prove two of the sorry's in cohomology
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 108 additions and 57 deletions
@ -70,14 +70,6 @@ definition cohomology_equiv_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor (X : Type*) (Y : spectru
trunc_equiv_trunc 0 (!pfunext ⬝e loop_pequiv_loop !pfunext ⬝e loopn_pequiv_loopn 2
(pequiv_of_eq (ap (λn, ppmap X (Y n)) (add.comm n 2 ⬝ ap (add 2) !neg_neg⁻¹))))
definition cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) {n m : ℤ}
(p : -m = n) : H^n[X, Y] ≃g πₛ[m] (sp_cotensor X Y) :=
sorry /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition unreduced_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_ucotensor (X : Type) (Y : spectrum)
{n m : ℤ} (p : -m = n) : uH^n[X, Y] ≃g πₛ[m] (sp_ucotensor X Y) :=
sorry /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi {X : Type*} (Y : X → spectrum)
{n m : ℤ} (p : -m = n) : pH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g πₛ[m] (spi X Y) :=
@ -90,8 +82,25 @@ end
definition unreduced_parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_supi {X : Type}
(Y : X → spectrum) {n m : ℤ} (p : -m = n) : upH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g πₛ[m] (supi X Y) :=
refine parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi (add_point_spectrum Y) p ⬝g _,
apply shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv, intro k,
apply pppi_add_point_over
definition cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor (X : Type*) (Y : spectrum) {n m : ℤ}
(p : -m = n) : H^n[X, Y] ≃g πₛ[m] (sp_cotensor X Y) :=
sorry /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition unreduced_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_ucotensor (X : Type) (Y : spectrum)
{n m : ℤ} (p : -m = n) : uH^n[X, Y] ≃g πₛ[m] (sp_ucotensor X Y) :=
refine cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_sp_cotensor X₊ Y p ⬝g _,
apply shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv, intro k, apply ppmap_add_point
/- functoriality -/
definition cohomology_functor [constructor] {X X' : Type*} (f : X' →* X) (Y : spectrum)
@ -133,7 +142,10 @@ sorry /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right {X : Type*} {Y Y' : X → spectrum}
(e : Πx n, Y x n ≃* Y' x n) (n : ℤ) : pH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g pH^n[(x : X), Y' x] :=
sorry /- TODO FOR SSS -/
parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi Y !neg_neg ⬝g
shomotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv (-n) (λk, ppi_pequiv_right sorry) ⬝g
(parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_shomotopy_group_spi Y' !neg_neg)⁻¹ᵍ
--sorry /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition unreduced_parametrized_cohomology_isomorphism_right {X : Type} {Y Y' : X → spectrum}
(e : Πx n, Y x n ≃* Y' x n) (n : ℤ) : upH^n[(x : X), Y x] ≃g upH^n[(x : X), Y' x] :=
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace spectrum
exact f fsq,
definition smap_to_sigma_isretr {N : succ_str} {X Y : gen_prespectrum N} (f : smap_sigma X Y) :
definition smap_to_sigma_isretr {N : succ_str} {X Y : gen_prespectrum N} (f : smap_sigma X Y) :
smap_to_sigma (smap_to_struc f) = f :=
induction f, reflexivity
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ namespace spectrum
(phtpy n)
(ap1_phomotopy (phtpy (S n)))
(glue_square f n)
(glue_square g n)
(glue_square g n)
definition shomotopy_to_sigma [unfold 6] {N : succ_str} {X Y : gen_prespectrum N} {f g : X →ₛ Y} (H : f ~ₛ g) : shomotopy_sigma f g :=
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ namespace spectrum
