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-- definitions, theorems and attributes which should be moved to files in the HoTT library
import homotopy.sphere2 homotopy.cofiber homotopy.wedge hit.prop_trunc hit.set_quotient eq2
open eq nat int susp pointed pmap sigma is_equiv equiv fiber algebra trunc trunc_index pi group
is_trunc function sphere unit sum prod bool
namespace eq
definition eq.rec_to {A : Type} {a₀ : A} {P : Π⦃a₁⦄, a₀ = a₁ → Type}
{a₁ : A} (p₀ : a₀ = a₁) (H : P p₀) ⦃a₂ : A⦄ (p : a₀ = a₂) : P p :=
induction p₀, induction p, exact H
definition eq.rec_to2 {A : Type} {P : Π⦃a₀ a₁⦄, a₀ = a₁ → Type}
{a₀ a₀' a₁' : A} (p' : a₀' = a₁') (p₀ : a₀ = a₀') (H : P p') ⦃a₁ : A⦄ (p : a₀ = a₁) : P p :=
induction p₀, induction p', induction p, exact H
definition eq.rec_right_inv {A : Type} (f : A ≃ A) {P : Π⦃a₀ a₁⦄, f a₀ = a₁ → Type}
(H : Πa, P (right_inv f a)) ⦃a₀ a₁ : A⦄ (p : f a₀ = a₁) : P p :=
revert a₀ p, refine equiv_rect f⁻¹ᵉ _ _,
intro a₀ p, exact eq.rec_to (right_inv f a₀) (H a₀) p,
definition eq.rec_equiv {A B : Type} {a₀ : A} (f : A ≃ B) {P : Π{a₁}, f a₀ = f a₁ → Type}
(H : P (idpath (f a₀))) ⦃a₁ : A⦄ (p : f a₀ = f a₁) : P p :=
assert qr : Σ(q : a₀ = a₁), ap f q = p,
{ exact ⟨eq_of_fn_eq_fn f p, ap_eq_of_fn_eq_fn' f p⟩ },
cases qr with q r, apply transport P r, induction q, exact H
definition eq.rec_equiv_symm {A B : Type} {a₁ : A} (f : A ≃ B) {P : Π{a₀}, f a₀ = f a₁ → Type}
(H : P (idpath (f a₁))) ⦃a₀ : A⦄ (p : f a₀ = f a₁) : P p :=
assert qr : Σ(q : a₀ = a₁), ap f q = p,
{ exact ⟨eq_of_fn_eq_fn f p, ap_eq_of_fn_eq_fn' f p⟩ },
cases qr with q r, apply transport P r, induction q, exact H
definition eq.rec_equiv_to_same {A B : Type} {a₀ : A} (f : A ≃ B) {P : Π{a₁}, f a₀ = f a₁ → Type}
⦃a₁' : A⦄ (p' : f a₀ = f a₁') (H : P p') ⦃a₁ : A⦄ (p : f a₀ = f a₁) : P p :=
revert a₁' p' H a₁ p,
refine eq.rec_equiv f _,
exact eq.rec_equiv f
definition eq.rec_equiv_to {A A' B : Type} {a₀ : A} (f : A ≃ B) (g : A' ≃ B)
{P : Π{a₁}, f a₀ = g a₁ → Type}
⦃a₁' : A'⦄ (p' : f a₀ = g a₁') (H : P p') ⦃a₁ : A'⦄ (p : f a₀ = g a₁) : P p :=
assert qr : Σ(q : g⁻¹ (f a₀) = a₁), (right_inv g (f a₀))⁻¹ ⬝ ap g q = p,
{ exact ⟨eq_of_fn_eq_fn g (right_inv g (f a₀) ⬝ p),
whisker_left _ (ap_eq_of_fn_eq_fn' g _) ⬝ !inv_con_cancel_left⟩ },
assert q'r' : Σ(q' : g⁻¹ (f a₀) = a₁'), (right_inv g (f a₀))⁻¹ ⬝ ap g q' = p',
{ exact ⟨eq_of_fn_eq_fn g (right_inv g (f a₀) ⬝ p'),
whisker_left _ (ap_eq_of_fn_eq_fn' g _) ⬝ !inv_con_cancel_left⟩ },
induction qr with q r, induction q'r' with q' r',
induction q, induction q',
induction r, induction r',
exact H
definition eq.rec_grading {A A' B : Type} {a : A} (f : A ≃ B) (g : A' ≃ B)
{P : Π{b}, f a = b → Type}
{a' : A'} (p' : f a = g a') (H : P p') ⦃b : B⦄ (p : f a = b) : P p :=
revert b p, refine equiv_rect g _ _,
exact eq.rec_equiv_to f g p' H
definition eq.rec_grading_unbased {A B B' C : Type} (f : A ≃ B) (g : B ≃ C) (h : B' ≃ C)
{P : Π{b c}, g b = c → Type}
{a' : A} {b' : B'} (p' : g (f a') = h b') (H : P p') ⦃b : B⦄ ⦃c : C⦄ (q : f a' = b)
(p : g b = c) : P p :=
induction q, exact eq.rec_grading (f ⬝e g) h p' H p
-- definition homotopy_group_homomorphism_pinv (n : ) {A B : Type*} (f : A ≃* B) :
