n)
definition equiv' : trunc (n + n) A ≃ trunc (n + n) (Ω (psusp A)) :=
equiv.MK decode_north encode decode_encode encode_decode_north
definition pequiv' : ptrunc (n + n) A ≃* ptrunc (n + n) (Ω (psusp A)) :=
pequiv_of_equiv equiv' decode_north_pt
-- can we get this?
-- definition freudenthal_suspension : is_conn_fun (n+n) (loop_susp_unit A) :=
-- begin
-- intro p, esimp at *, fapply,
-- { note c := encode (tr p), esimp at *, induction c with a, },
-- { exact sorry}
-- end
-- {- Used to prove stability in iterated suspensions -}
-- module FreudenthalIso
-- {i} (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ) (t : k ≠ O) (kle : ⟨ k ⟩ ≤T S (n +2+ S n))
-- (X : Ptd i) (cX : is-connected (S (S n)) (fst X)) where
-- open FreudenthalEquiv n (⟨ k ⟩) kle (fst X) (snd X) cX public
-- hom : Ω^-Group k t (⊙Trunc ⟨ k ⟩ X) Trunc-level
-- →ᴳ Ω^-Group k t (⊙Trunc ⟨ k ⟩ (⊙Ω (⊙Susp X))) Trunc-level
-- hom = record {
-- f = fst F;
-- pres-comp = ap^-conc^ k t (decodeN , decodeN-pt) }
-- where F = ap^ k (decodeN , decodeN-pt)
-- iso : Ω^-Group k t (⊙Trunc ⟨ k ⟩ X) Trunc-level
-- ≃ᴳ Ω^-Group k t (⊙Trunc ⟨ k ⟩ (⊙Ω (⊙Susp X))) Trunc-level
-- iso = (hom , is-equiv-ap^ k (decodeN , decodeN-pt) (snd eq))
end end freudenthal
open algebra
definition freudenthal_pequiv (A : Type*) {n k : } [is_conn n A] (H : k ≤ 2 * n)
: ptrunc k A ≃* ptrunc k (Ω (psusp A)) :=
have H' : k ≤[ℕ₋₂] n + n,
by rewrite [mul.comm at H, -algebra.zero_add n at {1}]; exact of_nat_le_of_nat H,
ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc_of_le H' (freudenthal.pequiv' A n)
definition freudenthal_equiv {A : Type*} {n k : } [is_conn n A] (H : k ≤ 2 * n)
: trunc k A ≃ trunc k (Ω (psusp A)) :=
freudenthal_pequiv A H
namespace sphere
open ops algebra pointed function
definition stability_pequiv (k n : ) (H : k + 2 ≤ 2 * n) : π*[k + 1] (S. (n+1)) ≃* π*[k] (S. n) :=
have H' : k ≤ 2 * pred n,
rewrite [mul_pred_right], change pred (pred (k + 2)) ≤ pred (pred (2 * n)),
apply pred_le_pred, apply pred_le_pred, exact H
have is_conn (of_nat (pred n)) (S. n),
cases n with n,
{ exfalso, exact not_succ_le_zero _ H},
{ esimp, apply is_conn_psphere}
refine pequiv_of_eq (ap (ptrunc 0) (loop_space_succ_eq_in (S. (n+1)) k)) ⬝e* _,
rewrite psphere_succ,
refine !phomotopy_group_pequiv_loop_ptrunc ⬝e* _,
refine loopn_pequiv_loopn k (freudenthal_pequiv _ H')⁻¹ᵉ* ⬝e* _,
exact !phomotopy_group_pequiv_loop_ptrunc⁻¹ᵉ*,
--print phomotopy_group_pequiv_loop_ptrunc
--print iterated_loop_ptrunc_pequiv
-- definition to_fun_stability_pequiv (k n : ) (H : k + 3 ≤ 2 * n) --(p : π*[k + 1] (S. (n+1)))
-- : stability_pequiv (k+1) n H = _ ∘ _ ∘ cast (ap (ptrunc 0) (loop_space_succ_eq_in (S. (n+1)) (k+1))) :=
-- sorry
-- definition stability (k n : ) (H : k + 3 ≤ 2 * n) : πg[k+1 +1] (S. (n+1)) = πg[k+1] (S. n) :=
-- begin
-- fapply Group_eq,
-- { refine equiv_of_pequiv (stability_pequiv _ _ _), rewrite succ_add, exact H},
-- { intro g h, esimp, }
-- end
end sphere
changes in book:
proof 8.6.15: also mention that we ignore multiplication
proof 8.4.4: respects points
proof 8.4.8: do k=0 separately

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
import homotopy.join homotopy.smash
open eq equiv trunc function bool join sphere sphere_index sphere.ops prod
open pointed sigma smash
namespace spherical_fibrations
/- classifying type of spherical fibrations -/
definition BG (n : ) : Type₁ :=
Σ(X : Type₀), ∥ X ≃ S n..-1 ∥
definition pointed_BG [instance] [constructor] (n : ) : pointed (BG n) := ⟨ S n..-1 , tr erfl ⟩