induction H, reflexivity
definition shomotopy_sigma_equiv [constructor] {N : succ_str} {X Y : gen_prespectrum N} (f g : X →ₛ Y) :
definition shomotopy_sigma_equiv [constructor] {N : succ_str} {X Y : gen_prespectrum N} (f g : X →ₛ Y) :
shomotopy_sigma f g ≃ (f ~ₛ g) :=
@ -524,17 +524,17 @@ namespace spectrum
(eq.eq_equiv_homotopy) ⬝e pi_equiv_pi_right (λ n, pmap_eq_equiv (f n) (g n))
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq [recursor]
definition ppi_homotopy_rec_on_eq [recursor]
{k' : ppi_gen B x₀}
{Q : (k ~~* k') → Type}
(p : k ~~* k')
(H : Π(q : k = k'), Q (ppi_homotopy_of_eq q))
{Q : (k ~~* k') → Type}
(p : k ~~* k')
(H : Π(q : k = k'), Q (ppi_homotopy_of_eq q))
: Q p :=
ppi_homotopy_of_eq_of_ppi_homotopy p ▸ H (eq_of_ppi_homotopy p)
definition fam_phomotopy_rec_on_eq {N : Type} {X Y : N → Type*} (f g : Π n, X n →* Y n)
{Q : (Π n, f n ~* g n) → Type}
(p : Π n, f n ~* g n)
{Q : (Π n, f n ~* g n) → Type}
(p : Π n, f n ~* g n)
(H : Π (q : f = g), Q (fam_phomotopy_of_eq f g q)) : Q p :=
refine _ ▸ H ((fam_phomotopy_of_eq f g)⁻¹ᵉ p),
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
definition fam_phomotopy_rec_on_idp {N : Type} {X Y : N → Type*} (f : Π n, X n →* Y n)
(Q : Π (g : Π n, X n →* Y n) (H : Π n, f n ~* g n), Type)
(q : Q f (λ n, phomotopy.rfl))
(q : Q f (λ n, phomotopy.rfl))
(g : Π n, X n →* Y n) (H : Π n, f n ~* g n) : Q g H :=
fapply fam_phomotopy_rec_on_eq,
@ -579,16 +579,16 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
intro n,
esimp at *,
revert g H gsq Hsq n,
refine fam_phomotopy_rec_on_idp f _ _,
refine fam_phomotopy_rec_on_idp f _ _,
intro gsq Hsq n,
refine change_path _ _,
-- have p : eq_of_homotopy (λ n, eq_of_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl) = refl f,
refine (eq_of_homotopy_eta rfl)⁻¹ ⬝ _,
fapply ap (eq_of_homotopy), fapply eq_of_homotopy, intro n, refine (eq_of_phomotopy_refl _)⁻¹,
-- fapply eq_of_ppi_homotopy,
-- fapply eq_of_ppi_homotopy,
fapply pathover_idp_of_eq,
note Hsq' := ptube_v_eq_bot phomotopy.rfl (ap1_phomotopy_refl _) (fsq n) (gsq n) (Hsq n),
note Hsq' := ptube_v_eq_bot phomotopy.rfl (ap1_phomotopy_refl _) (fsq n) (gsq n) (Hsq n),
unfold ptube_v at *,
unfold phsquare at *,
refine _ ⬝ Hsq'⁻¹ ⬝ _,
@ -656,20 +656,20 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
gen_spectrum N :=
spectrum.MK (λn, Π*a, E a n)
(λn, !ppi_loop_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ* ∘*ᵉ ppi_pequiv_right (λa, equiv_glue (E a) n))
definition ppi_assoc_compose_left {A : Type*} {B C D : A → Type*}
(f : Π (a : A), B a →* C a) (g : Π (a : A), C a →* D a)
: (ppi_compose_left g ∘* ppi_compose_left f) ~* ppi_compose_left (λ a, g a ∘* f a) :=
intro h, fapply eq_of_ppi_homotopy,
-- intro a, reflexivity,
-- esimp,
-- esimp,
repeat exact sorry,
end /- TODO FOR SSS -/
definition psquare_of_ppi_compose_left {A : Type*} {B C D E : A → Type*}
definition psquare_of_ppi_compose_left {A : Type*} {B C D E : A → Type*}
{ftop : Π (a : A), B a →* C a} {fbot : Π (a : A), D a →* E a}
{fleft : Π (a : A), B a →* D a} {fright : Π (a : A), C a →* E a}
(psq : Π (a :A), psquare (ftop a) (fbot a) (fleft a) (fright a))
@ -681,15 +681,15 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
refine (ppi_assoc_compose_left ftop fright) ⬝* _ ⬝* (ppi_assoc_compose_left fleft fbot)⁻¹*,
refine eq_of_homotopy (λ a, eq_of_phomotopy (psq a)) ▸ phomotopy.rfl,
refine eq_of_homotopy (λ a, eq_of_phomotopy (psq a)) ▸ phomotopy.rfl,
-- the last step is probably an unnecessary application of function extensionality.