-- π→g[n+1] f⁻¹ᵉ* ~ (homotopy_group_isomorphism_of_pequiv n f)⁻¹ᵍ :=
-- begin
-- -- refine ptrunc_functor_phomotopy 0 !apn_pinv ⬝hty _,
-- -- intro x, esimp,
-- end
-- definition natural_square_tr_eq {A B : Type} {a a' : A} {f g : A → B}
-- (p : f ~ g) (q : a = a') : natural_square p q = square_of_pathover (apd p q) :=
-- idp
end eq open eq
namespace pmap
definition eta {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : pmap.mk f (respect_pt f) = f :=
begin induction f, reflexivity end
end pmap
namespace trunc
-- TODO: redefine loopn_ptrunc_pequiv
definition apn_ptrunc_functor (n : ℕ₋₂) (k : ) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) :
Ω→[k] (ptrunc_functor (n+k) f) ∘* (loopn_ptrunc_pequiv n k A)⁻¹ᵉ* ~*
(loopn_ptrunc_pequiv n k B)⁻¹ᵉ* ∘* ptrunc_functor n (Ω→[k] f) :=
revert n, induction k with k IH: intro n,
{ reflexivity },
{ exact sorry }
definition ptrunc_pequiv_natural [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) [is_trunc n A]
[is_trunc n B] : f ∘* ptrunc_pequiv n A ~* ptrunc_pequiv n B ∘* ptrunc_functor n f :=
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity },
{ refine !idp_con ⬝ _ ⬝ !idp_con⁻¹, refine !ap_compose'⁻¹ ⬝ _, apply ap_id }
definition ptr_natural [constructor] (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) :
ptrunc_functor n f ∘* ptr n A ~* ptr n B ∘* f :=
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ intro a, reflexivity },
{ reflexivity }
definition ptrunc_elim_pcompose (n : ℕ₋₂) {A B C : Type*} (g : B →* C) (f : A →* B) [is_trunc n B]
[is_trunc n C] : ptrunc.elim n (g ∘* f) ~* g ∘* ptrunc.elim n f :=
fapply phomotopy.mk,
{ intro a, induction a with a, reflexivity },
{ apply idp_con }
end trunc
namespace sigma
-- definition sigma_pathover_equiv_of_is_prop {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Πa, B a → Type}
-- {a a' : A} {p : a = a'} {b : B a} {b' : B a'} {c : C a b} {c' : C a' b'}
-- [Πa b, is_prop (C a b)] : ⟨b, c⟩ =[p] ⟨b', c'⟩ ≃ b =[p] b' :=
-- begin
-- fapply equiv.MK,
-- { exact pathover_pr1 },
-- { intro q, induction q, apply pathover_idp_of_eq, exact sigma_eq idp !is_prop.elimo },
-- { intro q, induction q,
-- have c = c', from !is_prop.elim, induction this,
-- rewrite [▸*, is_prop_elimo_self (C a) c] },
-- { esimp, generalize ⟨b, c⟩, intro x q, }
-- end
--rexact @(ap pathover_pr1) _ idpo _,
end sigma open sigma
namespace group
-- definition is_equiv_isomorphism
-- some extra instances for type class inference
-- definition is_mul_hom_comm_homomorphism [instance] {G G' : AbGroup} (φ : G →g G')
-- : @is_mul_hom G G' (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G))
-- (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G')) φ :=
-- homomorphism.struct φ
-- definition is_mul_hom_comm_homomorphism1 [instance] {G G' : AbGroup} (φ : G →g G')
-- : @is_mul_hom G G' _
-- (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G')) φ :=
-- homomorphism.struct φ
-- definition is_mul_hom_comm_homomorphism2 [instance] {G G' : AbGroup} (φ : G →g G')
-- : @is_mul_hom G G' (@ab_group.to_group _ (AbGroup.struct G)) _ φ :=
-- homomorphism.struct φ
definition isomorphism_ap {A : Type} (F : A → Group) {a b : A} (p : a = b) : F a ≃g F b :=
