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@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_; map; foldr; filter)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _∸_; _≤_; _⊔_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _∸_; _≤_; _⊔_; _≟_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (≤-refl; ≤-trans; m≤m⊔n; n≤m⊔n; 1+n≰n)
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Function using (_∘_)
@ -26,37 +25,12 @@ open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬?)
open import Collections
import Data.Nat as Nat
import Data.String as String
pattern [_] x = x ∷ []
pattern [_,_] x y = x ∷ y ∷ []
pattern [_,_,_] x y z = x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
## Identifiers
data Id : Set where
id : String → ℕ → Id
_≟_ : ∀ (x y : Id) → Dec (x ≡ y)
id s m ≟ id t n with s String.≟ t | m Nat.≟ n
... | yes refl | yes refl = yes refl
... | yes refl | no m≢n = no (λ {refl → m≢n refl})
... | no s≢t | _ = no (λ {refl → s≢t refl})
_≠_ : ∀ (x y : Id) → x ≢ y
x ≠ y with x ≟ y
... | no x≢y = x≢y
... | yes _ = impossible
where postulate impossible : _
## Syntax
@ -70,6 +44,9 @@ infix 7 `suc_ `pred_ `Y_
infixl 8 _·_
infix 9 `_
Id : Set
Id = ℕ
data Type : Set where
`ℕ : Type
_⇒_ : Type → Type → Type
@ -149,11 +126,11 @@ data _⊢_⦂_ : Env → Term → Type → Set where
m n s z : Id
p = id "p" 0 -- 0
m = id "m" 0 -- 1
n = id "n" 0 -- 2
s = id "s" 0 -- 3
z = id "z" 0 -- 4
p = 0
m = 1
n = 2
s = 3
z = 4
s≢z : s ≢ z
s≢z ()
@ -308,35 +285,15 @@ free (`Y M) = free M
### Fresh identifier
bump : String → Id → ℕ
bump s (id t n) with s String.≟ t
... | yes refl = suc n
... | no _ = 0
fresh : List Id → Id
fresh = foldr _⊔_ 0 ∘ map suc
next : String → List Id → ℕ
next s = foldr _⊔_ 0 ∘ map (bump s)
⊔-lemma : ∀ {w xs} → w ∈ xs → suc w ≤ fresh xs
⊔-lemma {_} {_ ∷ xs} here = m≤m⊔n _ (fresh xs)
⊔-lemma {_} {_ ∷ xs} (there x∈) = ≤-trans (⊔-lemma x∈) (n≤m⊔n _ (fresh xs))
⊔-lemma : ∀ {s w xs} → w ∈ xs → bump s w ≤ next s xs
⊔-lemma {s} {_} {_ ∷ xs} here = m≤m⊔n _ (next s xs)
⊔-lemma {s} {_} {_ ∷ xs} (there x∈) = ≤-trans (⊔-lemma x∈) (n≤m⊔n _ (next s xs))
fresh : Id → List Id → Id
fresh (id s _) xs = id s (next s xs)
fresh-lemma : ∀ {w x xs} → w ∈ xs → w ≢ fresh x xs
fresh-lemma {w @ (id t n)} {x @ (id s _)} {xs} w∈ w≢fr = {! (⊔-lemma {s} {w} {xs} w∈)!} -- with s String.≟ t
... | yes refl = {! (⊔-lemma {s} {w} {xs} w∈)!}
... | no s≢t = {!!}
with s String.≟ t | fresh x xs
... | yes refl | fr = {! (⊔-lemma {s} {w} {xs} w∈)!}
... | no s≢t | _ = s≢t refl
next-lemma : ∀ {x xs} → x ∈ xs → x ≢ next xs
next-lemma x∈ refl = 1+n≰n (⊔-lemma x∈)
fresh-lemma : ∀ {x xs} → x ∈ xs → x ≢ fresh xs
fresh-lemma x∈ refl = 1+n≰n (⊔-lemma x∈)
### Identifier maps
@ -782,7 +739,6 @@ preservation (⊢if0 ⊢zero ⊢M ⊢N) β-if0-zero = ⊢M
preservation (⊢if0 (⊢suc ⊢V) ⊢M ⊢N) (β-if0-suc _) = ⊢N
preservation (⊢Y ⊢M) (ξ-Y M⟶) = ⊢Y (preservation ⊢M M⟶)
preservation (⊢Y (⊢λ ⊢N)) (β-Y _ refl) = ⊢substitution ⊢N (⊢Y (⊢λ ⊢N))
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