github-actions[bot] 986bed8ca4
Version Packages (#1150)
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <github-actions[bot]>
2021-08-18 09:24:09 -07:00

32 KiB



Minor Changes

  • 239065e2: [BREAKING] Replace the Collections API with new file-based routing.

    This is a breaking change which impacts collections, pagination, and RSS support. Runtime warnings have been added to help you migrate old code to the new API. If you have trouble upgrading, reach out on

    This change was made due to confusion around our Collection API, which many users found difficult to use. The new file-based routing approach should feel more familiar to anyone who has used Next.js or SvelteKit.

    Documentation added:

  • 239065e2: Adds support for Astro.resolve

    Astro.resolve() helps with creating URLs relative to the current Astro file, allowing you to reference files within your src/ folder.

    Astro does not resolve relative links within HTML, such as images:

    <img src="../images/penguin.png" />

    The above will be sent to the browser as-is and the browser will resolve it relative to the current page. If you want it to be resolved relative to the .astro file you are working in, use Astro.resolve:

    <img src={Astro.resolve('../images/penguin.png')} />
  • 239065e2: Adds support for client:only hydrator

    The new client:only hydrator allows you to define a component that should be skipped during the build and only hydrated in the browser.

    In most cases it is best to render placeholder content during the build, but that may not always be feasible if an NPM dependency attempts to use browser APIs as soon as is imported.

    Note If more than one renderer is included in your Astro config, you need to include a hint to determine which renderer to use. Renderers will be matched to the name provided in your Astro config, similar to <MyComponent client:only="@astrojs/renderer-react" />. Shorthand can be used for @astrojs renderers, i.e. <MyComponent client:only="react" /> will use @astrojs/renderer-react.

    An example usage:

    import BarChart from '../components/BarChart.jsx';
    <BarChart client:only />
     * If multiple renderers are included in the Astro config,
     * this will ensure that the component is hydrated with
     * the Preact renderer.
    <BarChart client:only="preact" />
     * If a custom renderer is required, use the same name
     * provided in the Astro config.
    <BarChart client:only="my-custom-renderer" />

    This allows you to import a chart component dependent on d3.js while making sure that the component isn't rendered at all at build time.

Patch Changes

  • @astrojs/parser@0.18.6


Minor Changes

  • 1971ab3c: Adds support for client:only hydrator

    The new client:only hydrator allows you to define a component that should be skipped during the build and only hydrated in the browser.

    In most cases it is best to render placeholder content during the build, but that may not always be feasible if an NPM dependency attempts to use browser APIs as soon as is imported.

    Note If more than one renderer is included in your Astro config, you need to include a hint to determine which renderer to use. Renderers will be matched to the name provided in your Astro config, similar to <MyComponent client:only="@astrojs/renderer-react" />. Shorthand can be used for @astrojs renderers, i.e. <MyComponent client:only="react" /> will use @astrojs/renderer-react.

    An example usage:

    import BarChart from '../components/BarChart.jsx';
    <BarChart client:only />
     * If multiple renderers are included in the Astro config,
     * this will ensure that the component is hydrated with
     * the Preact renderer.
    <BarChart client:only="preact" />
     * If a custom renderer is required, use the same name
     * provided in the Astro config.
    <BarChart client:only="my-custom-renderer" />

    This allows you to import a chart component dependent on d3.js while making sure that the component isn't rendered at all at build time.

Patch Changes

  • 1f13e403: Fix CSS scoping issue

  • 78b5bde1: Adds support for Astro.resolve

    Astro.resolve() helps with creating URLs relative to the current Astro file, allowing you to reference files within your src/ folder.

    Astro does not resolve relative links within HTML, such as images:

    <img src="../images/penguin.png" />

    The above will be sent to the browser as-is and the browser will resolve it relative to the current page. If you want it to be resolved relative to the .astro file you are working in, use Astro.resolve:

    <img src={Astro.resolve('../images/penguin.png')} />


Patch Changes

  • 089d1e7a: update dependencies, and fix a bad .flat() call


Patch Changes

  • c881e71e: Revert 939b9d0 "Allow dev server port to be set by PORT environment variable"


Minor Changes


Patch Changes

  • 2321b577: - Allow Markdown with scoped styles to coexist happily with code syntax highlighting via Prism
  • 618ea3a8: Properly escapes script tags with nested client:load directives when passing Astro components into framework components via props. Browsers interpret script end tags in strings as script end tags, resulting in syntax errors.
  • 939b9d01: Allow dev server port to be set by PORT environment variable
  • Updated dependencies [1339d5e3]
    • @astrojs/renderer-vue@0.1.7