definition pBG [constructor] (n : ) : Type* :=' (BG n)
definition G (n : ) : Type₁ :=
pt = pt :> BG n
definition G_char (n : ) : G n ≃ (S n..-1 ≃ S n..-1) :=
definition mirror (n : ) : S n..-1 → G n :=
intro v, apply to_inv (G_char n),
exact sorry
Can we give a fibration P : S n → Type, P base = F n = Ω(BF n) = (S. n ≃* S. n)
and total space sigma P ≃ G (n+1) = Ω(BG (n+1)) = (S n.+1 ≃ S .n+1)
Yes, let eval : BG (n+1) → S n be the evaluation map
definition S_of_BG (n : ) : Ω(pBG (n+1)) → S n :=
λ f, f..1 ▸ base
definition BG_succ (n : ) : BG n → BG (n+1) :=
intro X, cases X with X p,
apply (susp X), induction p with f, apply tr,
apply susp.equiv f
/- classifying type of pointed spherical fibrations -/
definition BF (n : ) : Type₁ :=
Σ(X : Type*), ∥ X ≃* S. n ∥
definition pointed_BF [instance] [constructor] (n : ) : pointed (BF n) := ⟨ S. n , tr pequiv.rfl ⟩
definition pBF [constructor] (n : ) : Type* :=' (BF n)
definition BF_succ (n : ) : BF n → BF (n+1) :=
intro X, cases X with X p,
apply (psusp X), induction p with f, apply tr,
apply susp.psusp_equiv f
definition BF_of_BG {n : } : BG n → BF n :=
intro X, cases X with X p,
apply (pointed.MK (susp X) susp.north),
induction p with f, apply tr,
apply pequiv_of_equiv (susp.equiv f),
definition BG_of_BF {n : } : BF n → BG (n + 1) :=
intro X, cases X with X hX,
apply (carrier X), induction hX with fX,
apply tr, exact fX
definition BG_mul {n m : } (X : BG n) (Y : BG m) : BG (n + m) :=
cases X with X pX, cases Y with Y pY,
apply (join X Y),
induction pX with fX, induction pY with fY,
apply tr, rewrite add_sub_one,
exact (join.equiv_closed fX fY) ⬝e (join.spheres n..-1 m..-1)
definition BF_mul {n m : } (X : BF n) (Y : BF m) : BF (n + m) :=
cases X with X hX, cases Y with Y hY,
apply (psmash X Y),
induction hX with fX, induction hY with fY, apply tr,
exact sorry -- needs smash.spheres : psmash (S. n) (S. m) ≃ S. (n + m)
definition BF_of_BG_mul (n m : ) (X : BG n) (Y : BG m)
: BF_of_BG (BG_mul X Y) = BF_mul (BF_of_BG X) (BF_of_BG Y) :=
-- Thom spaces
namespace thom
variables {X : Type} {n : } (α : X → BF n)
-- the canonical section of an F-object
protected definition sec (x : X) : carrier (sigma.pr1 (α x)) :=
Point _
open pushout sigma
definition thom_space : Type :=
pushout (λx : X, ⟨x , thom.sec α x⟩) (const X
end thom
Things to do:
- Orientability and orientations
* Thom class u ∈ ~Hⁿ(Tξ)
* eventually prove Thom-Isomorphism (Rudyak IV.5.7)
- define BG∞ and BF∞ as colimits of BG n and BF n
- Ω(BF n) = ΩⁿSⁿ₁ + ΩⁿSⁿ₋₁ (self-maps of degree ±1)
- succ_BF n is (n - 2) connected (from Freudenthal)
- pfiber (BG_of_BF n) ≃* S. n
- π₁(BF n)=π₁(BG n)=/2
- double covers BSG and BSF
- O : BF n → BG 1 = Σ(A : Type), ∥ A = bool ∥
- BSG n = sigma O
- π₁(BSG n)=π₁(BSF n)=O
- BSO(n),
- find BF' n : Type₀ with BF' n ≃ BF n etc.
- canonical bundle γₙ : P(n) → P∞=BO(1) → Type₀
prove T(γₙ) = P(n+1)
- BG∞ = BF∞ (in fact = BGL₁(S), the group of units of the sphere spectrum)
- clutching construction:
any f : S n → SG(n) gives S n.+1 → BSG(n) (mut.mut. for O(n),SO(n),etc.)
- all bundles on S 3 are trivial, incl. tangent bundle
- Adams' result on vector fields on spheres:
there are maximally ρ(n)-1 indep.sections of the tangent bundle of S (n-1)
where ρ(n) is the n'th Radon-Hurwitz number.→
-- tangent bundle on S 2:
namespace two_sphere
definition tau : S 2 → BG 2 :=
intro v, induction v with x, do 2 exact pt,
exact sorry
end two_sphere
end spherical_fibrations