definition spi_compose_left_topsq
{N : succ_str} {A : Type*} {E F : A → gen_spectrum N} (f : Π a, (E a) →ₛ (F a)) (n : N)
: psquare
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, f a n))
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, Ω→ (f a (S n))))
definition spi_compose_left_topsq
{N : succ_str} {A : Type*} {E F : A → gen_spectrum N} (f : Π a, (E a) →ₛ (F a)) (n : N)
: psquare
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, f a n))
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, Ω→ (f a (S n))))
(ppi_pequiv_right (λ a, equiv_glue (E a) n))
(ppi_pequiv_right (λ a, equiv_glue (F a) n))
@ -731,17 +731,17 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
intro n,
fapply psquare_of_phomotopy,
(passoc _ _ (ppi_compose_left (λ a, to_fun (f a) n)))
⬝* _ ⬝*
(passoc (!ppi_loop_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ*)
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, Ω→ (f a (S n))))
(passoc _ _ (ppi_compose_left (λ a, to_fun (f a) n)))
⬝* _ ⬝*
(passoc (!ppi_loop_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ*)
(ppi_compose_left (λ a, Ω→ (f a (S n))))
(ppi_pequiv_right (λa, equiv_glue (E a) n)))⁻¹*
⬝* _ ⬝*
(passoc (Ω→ (ppi_compose_left (λ a, to_fun (f a) (S n)))) _ _),
{ refine (pwhisker_left (ppi_loop_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ*) _),
⬝* _ ⬝*
(passoc (Ω→ (ppi_compose_left (λ a, to_fun (f a) (S n)))) _ _),
{ refine (pwhisker_left (ppi_loop_pequiv⁻¹ᵉ*) _),
fapply spi_compose_left_topsq},
{ refine (pwhisker_right (ppi_pequiv_right (λ a, equiv_glue (E a) n)) _),
{ refine (pwhisker_right (ppi_pequiv_right (λ a, equiv_glue (E a) n)) _),
fapply spi_compose_left_botsq},
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
glue X n
-- And similarly we need the pointed homotopies witnessing that the squares commute
definition to_prespectrification_psq {N : succ_str} (X : gen_prespectrum N) (n : N) :
definition to_prespectrification_psq {N : succ_str} (X : gen_prespectrum N) (n : N) :
psquare (to_prespectrification_pfun X n) (Ω→ (to_prespectrification_pfun X (S n))) (glue X n)
(glue (prespectrification X) n) :=
psquare_of_phomotopy phomotopy.rfl
@ -966,10 +966,10 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
-- In the following we define the underlying family of pointed maps of such an extension
definition is_sconnected_to_prespectrification_inv_pfun {N : succ_str} {X : gen_prespectrum N} {E : gen_spectrum N} : (X →ₛ E) → Π (n : N), prespectrification X n →* E n :=
λ (f : X →ₛ E) n, (equiv_glue E n)⁻¹ᵉ* ∘* Ω→ (f (S n))
λ (f : X →ₛ E) n, (equiv_glue E n)⁻¹ᵉ* ∘* Ω→ (f (S n))
-- In the following we define the commuting squares of the extension
definition is_sconnected_to_prespectrification_inv_psq {N : succ_str} {X : gen_prespectrum N} {E : gen_spectrum N} (f : X →ₛ E) (n : N) :
definition is_sconnected_to_prespectrification_inv_psq {N : succ_str} {X : gen_prespectrum N} {E : gen_spectrum N} (f : X →ₛ E) (n : N) :
psquare (is_sconnected_to_prespectrification_inv_pfun f n)
(Ω→ (is_sconnected_to_prespectrification_inv_pfun f (S n)))
(glue (prespectrification X) n)
@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ set_option pp.coercions true
-- Now we bundle the definition into a map (X →ₛ E) → (prespectrification X →ₛ E)
definition is_sconnected_to_prespectrification_inv {N : succ_str} (X : gen_prespectrum N) (E : gen_spectrum N)
definition is_sconnected_to_prespectrification_inv {N : succ_str} (X : gen_prespectrum N) (E : gen_spectrum N)
: (X →ₛ E) → (prespectrification X →ₛ E) :=
intro f,
@ -1235,19 +1235,23 @@ spectrify_fun (smash_prespectrum_fun f g)
spectrum.MK (λn, plift punit) (λn, pequiv_of_is_contr _ _ _ _)