Patch Changes

  • 8cf0e65a: Fixes a previous revert, makes sure head content is injected into the right place
  • 8cf0e65a: Refactor the CLI entrypoint to support stackblitz and improve the runtime check


Patch Changes

  • b1959f0f: Reverts a change to head content that was breaking docs site


Patch Changes

  • 268a36f3: Fixes issue with head content being rendered in the wrong place
  • 39df7952: Makes fetch available in all framework components
  • Updated dependencies [f7e86150]
    • @astrojs/renderer-preact@0.2.1


Patch Changes

  • 27672096: Exclude remote srcset URLs
  • 03349560: Makes Astro.request available in Astro components


Patch Changes

  • a1491cc6: Fix Vue components nesting
  • Updated dependencies [cd2b5df4]
  • Updated dependencies [a1491cc6]
    • @astrojs/parser@0.18.5
    • @astrojs/renderer-vue@0.1.6


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [460e625]
    • @astrojs/markdown-support@0.2.3


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [7015356]
    • @astrojs/markdown-support@0.2.2


Patch Changes

  • 829d5ba: Fix TSX issue with JSX multi-rendering
  • 23b0d2d: Adds support for image srcset to the build
  • Updated dependencies [70f0a09]
  • Updated dependencies [fdb1c15]
    • @astrojs/markdown-support@0.2.1
    • @astrojs/renderer-vue@0.1.5


Patch Changes

  • d8cebb0: Removes a warning in Svelte hydrated components
  • e90615f: Fixes warnings for Astro internals for fetch-content and slots


Minor Changes

  • f67e8f5: New Collections API (createCollection)

    BREAKING CHANGE: The expected return format from createCollection() has been changed. Visit to learn the new API.

    This feature was implemented with backwards-compatible deprecation warnings, to help you find and update pages that are using the legacy API.

  • 40c882a: Fix url to find page with "index" at the end file name

  • 0340b0f: Adds support for the client:media hydrator

    The new client:media hydrator allows you to define a component that should only be loaded when a media query matches. An example usage:

    import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar.jsx';
    <Sidebar client:media="(max-width: 700px)" />

    This allows you to define components which, for example, only run on mobile devices. A common example is a slide-in sidebar that is needed to add navigation to a mobile app, but is never displayed in desktop view.

    Since Astro components can have expressions, you can move common media queries to a module for sharing. For example here are defining:


    export const MOBILE = '(max-width: 700px)';

    And then you can reference this in your page:


    import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar.jsx';
    import { MOBILE } from '../media.js';
    ---(<Sidebar client:media={MOBILE} />);

Patch Changes

  • e89a99f: This includes the props passed to a hydration component when generating the hash/id. This prevents multiple instances of the same component with differing props to be treated as the same component when hydrated by Astro.

  • b8af49f: Added sass support

  • a7e6666: compile javascript to target Node v12.x

  • fb8bf7e: Allow multiple Astro servers to be running simultaneously by choosing random ports if the defaults are taken.

  • 294a656: Adds support for global style blocks via <style global>

    Be careful with this escape hatch! This is best reserved for uses like importing styling libraries like Tailwind, or changing global CSS variables.

  • 8f4562a: Improve slot support, adding support for named slots and fallback content within slot elements.

    See the new Slots documentation for more information.

  • 4a601ad: Restores the ability to use Fragment in astro components

  • 0e761b9: Add ability to specify hostname in devOptions

  • 164489f: Fix for false being rendered in conditionals

  • e3182c7: Adds a missing dependency

  • af935c1: Fix error when no renderers are passed

  • 4726e34: Fixes cases where is not respected

  • c82e6be: Fix unfound ./snowpack-plugin-jsx.cjs error

  • 007c220: Remove custom Astro.fetchContent() glob implementation, use import.meta.globEager internally instead.

  • 9859f53: Correcting typo in ReadMe

  • b85e68a: Fixes case where custom elements are not handled within JSX expressions

  • Updated dependencies [a7e6666]

  • Updated dependencies [294a656]

  • Updated dependencies [bd18e14]

  • Updated dependencies [bd18e14]

  • Updated dependencies [1f79144]

  • Updated dependencies [b85e68a]

    • @astrojs/parser@0.18.0
    • @astrojs/renderer-preact@0.2.0
    • @astrojs/renderer-react@0.2.0
    • @astrojs/renderer-vue@0.1.4


Patch Changes

  • e89a99f: This includes the props passed to a hydration component when generating the hash/id. This prevents multiple instances of the same component with differing props to be treated as the same component when hydrated by Astro.
  • b8af49f: Added sass support
  • 4726e34: Fixes cases where is not respected


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [1f79144]
    • @astrojs/renderer-vue@0.1.4-next.0


Patch Changes

  • 294a656: Adds support for global style blocks via <style global>

    Be careful with this escape hatch! This is best reserved for uses like importing styling libraries like Tailwind, or changing global CSS variables.