isomorphism_of_eq (ap F p)
definition interchange (G : AbGroup) (a b c d : G) : (a * b) * (c * d) = (a * c) * (b * d) :=
calc (a * b) * (c * d) = a * (b * (c * d)) : by exact mul.assoc a b (c * d)
... = a * ((b * c) * d) : by exact ap (λ bcd, a * bcd) (mul.assoc b c d)⁻¹
... = a * ((c * b) * d) : by exact ap (λ bc, a * (bc * d)) (mul.comm b c)
... = a * (c * (b * d)) : by exact ap (λ bcd, a * bcd) (mul.assoc c b d)
... = (a * c) * (b * d) : by exact (mul.assoc a c (b * d))⁻¹
definition grp_comp_comp {G H K : Group} (g : H →g K) (f : G →g H) (x : G) : (g ∘g f) x = g (f x) :=
end group open group
namespace function
variables {A B : Type} {f f' : A → B}
definition homotopy_group_isomorphism_of_is_embedding (n : ) [H : is_succ n] {A B : Type*}
(f : A →* B) [H2 : is_embedding f] : πg[n] A ≃g πg[n] B :=
apply isomorphism.mk (homotopy_group_homomorphism n f),
induction H with n,
apply is_equiv_of_equiv_of_homotopy
(ptrunc_pequiv_ptrunc 0 (loopn_pequiv_loopn_of_is_embedding (n+1) f)),
exact sorry
end function open function
namespace is_conn
open unit trunc_index nat is_trunc pointed.ops
definition is_conn_fun_compose {n : ℕ₋₂} {A B C : Type} (g : B → C) (f : A → B)
(H : is_conn_fun n g) (K : is_conn_fun n f) : is_conn_fun n (g ∘ f) :=
end is_conn
namespace misc
open is_conn
/- move! -/
open sigma.ops pointed
definition merely_constant {A B : Type} (f : A → B) : Type :=
Σb, Πa, merely (f a = b)
definition merely_constant_pmap {A B : Type*} {f : A →* B} (H : merely_constant f) (a : A) :
merely (f a = pt) :=
tconcat (tconcat (H.2 a) (tinverse (H.2 pt))) (tr (respect_pt f))
definition merely_constant_of_is_conn {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) [is_conn 0 A] : merely_constant f :=
⟨pt, is_conn.elim -1 _ (tr (respect_pt f))⟩
open sigma
definition component [constructor] (A : Type*) : Type* :=
pType.mk (Σ(a : A), merely (pt = a)) ⟨pt, tr idp⟩
lemma is_conn_component [instance] (A : Type*) : is_conn 0 (component A) :=
is_contr.mk (tr pt)
intro x, induction x with x, induction x with a p, induction p with p, induction p, reflexivity
definition component_incl [constructor] (A : Type*) : component A →* A :=
pmap.mk pr1 idp
definition is_embedding_component_incl [instance] (A : Type*) : is_embedding (component_incl A) :=
is_embedding_pr1 _
definition component_intro [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) (H : merely_constant f) :
A →* component B :=
fapply pmap.mk,
{ intro a, refine ⟨f a, _⟩, exact tinverse (merely_constant_pmap H a) },
exact subtype_eq !respect_pt
definition component_functor [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) : component A →* component B :=
component_intro (f ∘* component_incl A) !merely_constant_of_is_conn
-- definition component_elim [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) (H : merely_constant f) :
-- A →* component B :=
-- begin
-- fapply pmap.mk,
-- { intro a, refine ⟨f a, _⟩, exact tinverse (merely_constant_pmap H a) },
-- exact subtype_eq !respect_pt
-- end
definition loop_component (A : Type*) : Ω (component A) ≃* Ω A :=
loop_pequiv_loop_of_is_embedding (component_incl A)
lemma loopn_component (n : ) (A : Type*) : Ω[n+1] (component A) ≃* Ω[n+1] A :=