definition shomotopy_group_sunit.{u} (n : ℤ) : πₛ[n] sunit.{u} ≃g trivial_ab_group_lift.{u} :=
have H : 0 <[ℕ] 2, from !zero_lt_succ,
isomorphism_of_is_contr (@trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ _ _ !is_trunc_lift H)
phomotopy_group_plift_punit 2
definition add_point_spectrum [constructor] {X : Type} (Y : X → spectrum) (x : X₊) : spectrum :=
spectrum.MK (λn, add_point_over (λx, Y x n) x)
intro n, induction x with x,
apply pequiv_of_is_contr,
apply is_trunc_lift,
apply is_contr_loop_of_is_contr, apply is_trunc_lift,
exact equiv_glue (Y x) n
open option
definition add_point_spectrum [unfold 3] {X : Type} (Y : X → spectrum) : X₊ → spectrum
| (some x) := Y x
| none := sunit
definition shomotopy_group_add_point_spectrum {X : Type} (Y : X → spectrum) (n : ℤ) :
Π(x : X₊), πₛ[n] (add_point_spectrum Y x) ≃g add_point_AbGroup (λ (x : X), πₛ[n] (Y x)) x
| (some x) := by reflexivity
| none := shomotopy_group_sunit n
| none := proof phomotopy_group_plift_punit 2 qed
/- The Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum -/
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import types.pointed2 .move_to_lib
open pointed eq equiv function is_equiv unit is_trunc trunc nat algebra sigma group
open pointed eq equiv function is_equiv unit is_trunc trunc nat algebra sigma group lift option
namespace pointed
@ -227,5 +227,20 @@ namespace pointed
||| (λa, ap f !is_prop.elim ⬝ respect_pt f ⬝ (respect_pt g)⁻¹ ⬝ ap g !is_prop.elim)
begin rewrite [▸*, is_prop_elim_self, +ap_idp, idp_con, con_idp, inv_con_cancel_right] end
definition add_point_over [unfold 3] {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) : A₊ → Type*
| (some a) := B a
| none := plift punit
definition phomotopy_group_plift_punit.{u} (n : ℕ) [H : is_at_least_two n] :
πag[n] (plift.{0 u} punit) ≃g trivial_ab_group_lift.{u} :=
induction H with n,
have H : 0 <[ℕ] n+2, from !zero_lt_succ,
have is_set unit, from _,
have is_trunc (trunc_index.of_nat 0) punit, from this,
exact isomorphism_of_is_contr (@trivial_homotopy_group_of_is_trunc _ _ _ !is_trunc_lift H)
end pointed
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Ulrik Buchholtz, Floris van Doorn
import homotopy.connectedness types.pointed2 .move_to_lib .pointed
open eq pointed equiv sigma is_equiv trunc
open eq pointed equiv sigma is_equiv trunc option
In this file we define dependent pointed maps and properties of them.
@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ namespace pointed
: sigma_equiv_sigma_right (λp, eq_equiv_eq_symm _ _)
... ≃ (k ~~* l) : ppi_homotopy.sigma_char k l
-- the same as pmap_eq
variables {k l}
definition ppi_eq (h : k ~~* l) : k = l :=
@ -471,6 +469,28 @@ namespace pointed
-- definition pppi_ppmap {A C : Type*} {B : A → Type*} :
-- ppmap (/- dependent smash of B -/) C ≃* Π*(a : A), ppmap (B a) C :=
definition ppi_add_point_over {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) :
(Π*a, add_point_over B a) ≃ Πa, B a :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro f a, exact f (some a) },
{ intro f, fconstructor,
intro a, cases a, exact pt, exact f a,
reflexivity },
{ intro f, reflexivity },
{ intro f, cases f with f p, apply ppi_eq, fapply,
{ intro a, cases a, exact p⁻¹, reflexivity },
{ exact con.left_inv p }},
definition pppi_add_point_over {A : Type} (B : A → Type*) :
(Π*a, add_point_over B a) ≃* Πᵘ*a, B a :=
pequiv_of_equiv (ppi_add_point_over B) idp
definition ppmap_add_point {A : Type} (B : Type*) :
ppmap A₊ B ≃* A →ᵘ* B :=
pequiv_of_equiv (pmap_equiv_left A B) idp
-- TODO: homotopy_of_eq and apd10 should be the same
-- TODO: there is also apd10_eq_of_homotopy in both pi and eq(?)
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