  • 164489f: Fix for false being rendered in conditionals

  • af935c1: Fix error when no renderers are passed

  • Updated dependencies [294a656]

    • @astrojs/parser@0.18.0-next.5


Patch Changes

  • c82e6be: Fix unfound ./snowpack-plugin-jsx.cjs error


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • 4a601ad: Restores the ability to use Fragment in astro components
  • Updated dependencies [bd18e14]
  • Updated dependencies [bd18e14]
    • @astrojs/renderer-preact@0.2.0-next.0
    • @astrojs/renderer-react@0.2.0-next.0


Minor Changes

  • f67e8f5: New Collections API (createCollection)

    BREAKING CHANGE: The expected return format from createCollection() has been changed. Visit to learn the new API.

    This feature was implemented with backwards-compatible deprecation warnings, to help you find and update pages that are using the legacy API.

  • 40c882a: Fix url to find page with "index" at the end file name

Patch Changes

  • a7e6666: compile javascript to target Node v12.x
  • fb8bf7e: Allow multiple Astro servers to be running simultaneously by choosing random ports if the defaults are taken.
  • 0e761b9: Add ability to specify hostname in devOptions
  • 007c220: Remove custom Astro.fetchContent() glob implementation, use import.meta.globEager internally instead.
  • b85e68a: Fixes case where custom elements are not handled within JSX expressions
  • Updated dependencies [a7e6666]
  • Updated dependencies [b85e68a]
    • @astrojs/parser@0.18.0-next.2


Patch Changes

  • e3182c7: Adds a missing dependency


Minor Changes

  • 0340b0f: Adds support for the client:media hydrator

    The new client:media hydrator allows you to define a component that should only be loaded when a media query matches. An example usage:

    import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar.jsx';
    <Sidebar client:media="(max-width: 700px)" />

    This allows you to define components which, for example, only run on mobile devices. A common example is a slide-in sidebar that is needed to add navigation to a mobile app, but is never displayed in desktop view.

    Since Astro components can have expressions, you can move common media queries to a module for sharing. For example here are defining:


    export const MOBILE = '(max-width: 700px)';

    And then you can reference this in your page:


    import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar.jsx';
    import { MOBILE } from '../media.js';
    ---(<Sidebar client:media={MOBILE} />);

Patch Changes

  • 8f4562a: Improve slot support, adding support for named slots and fallback content within slot elements.

    See the new Slots documentation for more information.

  • 9859f53: Correcting typo in ReadMe


Patch Changes

  • [release/0.17] Update compile target to better support Node v12.


Patch Changes

  • 1b73f95: Only show the notice if not already set

  • fb78b76: Improve error handling for unsupported Node versions

  • d93f768: Add support for components defined in Frontmatter. Previously, the following code would throw an error. Now it is officially supported!

    const { level = 1 } = Astro.props;
    const Element = `h${level}`;
    <Element>Hello world!</Element>


Patch Changes

  • 1e01251: Fixes bug with React renderer that would not hydrate correctly

  • 42a6ace: Add support for components defined in Frontmatter. Previously, the following code would throw an error. Now it is officially supported!

    const { level = 1 } = Astro.props;
    const Element = `h${level}`;
    <Element>Hello world!</Element>
  • Updated dependencies [1e01251]

    • @astrojs/renderer-react@0.1.5


Minor Changes

  • 0a7b6de: ## Adds directive syntax for component hydration

    This change updates the syntax for partial hydration from <Button:load /> to <Button client:load />.


    Partial hydration is about to get super powers! This clears the way for more dynamic partial hydration, i.e. <MobileMenu client:media="(max-width: 40em)" />.

    How to upgrade

    Just update :load, :idle, and :visible to match the client:load format, thats it! Don't worry, the original syntax is still supported but it's recommended to future-proof your project by updating to the newer syntax.


Patch Changes

  • 5d1ff62: Hotfix for snowpack regression


Patch Changes

  • 20b4a60: Bugfix: do not override user alias passed into snowpack config
  • 42a1fd7: Add command line flag --silent to astro to set no output.


Patch Changes

  • 2d3e369: Fix for using the snowpack polyfillNode option


Minor Changes

  • d396943: Add support for remark and rehype plugins for both .md pages and .astro pages using the <Markdown> component.

    For example, the astro.config.mjs could be updated to include the following. Read the Markdown documentation for more information.