!loopn_succ_in ⬝e* loopn_pequiv_loopn n (loop_component A) ⬝e* !loopn_succ_in⁻¹ᵉ*
-- lemma fundamental_group_component (A : Type*) : π₁ (component A) ≃g π₁ A :=
-- isomorphism_of_equiv (trunc_equiv_trunc 0 (loop_component A)) _
lemma homotopy_group_component (n : ) (A : Type*) : πg[n+1] (component A) ≃g πg[n+1] A :=
homotopy_group_isomorphism_of_is_embedding (n+1) (component_incl A)
definition is_trunc_component [instance] (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type*) [is_trunc n A] :
is_trunc n (component A) :=
apply @is_trunc_sigma, intro a, cases n with n,
{ apply is_contr_of_inhabited_prop, exact tr !is_prop.elim },
{ apply is_trunc_succ_of_is_prop },
definition ptrunc_component' (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type*) :
ptrunc (n.+2) (component A) ≃* component (ptrunc (n.+2) A) :=
fapply pequiv.MK,
{ exact ptrunc.elim (n.+2) (component_functor !ptr) },
{ intro x, cases x with x p, induction x with a,
refine tr ⟨a, _⟩,
note q := trunc_functor -1 !tr_eq_tr_equiv p,
exact trunc_trunc_equiv_left _ !minus_one_le_succ q },
{ exact sorry },
{ exact sorry }
definition ptrunc_component (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type*) :
ptrunc n (component A) ≃* component (ptrunc n A) :=
cases n with n, exact sorry,
cases n with n, exact sorry,
exact ptrunc_component' n A
definition pfiber_pequiv_component_of_is_contr [constructor] {A B : Type*} (f : A →* B) [is_contr B]
/- extra condition, something like trunc_functor 0 f is an embedding -/ : pfiber f ≃* component A :=
end misc
namespace category
definition precategory_Group.{u} [instance] [constructor] : precategory.{u+1 u} Group :=
fapply precategory.mk,
{ exact λG H, G →g H },
{ exact _ },
{ exact λG H K ψ φ, ψ ∘g φ },
{ exact λG, gid G },
{ intros, apply homomorphism_eq, esimp },
{ intros, apply homomorphism_eq, esimp },
{ intros, apply homomorphism_eq, esimp }
definition precategory_AbGroup.{u} [instance] [constructor] : precategory.{u+1 u} AbGroup :=
fapply precategory.mk,
{ exact λG H, G →g H },
{ exact _ },
{ exact λG H K ψ φ, ψ ∘g φ },
{ exact λG, gid G },
{ intros, apply homomorphism_eq, esimp },
{ intros, apply homomorphism_eq, esimp },
{ intros, apply homomorphism_eq, esimp }
open iso
definition Group_is_iso_of_is_equiv {G H : Group} (φ : G →g H) (H : is_equiv (group_fun φ)) :
is_iso φ :=
{ exact (isomorphism.mk φ H)⁻¹ᵍ },
{ apply homomorphism_eq, rexact left_inv φ },
{ apply homomorphism_eq, rexact right_inv φ }
definition Group_is_equiv_of_is_iso {G H : Group} (φ : G ⟶ H) (Hφ : is_iso φ) :
is_equiv (group_fun φ) :=
fapply adjointify,
{ exact group_fun φ⁻¹ʰ },
{ note p := right_inverse φ, exact ap010 group_fun p },
{ note p := left_inverse φ, exact ap010 group_fun p }
definition Group_iso_equiv (G H : Group) : (G ≅ H) ≃ (G ≃g H) :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro φ, induction φ with φ φi, constructor, exact Group_is_equiv_of_is_iso φ _ },
{ intro v, induction v with φ φe, constructor, exact Group_is_iso_of_is_equiv φ _ },
{ intro v, induction v with φ φe, apply isomorphism_eq, reflexivity },
{ intro φ, induction φ with φ φi, apply iso_eq, reflexivity }
