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Coping with refactoring 2023-09-02T02:17:23.405Z
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It is the inevitable nature of code to be refactored. How do we make it a less painful process?

It pains me to start a stream-of-consciousness type of article with a definition, but to set things straight let's be sure we're talking about the same thing. When I say refactoring I mean changing potentially large parts of the codebase purely for the sake of making it more "organized". For some definition of organized.

As software developers, we usually think of refactoring as something we do in order to make something easier. A common example would be something like a few lines of code that people on your team have just been copy and pasting mindlessly everywhere, because to make it generic would mean that they would have to touch code outside of their little bubble and then reviewers get hesitant at the diffs and yadda yadda all kinds of problems supposedly.

Now it's your turn, and you have to change something tiny in those few lines of code ...everywhere. Before you go in and start abstracting all of it into something more generic, take a breather and think for a second: is it worth it to refactor?

If your refactor involves adding some extra helper classes or you're pulling out your toolbelt of design patterns, you are creating complexity. And in the software world, complexity is the real devil.

Many people try to code in an "extensible" way in order to avoid refactors, with extravagant interfaces and inheritance patterns. But all they've created is just a larger mess that's harder to clean up later down the line when it eventually needs to be rewritten. And it will eventually need to be rewritten.

Let's talk about object-oriented programming. There's this bizarre open-to-extension but closed-to-modification principle I've observed where people are so resistant to changing their source code that they'd implement heaps of useless design patterns on top of it in order to keep their little classes from ever being touched.

If that doesn't sound insane to you, let's take a look at a case study. Suppose you're writing some code that takes in a request type,