Floris van Doorn ea402f56ea finish first part of constructing gysin sequence
We have a long exact sequence, we still need to show that it consists of the correct groups
2018-11-12 18:07:05 -05:00

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/- the construction of the Gysin sequence using the Serre spectral sequence -/
-- author: Floris van Doorn
import .serre
open eq pointed is_trunc is_conn is_equiv equiv sphere fiber chain_complex left_module spectrum nat
prod nat int algebra function spectral_sequence
namespace cohomology
We have maps:
d_m = d_(m-1,n+1)^n : E_(m-1,n+1)^n → E_(m+n+1,0)^n
Note that ker d_m = E_(m-1,n+1)^∞ and coker d_m = E_(m+n+1,0)^∞.
We have short exact sequences
coker d_{m-1} → D_{m+n}^∞ → ker d_m
where D^∞ is the abutment of the spectral sequence.
This comes from the spectral sequence, using the fact that coker d_{m-1} and ker d_m are the only
two nontrivial groups building up D_{m+n}^∞ (in the filtration of D_{m+n}^∞).
We can splice these SESs together to get a LES
... E_(m+n,0)^n → D_{m+n}^∞ → E_(m-1,n+1)^n → E_(m+n+1,0)^n → D_{m+n+1}^∞ ...
definition gysin_sequence' {E B : Type*} {n : } (HB : is_conn 1 B) (f : E →* B)
(e : pfiber f ≃* sphere (n+1)) (A : AbGroup) : chain_complex -3 :=
let c := serre_spectral_sequence_map_of_is_conn pt f (EM_spectrum A) 0
(is_strunc_EM_spectrum A) HB in
let cn : is_normal c := !is_normal_serre_spectral_sequence_map_of_is_conn in
have deg_d_x : Π(m : ), deg (convergent_spectral_sequence.d c n) ((m - 1) - 1, n + 1) =
(n + m - 0, 0),
intro m, refine deg_d_normal_eq cn _ _ ⬝ _,
refine prod_eq _ !add.right_inv,
refine ap (λx, x + (n+2)) !sub_sub ⬝ _,
refine add.comm4 m (- 2) n 2 ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, x + 0) !add.comm
have trivial_E : Π(r : ) (p q : ) (hq : q ≠ 0) (hq' : q ≠ of_nat (n+1)),
is_contr (convergent_spectral_sequence.E c r (p, q)),
intros, apply is_contr_E, apply is_contr_ordinary_cohomology, esimp,
refine is_contr_equiv_closed_rev _ (unreduced_ordinary_cohomology_sphere_of_neq A hq' hq),
apply group.equiv_of_isomorphism, apply unreduced_ordinary_cohomology_isomorphism, exact e⁻¹ᵉ*
have trivial_E' : Π(r : ) (p q : ) (hq : q > n+1),
is_contr (convergent_spectral_sequence.E c r (p, q)),
intros, apply trivial_E r p q,
{ intro h, subst h, apply not_lt_zero (n+1), exact lt_of_of_nat_lt_of_nat hq },
{ intro h, subst h, exact lt.irrefl _ hq }
left_module.LES_of_SESs _ _ _ (λm, convergent_spectral_sequence.d c n (m - 1, n + 1))
intro m,
fapply short_exact_mod_isomorphism,
rotate 3,
{ fapply short_exact_mod_of_is_contr_submodules
(convergence_0 c (n + m) (λm, neg_zero)),
{ exact zero_lt_succ n },
{ intro k Hk0 Hkn, apply trivial_E, exact λh, Hk0 (of_nat.inj h),
exact λh, Hkn (of_nat.inj h), }},
{ symmetry, refine Einf_isomorphism c (n+1) _ _ ⬝lm
convergent_spectral_sequence.α c n (n + m - 0, 0) ⬝lm
isomorphism_of_eq (ap (graded_homology _ _) _) ⬝lm
!graded_homology_isomorphism ⬝lm
homology_isomorphism_cokernel_module _ _ _,
{ intros r Hr, apply trivial_E', apply of_nat_lt_of_nat_of_lt,
rewrite [zero_add], exact lt_succ_of_le Hr },
{ intros r Hr, apply is_contr_E, apply is_normal.normal2 cn,
refine lt_of_le_of_lt (le_of_eq (ap (λx : × , 0 + pr2 x) (is_normal.normal3 cn r))) _,
esimp, rewrite [-sub_eq_add_neg], apply sub_lt_of_pos, apply of_nat_lt_of_nat_of_lt,
apply succ_pos },
{ exact (deg_d_x m)⁻¹ },
{ intro x, apply @eq_of_is_contr, apply is_contr_E,
apply is_normal.normal2 cn,
refine lt_of_le_of_lt (@le_of_eq _ _ _ (ap (pr2 ∘ deg (convergent_spectral_sequence.d c n))
(deg_d_x m) ⬝ ap pr2 (deg_d_normal_eq cn _ _))) _,
refine lt_of_le_of_lt (le_of_eq (zero_add (-(n+1)))) _,
apply neg_neg_of_pos, apply of_nat_succ_pos }},
{ reflexivity },
{ symmetry,
refine Einf_isomorphism c (n+1) _ _ ⬝lm
convergent_spectral_sequence.α c n (n + m - (n+1), n+1) ⬝lm
graded_homology_isomorphism_kernel_module _ _ _ _ ⬝lm
isomorphism_of_eq (ap (graded_kernel _) _),
{ intros r Hr, apply trivial_E', apply of_nat_lt_of_nat_of_lt,
apply lt_add_of_pos_right, apply zero_lt_succ },
{ intros r Hr, apply is_contr_E, apply is_normal.normal2 cn,
refine lt_of_le_of_lt (le_of_eq (ap (λx : × , (n+1)+pr2 x) (is_normal.normal3 cn r))) _,
esimp, rewrite [-sub_eq_add_neg], apply sub_lt_right_of_lt_add,
apply of_nat_lt_of_nat_of_lt, rewrite [zero_add], exact lt_succ_of_le Hr },
{ apply trivial_image_of_is_contr, rewrite [deg_d_inv_eq],
apply trivial_E', apply of_nat_lt_of_nat_of_lt,
apply lt_add_of_pos_right, apply zero_lt_succ },
{ refine prod_eq _ rfl, refine ap (add _) !neg_add ⬝ _,
refine add.comm4 n m (-n) (- 1) ⬝ _,
refine ap (λx, x + _) !add.right_inv ⬝ !zero_add }}
-- open fin
-- definition gysin_sequence'_zero_equiv {E B : Type*} {n : } (HB : is_conn 1 B) (f : E →* B)
-- (e : pfiber f ≃* sphere (n+1)) (A : AbGroup) (m : ) :
-- gysin_sequence' HB f e A (m, 0) ≃ _ :=
-- _
end cohomology