definition Group_props.{u} {A : Type.{u}} (v : (A → A → A) × (A → A) × A) : Prop.{u} :=
induction v with m v, induction v with i o,
fapply trunctype.mk,
{ exact is_set A × (Πa, m a o = a) × (Πa, m o a = a) × (Πa b c, m (m a b) c = m a (m b c)) ×
(Πa, m (i a) a = o) },
{ apply is_trunc_of_imp_is_trunc, intro v, induction v with H v,
have is_prop (Πa, m a o = a), from _,
have is_prop (Πa, m o a = a), from _,
have is_prop (Πa b c, m (m a b) c = m a (m b c)), from _,
have is_prop (Πa, m (i a) a = o), from _,
apply is_trunc_prod }
definition Group.sigma_char2.{u} : Group.{u} ≃
Σ(A : Type.{u}) (v : (A → A → A) × (A → A) × A), Group_props v :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro G, refine ⟨G, _⟩, induction G with G g, induction g with m s ma o om mo i mi,
repeat (fconstructor; do 2 try assumption), },
{ intro v, induction v with x v, induction v with y v, repeat induction y with x y,
repeat induction v with x v, constructor, fconstructor, repeat assumption },
{ intro v, induction v with x v, induction v with y v, repeat induction y with x y,
repeat induction v with x v, reflexivity },
{ intro v, repeat induction v with x v, reflexivity },
open is_trunc
local attribute group.to_has_mul group.to_has_inv [coercion]
theorem inv_eq_of_mul_eq {A : Type} (G H : group A) (p : @mul A G ~2 @mul A H) :
@inv A G ~ @inv A H :=
have foo : Π(g : A), @inv A G g = (@inv A G g * g) * @inv A H g,
from λg, !mul_inv_cancel_right⁻¹,
cases G with Gs Gm Gh1 G1 Gh2 Gh3 Gi Gh4,
cases H with Hs Hm Hh1 H1 Hh2 Hh3 Hi Hh4,
change Gi ~ Hi, intro g, have p' : Gm ~2 Hm, from p,
Gi g = Hm (Hm (Gi g) g) (Hi g) : foo
... = Hm (Gm (Gi g) g) (Hi g) : by rewrite p'
... = Hm G1 (Hi g) : by rewrite Gh4
... = Gm G1 (Hi g) : by rewrite p'
... = Hi g : Gh2
theorem one_eq_of_mul_eq {A : Type} (G H : group A)
(p : @mul A (group.to_has_mul G) ~2 @mul A (group.to_has_mul H)) :
@one A (group.to_has_one G) = @one A (group.to_has_one H) :=
cases G with Gm Gs Gh1 G1 Gh2 Gh3 Gi Gh4,
cases H with Hm Hs Hh1 H1 Hh2 Hh3 Hi Hh4,
exact (Hh2 G1)⁻¹ ⬝ (p H1 G1)⁻¹ ⬝ Gh3 H1,
open prod.ops
definition group_of_Group_props.{u} {A : Type.{u}} {m : A → A → A} {i : A → A} {o : A}
(H : Group_props (m, (i, o))) : group A :=
⦃group, mul := m, inv := i, one := o, is_set_carrier := H.1,
mul_one := H.2.1, one_mul := H.2.2.1, mul_assoc := H., mul_left_inv := H.⦄
theorem Group_eq_equiv_lemma2 {A : Type} {m m' : A → A → A} {i i' : A → A} {o o' : A}
(H : Group_props (m, (i, o))) (H' : Group_props (m', (i', o'))) :
(m, (i, o)) = (m', (i', o')) ≃ (m ~2 m') :=
have is_set A, from pr1 H,
apply equiv_of_is_prop,
{ intro p, exact apd100 (eq_pr1 p)},
{ intro p, apply prod_eq (eq_of_homotopy2 p),
apply prod_eq: esimp [Group_props] at *; esimp,
{ apply eq_of_homotopy,
exact inv_eq_of_mul_eq (group_of_Group_props H) (group_of_Group_props H') p },
{ exact one_eq_of_mul_eq (group_of_Group_props H) (group_of_Group_props H') p }}
open sigma.ops
theorem Group_eq_equiv_lemma {G H : Group}
(p : (Group.sigma_char2 G).1 = (Group.sigma_char2 H).1) :
((Group.sigma_char2 G).2 =[p] (Group.sigma_char2 H).2) ≃
(is_mul_hom (equiv_of_eq (proof p qed : Group.carrier G = Group.carrier H))) :=
refine !sigma_pathover_equiv_of_is_prop ⬝e _,
