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# @astrojs/renderer-svelte
## 0.4.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2563](https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/2563) [`a907a73b`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/commit/a907a73b8cd14726d158ea460932f9cd8891923a) Thanks [@natemoo-re](https://github.com/natemoo-re)! - Upgrade renderer dependencies for `vite@2.8.x`
## 0.4.0-next.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2563](https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/2563) [`a907a73b`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/commit/a907a73b8cd14726d158ea460932f9cd8891923a) Thanks [@natemoo-re](https://github.com/natemoo-re)! - Upgrade renderer dependencies for `vite@2.8.x`
## 0.3.1
### Patch Changes
- [#2300](https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/2300) [`34486676`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/commit/344866762c3a96b92bd754cf3706db73e2d74647) Thanks [@moritzlaube](https://github.com/moritzlaube)! - Update Svelte to 3.44.3 to get rid of console warning that component receives an unexpected slot "default".
## 0.3.0
### Minor Changes
- [#2202](https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/2202) [`45cea6ae`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/commit/45cea6aec5a310fed4cb8da0d96670d6b99a2539) Thanks [@jonathantneal](https://github.com/jonathantneal)! - Officially drop support for Node v12. The minimum supported version is now Node v14.15+,
## 0.2.3
### Patch Changes
- [#2216](https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/2216) [`b8c821a0`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/commit/b8c821a0743ed004691eae0eea471a368d2fa35f) Thanks [@natemoo-re](https://github.com/natemoo-re)! - Pin `@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte` to `1.0.0-next.30` for now
## 0.2.2
### Patch Changes
- [#2078](https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/2078) [`ac3e8702`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/commit/ac3e870280e983a7977da79b6eec0568d38d8420) Thanks [@natemoo-re](https://github.com/natemoo-re)! - Fix behavior of renderers when no children are passed in
## 0.2.1
### Patch Changes
- 4cec1256: Add TypeScript, Sass support to Svelte
## 0.2.0
### Minor Changes
- e6aaeff5: Updated framework renderers for the v0.21.0 release of Astro. Assorted changes and a new renderer interface are included in this release.
## 0.2.0-next.1
### Patch Changes
- 3cd1458a: Bugfix: Bundled CSS missing files on Windows
## 0.2.0-next.0
### Minor Changes
- d84bfe71: Updates the renderers to confirm to the new renderer API.
## 0.1.2
### Patch Changes
- 97d37f8f: Update READMEs for all renderers
## 0.1.1
### Patch Changes
- ab2972b: Update package.json engines for esm support
## 0.1.0
### Minor Changes
- 643c880: Initial release
### Patch Changes
- c9d833e: Fixed a bug that was preventing SSR from working
## 0.1.0-next.0
### Minor Changes
- 643c880: Initial release