    Enabling custom remarkPlugins or rehypePlugins removes Astro's built-in support for GitHub-flavored Markdown support, Footnotes syntax, Smartypants. You must explicitly add these plugins to your astro.config.mjs file, if desired.

    export default {
      markdownOptions: {
        remarkPlugins: ['remark-slug', ['remark-autolink-headings', { behavior: 'prepend' }]],
        rehypePlugins: ['rehype-slug', ['rehype-autolink-headings', { behavior: 'prepend' }]],

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [d396943]
  • Updated dependencies [f83407e]
    • @astrojs/markdown-support@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • 7b4c97c: Adds support for hydrationPolyfills in renderers

    Renderers can not specify polyfills that must run before the component code runs for hydration:

    export default {
      name: '@matthewp/my-renderer',
      server: './server.js',
      client: './client.js',
      hydrationPolyfills: ['./my-polyfill.js'],

    These will still wait for hydration to occur, but will run before the component script does.


Patch Changes

  • 6a660f1: Adds low-level custom element support that renderers can use to enable server side rendering. This will be used in renderers such as a Lit renderer.
  • Updated dependencies [6a660f1]
    • @astrojs/parser@0.15.4


Patch Changes

  • 17579c2: Improves the error message when attempting to use window in a component.


Patch Changes

  • 1e735bb: Allows passing in a class to a child component which will be scoped
  • e28d5cb: Improve error handling within .astro files (#526)
  • aa86057: Updates collections to match URLs by exact template filename
  • f721275: Fix issue where Markdown could close it's parent element early (#494)


Patch Changes

  • 8865158: Fixes postcss bug with the 'from' property


Minor Changes

  • a136c85: This is a breaking change!

    Astro props are now accessed from the Astro.props global. This change is meant to make prop definitions more ergonomic, leaning into JavaScript patterns you already know (destructuring and defaults). Astro components previously used a prop syntax borrowed from Svelte, but it became clear that this was pretty confusing for most users.

    + const { text = 'Hello world!' } = Astro.props;
    - export let text = 'Hello world!';

    Read more about the .astro syntax

    How do I define what props my component accepts?

    Astro frontmatter scripts are TypeScript! Because of this, we can leverage TypeScript types to define the shape of your props.

    export interface Props {
      text?: string;
    const { text = 'Hello world!' } = Astro.props as Props;


    Casting Astro.props as Props is a temporary workaround. We expect our Language Server to handle this automatically soon!

    How do I access props I haven't explicitly defined?

    One of the great things about this change is that it's straight-forward to access any props. Just use ...props!

    export interface Props {
      text?: string;
      [attr: string]: unknown;
    const { text = 'Hello world!', ...props } = Astro.props as Props;

    What about prop validation?

    We considered building prop validation into Astro, but decided to leave that implementation up to you! This way, you can use any set of tools you like.

    const { text = 'Hello world!' } = Astro.props;
    if (typeof text !== 'string') throw new Error(`Expected "text" to be of type "string" but recieved "${typeof string}"!`);

Patch Changes

  • 4cd84c6: #528 Removes unused trapWarn function
  • feb9a31: Fixes livereload on static pages
  • 47ac2cc: Fix #521, allowing {...spread} props to work again
  • 5629349: Bugfix: PostCSS errors in internal Snowpack PostCSS plugin
  • Updated dependencies [21dc28c]
  • Updated dependencies [47ac2cc]
    • @astrojs/renderer-react@0.1.4
    • @astrojs/parser@0.15.0


Patch Changes

  • 3f3e4f1: Allow pageSize: Infinity when creating a collection
  • 44f429a: Allow node: prefix to load builtins


Minor Changes

  • 09b5779: Removes mounting the project folder and adds a src root option


Rolling back to 0.13.10 to prevent a regression in the dev server output.


Patch Changes

  • 6573bea: Fixed README header aspect ratio
  • 2671b6f: Fix 472 by not injecting astro-* scoped class unless it is actually used
  • b547892: Makes providing a head element on pages optional
  • b547892: Allows astro documents to omit the head element
  • 0abd251: Allows renderers to provide knownEntrypoint config values
  • Updated dependencies [0abd251]
    • @astrojs/renderer-preact@0.1.3
    • @astrojs/renderer-react@0.1.3
    • @astrojs/renderer-vue@0.1.3


Patch Changes

  • 233fbcd: Fix race condition caused by parallel build
  • Updated dependencies [7f8d586]
    • @astrojs/parser@0.13.10


Patch Changes

  • 3ada25d: Pass configured Tailwind config file to the tailwindcss plugin
  • f9f2da4: Add repository key to all package.json
  • Updated dependencies [f9f2da4]
    • @astrojs/parser@0.13.9
    • @astrojs/prism@0.2.2
    • @astrojs/markdown-support@0.1.2


Patch Changes