induction G with G g, induction H with H h,
esimp [Group.sigma_char2] at p, induction p,
refine !pathover_idp ⬝e _,
induction g with s m ma o om mo i mi, induction h with σ μ μa ε εμ με ι μι,
exact Group_eq_equiv_lemma2 (Group.sigma_char2 (Group.mk G (group.mk s m ma o om mo i mi))).2.2
(Group.sigma_char2 (Group.mk G (group.mk σ μ μa ε εμ με ι μι))).2.2
definition isomorphism.sigma_char (G H : Group) : (G ≃g H) ≃ Σ(e : G ≃ H), is_mul_hom e :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro φ, exact ⟨equiv_of_isomorphism φ, to_respect_mul φ⟩ },
{ intro v, induction v with e p, exact isomorphism_of_equiv e p },
{ intro v, induction v with e p, induction e, reflexivity },
{ intro φ, induction φ with φ H, induction φ, reflexivity },
definition Group_eq_equiv (G H : Group) : G = H ≃ (G ≃g H) :=
refine (eq_equiv_fn_eq_of_equiv Group.sigma_char2 G H) ⬝e _,
refine !sigma_eq_equiv ⬝e _,
refine sigma_equiv_sigma_right Group_eq_equiv_lemma ⬝e _,
transitivity (Σ(e : (Group.sigma_char2 G).1 ≃ (Group.sigma_char2 H).1),
@is_mul_hom _ _ _ _ (to_fun e)), apply sigma_ua,
exact !isomorphism.sigma_char⁻¹ᵉ
definition to_fun_Group_eq_equiv {G H : Group} (p : G = H)
: Group_eq_equiv G H p ~ isomorphism_of_eq p :=
induction p, reflexivity
definition Group_eq2 {G H : Group} {p q : G = H}
(r : isomorphism_of_eq p ~ isomorphism_of_eq q) : p = q :=
apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn (Group_eq_equiv G H),
apply isomorphism_eq,
intro g, refine to_fun_Group_eq_equiv p g ⬝ r g ⬝ (to_fun_Group_eq_equiv q g)⁻¹,
definition Group_eq_equiv_Group_iso (G₁ G₂ : Group) : G₁ = G₂ ≃ G₁ ≅ G₂ :=
Group_eq_equiv G₁ G₂ ⬝e (Group_iso_equiv G₁ G₂)⁻¹ᵉ
definition category_Group.{u} : category Group.{u} :=
category.mk precategory_Group
intro G H,
apply is_equiv_of_equiv_of_homotopy (Group_eq_equiv_Group_iso G H),
intro p, induction p, fapply iso_eq, apply homomorphism_eq, reflexivity
definition category_AbGroup : category AbGroup :=
category.mk precategory_AbGroup sorry
definition Grp.{u} [constructor] : Category := category.Mk Group.{u} category_Group
definition AbGrp [constructor] : Category := category.Mk AbGroup category_AbGroup
end category
namespace sphere
-- definition constant_sphere_map_sphere {n m : } (H : n < m) (f : S* n →* S* m) :
-- f ~* pconst (S* n) (S* m) :=
-- begin
-- assert H : is_contr (Ω[n] (S* m)),
-- { apply homotopy_group_sphere_le, },
-- apply phomotopy_of_eq,
-- apply eq_of_fn_eq_fn !psphere_pmap_pequiv,
-- apply @is_prop.elim
-- end
end sphere
section injective_surjective
open trunc fiber image
/- do we want to prove this without funext before we move it? -/
variables {A B C : Type} (f : A → B)
definition is_embedding_factor [is_set A] [is_set B] (g : B → C) (h : A → C) (H : g ∘ f ~ h) :
is_embedding h → is_embedding f :=
induction H using homotopy.rec_on_idp,
intro E,
fapply is_embedding_of_is_injective,
intro x y p,
fapply @is_injective_of_is_embedding _ _ _ E _ _ (ap g p)
definition is_surjective_factor (g : B → C) (h : A → C) (H : g ∘ f ~ h) :
is_surjective h → is_surjective g :=
induction H using homotopy.rec_on_idp,
intro S,
intro c,
note p := S c,
induction p,
apply tr,
fapply fiber.mk,
exact f a,
exact p
end injective_surjective