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title : "Modules: Modules and List Examples"
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permalink : /Modules/
** Turn this into a Setoid example. Copy equivalence relation and setoid
from the standard library. **
module plfa.Modules where
This chapter introduces modules as a way of structuring proofs,
and proves some general results which will be useful later.
## Imports
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _∸_; _≤_; s≤s; z≤n)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_; map; foldr; downFrom)
open import Data.List.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import plfa.Isomorphism using (_≃_; extensionality)
## Modules
Let's say we want to prove some standard results about collections of
elements of a given type at a given universe level with a given
equivalence relation for equality. One way to do so is to begin every
signature with a suitable sequence of implicit parameters. Here are
some definitions, where we represent collections as lists. (We would
call collections *sets*, save that the name `Set` already plays a
special role in Agda.)
Coll : ∀ { : Level} → Set → Set
Coll A = List A
_∈_ : ∀ { : Level} {A : Set } {_≈_ : A → A → Set } → A → Coll A → Set
_∈_ {_≈_ = _≈_} x xs = All (x ≈_) xs
_⊆_ : ∀ { : Level} {A : Set } {_≈_ : A → A → Set } → Coll A → Coll A → Set
_⊆_ {_≈_ = _≈_} xs ys = ∀ {w} → _∈_ {_≈_ = _≈_} w xs → _∈_ {_≈_ = _≈_} w ys
This rapidly gets tired. Passing around the equivalence relation `_≈_`
takes a lot of space, hinders the use of infix notation, and obscures the
essence of the definitions.
Instead, we can define a module parameterised by the desired concepts,
which are then available throughout.
module Collection { : Level} (A : Set ) (_≈_ : A → A → Set ) where
Coll : ∀ { : Level} → Set → Set
Coll A = List A
_∈_ : A → Coll A → Set
x ∈ xs = Any (x ≈_) xs
_⊆_ : Coll A → Coll A → Set
xs ⊆ ys = ∀ {w} → w ∈ xs → w ∈ ys
Use of a module
open Collection () (_≡_)
pattern [_] x = x ∷ []
pattern [_,_] x y = x ∷ y ∷ []
pattern [_,_,_] x y z = x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
ex : [ 1 , 3 ] ⊆ [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
ex (here refl) = here refl
ex (there (here refl)) = there (there (here refl))
ex (there (there ()))
## Abstract types
Say I want to define a type of stacks, with operations push and pop.
I can define stacks in terms of lists, but hide the definitions from
the rest of the program.
Stack : Set → Set
Stack A = List A
empty : ∀ {A} → Stack A
empty = []
push : ∀ {A} → A → Stack A → Stack A
push x xs = x ∷ xs
pop : ∀ {A} → Stack A → Maybe (A × Stack A)
pop [] = nothing
pop (x ∷ xs) = just ⟨ x , xs ⟩
lemma-pop-push : ∀ {A} {x : A} {xs} → pop (push x xs) ≡ just ⟨ x , xs ⟩
lemma-pop-push = refl
lemma-pop-empty : ∀ {A} → pop {A} empty ≡ nothing
lemma-pop-empty = refl
## Standard Library
Definitions similar to those in this chapter can be found in the standard library.
The standard library version of `IsMonoid` differs from the
one given here, in that it is also parameterised on an equivalence relation.
## Unicode
This chapter uses the following unicode.
∷ U+2237 PROPORTION (\::)
⊗ U+2297 CIRCLED TIMES (\otimes)
∈ U+2208 ELEMENT OF (\in)
∉ U+2209 NOT AN ELEMENT OF (\inn)